• 成功的懂得如何处理预算财政

    Successful people know how to handle budgets a nd finances.


  • 如果是从现有所有者购买取得报表复制公司章程,规章制度年度预算财政资源

    If you are purchasing from an existing owner, obtain a copy of the bylaws, the rules and regulations and the annual budget and financial statements.


  • 财政部门应当受理申请15日内按照预算财政国库管理有关规定支付国家赔偿费用

    Article 10 a finance department shall, within 15 days upon the acceptance of an application, pay for the State compensation according to the requirements of budgetary, fiscal and Treasury management.


  • 有了一个新的预算财政目标一些津贴应该已经感觉到了你们关系改善

    With a new budget, financial goals and an "allowance" 'for each of you, you should already feel the improvement in your relationship.


  • 宽松财政政策那些进入衰退有着大量债务预算赤字银行提供援助资金国家公共开支进一步加大。

    Looser fiscal policy will stretch the public finances of countries that went into the downturn with big debts and budget deficits and have since had to fund bank bail-outs.


  • 越南亚洲仅有几个财政预算经常项目双赤字的国家之一通货膨胀尽管大大低于2008年的水平,但开始再度抬头。

    Vietnam is one of the few Asian countries with both a fiscal budget deficit and a current-account deficit, and inflation, while much lower than in 2008, has started to tick up again.


  • 例如,与会计相关工作技能应该包括财政计划编制预算财务报表能力

    For example, an accountant's job-related skills might include financial planning, budgeting and financial reporting.


  • 同时财政规则会取代收益分成中央系统,这套规则是一种稳定增长协定预算赤字公债规定一个上限

    In the meantime a set of fiscal rules-the stability and growth pact, which put a cap on budget deficits and public debt-would take the place of a central system of revenue sharing.


  • 贫穷国家预算没有2008年全球财政危机物价危机双重打击恢复过来。

    He said budgets of poor countries have not yet fully recovered from the double shock of the 2008 global financial crisis and a food price crisis.


  • 预算责任办公室提供一个基于预算经济财政预测

    The OBR will provide the economic and fiscal forecasts on which budgets must be based.


  • 已经明确说明了自己并不已经公布了支出税收变动当作“财政问题”。3月份预算将这一部分节省出来

    He has made it clear that he does not regard it as a "fiscal event" where spending and tax changes are announced; that will be saved for the budget in March.


  • 投资者展示根据现实构建3种财政预算方案:最好方案,一般的方案最差的方案。

    Show investors that you have a grasp on reality with three versions of financial projections: best case, moderate case and worst case.


  • 经济制度的状况财政预算中心问题怎么解决这两个问题未来十年社会转型很大影响。

    The economy and the budget are the central issues, and how they are tackled will do much to shape society over the coming decade.


  • 每个国家管理自己财政预算赤字并且自己的债务负责

    Each country manages its own budgets and deficits and is responsible for its own debts.


  • 西班牙葡萄牙以及爱尔兰计划在2010年2011年削减占国内GDP2- 3%财政预算

    Spain, Portugal and Ireland are set to cut their budgets by 2-3% of GDP in 2010 and 2011.


  • 可能的情况奥巴马财政刺激预算计划一些批评逐渐发挥了影响。

    It may be that some of the Republican critiques of the Obama stimulus and budget plans are seeping through.


  • 他们没有时间精力学习联邦预算,更不必国家财政预算(基本上不能理解的)。

    They don't have the time or the incentive to study the federal budget, let alone state budgets (which are by and large incomprehensible).


  • 根据国际货币基金组织预测,至2014年仅有两个经济发达国家——韩国挪威——基本预算盈余(支付利息)将足以确保财政稳定

    By 2014 only two advanced economies-south Korea and norway-will have primary budget surpluses (before interest payments) big enough to ensure fiscal sustainability, according to the IMF's projections.


  • 用来执行财政计划委员会审议批准工作计划预算

    It is used to implement a programme of work and budget examined and approved by the Finance and programme Committees.


  • 如果要得到贷款希腊葡萄牙必须通过削减预算变卖资产达到预定财政目标

    To get the loans, Greece and Portugal had to meet certain fiscal targets by cutting spending and selling off assets.


  • 2月9公布2010年的财政预算包括开支增长赤字但是包裹一系列管制措施未来平衡赤字承诺中。

    The 2010 budget, unveiled on February 9th, involves a spending increase and a deficit, but it came wrapped up in promises of restraint and future balanced budgets.


  • 公司希望IT部门有效率生产力但是因为财政预算微薄而没有实现,首席财务首席信息平时更加

    With companies looking to it departments for efficiency and productivity but strained by slim budgets, CFOs and chief information officers may be even more at odds than usual.


  • 尽管美国长期预算前进众所周知黯淡本周巴马甚至并未试图中期财政整顿达成协议。

    Even though their country's long-term budget outlook is famously dire, Mr Obama and the Republicans did not even try to find an agreement on mediumterm fiscal consolidation this week.


  • 希腊爱尔兰纷纷缩减财政预算,行为可真为大胆,希腊尽力从低迷经济走出来,葡萄牙迟迟没有废除窒息规则财政紧缩相当大胆。

    Greece and Ireland have made heroic budget cuts. Greece is trying hard to free up its rigid economy. Portugal has lagged in scrapping stifling rules, but its fiscal tightening is bold.


  • 提前地方告知中央财政财力性转移支付专项转移支付预计数,增强地方预算编报完整性。

    Local governments received advance notice of the estimated size of general and special transfer payments from the central government to become able to compile more comprehensive budgets.


  • 其他欧洲国家可能因为经济衰退财政预算赤字激增而遭到贬值评定。

    Other European countries may be downgraded as their economies enter recession and budget deficits balloon.


  • 其他欧洲国家可能因为经济衰退财政预算赤字激增而遭到贬值评定。

    Other European countries may be downgraded as their economies enter recession and budget deficits balloon.


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