• 阿根廷政府颁布法令禁止这引渡逮捕随之而来并称所有阿根廷人在法律面前平等的。

    The arrest came as the Argentine government struck down the decree prohibiting such extradition, saying all Argentines should be equal before the law.


  • 实际上许多颁布法令允许索取“情感转让赔偿金

    Numerous states, in fact, have enacted laws allowing damages for “alienation of affections”.


  • 实际上许多颁布法令允许索取“情感转让赔偿金

    Numerous states, in fact, have enacted laws allowing damages for "alienation of affections".


  • 国王欣赏行为于是决定颁布法令圣人

    The king was very appreciative of his deeds and decided to honour him as a saint by a decree.


  • 吉尔随即颁布法令四月一日永远定为荒谬一天

    Kuji er then decreed that April 1 will never be as absurd day.


  • 1741年,叶卡捷娜大帝颁布法令允许佛教存在。

    In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism.


  • 去年蒙特州颁布法令禁止制药公司给医师送礼此举成为各州效法的榜样。

    A Vermont law enacted last year that bans pharmaceutical-company gifts to physicians may have provided the template for similar legislative efforts in other states.


  • 不同城市,不同议会主教有时候尝试确定下来他们颁布法令

    Different bishops in different major cities and different councils would sometimes try to decide, and they'd put out decrees.


  • 不同城市,不同议会主教有时候尝试确定下来他们颁布法令

    Different bishops in different major cities and different councils would sometimes try to decide, and they 'd put out decrees.


  • 俄罗斯颁布法令保护里海野生鲟鱼存量,致使俄罗斯鱼子酱养殖大大缩减。

    Caviar farming in Russia has now been largely curtailed by a ban designed to protect the Caspian Sea's wild sturgeon stocks.


  • 这次不是皇室颁布法令压制布尔乔亚们,而是中产阶级制定规则压制富人

    This time it isn't royals imposing rules to tamp down the bourgeoisie, but the middle class creating rules to drag down the wealthy.


  • 一种商品服务每个经济单位应该生产多少交换多少消费多少,这个机构颁布法令命令

    This agency will issue edicts (orders) or commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit.


  • 我们负责重新命名迪拜举行一个酋长国颁布法令以加强公司事件负责目的地迪拜。

    We were tasked to rebrand Dubai Events Holding, which is an emirate decreed company responsible for enhancing Dubai as an event destination.


  • 斯伯恩曾颁布法令银行贷款业务征收新的税额骇人听闻首次预算细节可能6月22日推出

    Mr Osborne obliged with a new levy on banksborrowings, the gory details of which may be unveiled in his first budget on June 22nd.


  • 1882年坎特伯雷大主教颁布法令规定慈善会不得派发啤酒,以期控制混乱,事实证明该措施完全无效

    In 1882 the Archbishop of Canterbury decreed that beer was not to be handed out anymore to contain excesses, though this proved to be a completely insufficient measure.


  • 甚至一度颁布法令禁止牛肉出口长达个月毁掉农场主多年苦心经营品牌海外市场,鼓励农场主们改为种植庄稼

    He even banned beef exports for six months, wrecking years of patient brand - and market-building abroad and encouraging farmers to switch to crops.


  • 解决这一问题罗马教皇颁布法令规定,世纪大多数情况下闰年(例如1700年,1800年以及1900年)。

    To fix the problem, the Pope decreed that most century years (such as 1700, 1800, and 1900) would not be leap years.


  • 意大利颁布法令禁止14以下儿童参演商业广意大利广告业界竭力反对实施法律禁止14岁以下儿童出现在商业广告之中。

    Italy Issued a law banning children under 14 to Involve in commercial Ads Italy's advertising industry is up in arms over a law banning the use of children under 14 from appearing in commercials.


  • 立法机构授予城市城镇法律限定领域颁布法令细则权力,这些法律限定领域包括分区租金控制学校交通停车等

    State legislatures delegate to cities and towns the power to promulgate ordinances or by-laws in limited areas of law, including zoning, rent control, schools, traffic, and parking.


  • 中国于1998年颁布法令,取缔直销业务模式中国有关部门取消直销禁令,2006年雅芳获得了中国首张直销许可证

    In 2006, Avon was granted the first direct-selling license in China after authorities there lifted a ban on the business model that had been in place since 1998.


  • 2009年,国会授权美国食品和药品管理局管理烟草机构颁布法令,要求烟草制品现有产品变异产品,需要提交审批

    The FDA was granted power by Congress to regulate tobacco in 2009, and the agency has issued rules requiring that new tobacco products or changes to existing products be submitted for approval.


  • 许多心目中普遍存在一种错觉——爱情商品一样可以偷走”。实际上许多颁布法令允许索取“情感转让赔偿金

    This is a prevalent misconception in many people's minds — that love, like merchandise, can be "stolen". Numerous states, in fact, have enacted laws allowing damages for "alienation of affections".


  • 一个君主专制体制工作从中获利,因为后者可以颁布法令规定赋税应当银行Banque Générale记名股票形式交付。

    Law had the benefit of working for an absolute monarchy which could decree that taxes should be paid in the form of notes issued by his new bank, Banque Générale.


  • 今年立法机构已经10个颁布法令关于要求最低工资高于联邦请求从而带来了23个州和哥伦比亚地区超过这个( 最低工资标准) 。

    This year, legislatures in 10 states have enacted laws mandating a higher minimum than federal law requires, bringing 23 states and the district of columbia above that threshold.


  • 俄罗斯联邦颁布了一取消政府官员特权法令

    The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.


  • 7月份颁布了一法令命令解散该国所有非官方武装团体

    In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband.


  • 颁布这种法令违犯比之更高的法律,后者要求生命平等尊重

    To enact such a law is to break a higher law that demands fairness and respect for human life.


  • 颁布这种法令违犯比之更高的法律,后者要求生命平等尊重

    To enact such a law is to break a higher law that demands fairness and respect for human life.


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