• 领导决定它赠给莉莉丝,被子象征他们安慰

    She, along with a few of the leaders, decided to give it to Lilith as a symbol of their comfort and love.


  • 一旦领导决定某事团队成员就应该全力支持决定,投身于指派工作之中。

    Once the leader makes the decision to do something, the team-members should fully back up this decision by devoting themselves to fulfilling the task assigned.


  • 薪水高低能否继续留在企业工作你的工作态度创造价值决定的,不是领导决定的。

    Your high and low salaries, can remain in business, is your attitude toward work and decided to create value is not determined by the leadership.


  • 面对这样情况他们领导决定挑选面试继续那个竞聘者同一个公司的另一个部门聘了。

    Facing this condition, their director decided not to pick him. The process continued, and that candidate was picked by another department in the same company.


  • 这种处理冲突时差异可能决定能晋升领导位置

    This difference in handling conflict could be the deciding factor on who gets promoted to a leadership position and who does not.


  • 研究了领导不同方法领导品行以及更广泛背景是如何决定一个领导效力

    He examines different approaches to leadership, the morality of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effectiveness of a particular leader.


  • 现任领导者们必须决定是否工作移交年轻的一代负责。

    The present leaders have to decide whether to hand over to a younger generation.


  • 医院领导抗议决定

    Hospital bosses protested at the decision.


  • 这个决定最高领导作出的。

    This decision came from the top.


  • 一个充满坎坷商业道路上,高管时间需求如此之领导必须决定什么公司至关重要的。

    In a bumpy business landscape where there are so many demands on executives' time, leaders must determine what's critical to their companies.


  • 司法部官员他们希望星期天宣布是否以色列领导提出指控的决定

    Justice Ministry officials say they hope a decision on whether to bring charges against the Israeli leader will be announced Sunday.


  • 他们德国领导帮忙决定

    They asked the leader of Germany to help decide.


  • 显然,高排放国家现任领导需要做出决定希望自己被视为气候变化暴君还是开拓者

    It is clearly up to the current generation of leaders from high-emitting nations to decide whether they want to be remembered as climate change tyrants or pioneers.


  • 决定弄清楚为什么领导说她不够好。

    She decided to find out why the leader had told her she was not good enough.


  • 这个小组领导查看一个任务决定需要什么样活动完成这个任务。

    The team leads look at a Task to determine what Activities are needed to complete the Task.


  • 领导防止非持续风险决定中,一个安全例子导致糟糕长远结果

    So from leadership choice for the risk of inconsistency, this is a safety example, leading to poor long run performance.


  • 2009年,德公司确定了选择领导决定标准性格判断力、业绩交往能力

    In 2009, Ryder identified four criteria that were deal-breakers for leaders: character, judgment, results, and the ability to form relationships.


  • 我们思考一下个人命题影响做出艰难决定领导

    Let's think a moment about the personal sentence, impacting the leaders who make tough choices.


  • 两个星期海湾地区领导决定参考玛斯特·赫特机制(诞生欧元荷兰小镇)计划中的央行沙特阿拉伯。

    Two weeks ago the Gulf rulers, making reference to Maastricht (the Dutch town where the euro was born), decided that the planned central bank would be based in Saudi Arabia.


  • 为了培养全球适应型领导人才,IBM决定利用志愿者工作作为培训一些抱负远大人。

    Needing to develop leaders capable of operating anywhere in the world, the firm decided to use volunteering as a form of training for high-flyers.


  • 可以得到不幸结论,作为领导决定当机立断是,很少会得到完全信息

    One unfortunate conclusion of all this about making decisions and decisiveness as a leader is that very rarely you have a complete knowledge.


  • 而且认为领导都有机会决定是否改变他们领导方式行为方式

    And I think leaders have the opportunity to decide that they are going to change how they lead and how they behave.


  • 他们业务经理执行者最终用户一起很多有关云计算决定IT领导者们看到自己越来越成为决策过程组成部分

    While they will make many cloud computing decisions jointly with business managers, executives, and end users, it leaders saw themselves as increasingly integral to the decision-making process.


  • 这位即将下台的以色列领导辞职不是容易的决定表示,这样值得谨慎负责任。

    The outgoing Israeli leader said resigning was not an easy decision, but said it is the worthy, diplomatic, and responsible thing to do.


  • 某个时候面包研究部领导决定实现一个新的应用执行他们核心业务功能

    At some point, the leadership of Buns Research decides to implement a new application on which they intend to run their core business functions.


  • 领导需要制定艰难目标艰难的决定雇佣还是解雇

    The leaders certainly need to set tough objectives and make tough choices to hire or fire.


  • 领导需要制定艰难目标艰难的决定雇佣还是解雇

    The leaders certainly need to set tough objectives and make tough choices to hire or fire.


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