• 位于黄金地段亨廷东部亨廷图书馆

    Located in a Prime location, North of Huntington Drive and East of the Huntington Library.


  • 书法教室亨廷图书馆游客提供了一个亲身体验中国书法的机会

    This studio offered visitors to the library the opportunity to try out calligraphy.


  • 2006年6月布可夫斯基遗孀文学档案捐给加州圣马力诺亨廷图书馆

    In June 2006, Bukowski's literary archive was donated by his widow to the Huntington Library, in San Marino, CA.


  • 波士图书馆设在自视为美国雅典”城市里,它不久就成了私人资助文化荟萃之所。

    In a city that considered itself to be the Athens of America, the Boston Athenaeum son became a privately supported repository of culture.


  • 拿来与不同东西然后变成你熟悉东西,特拉华州海格利博物馆威明图书馆的罗格·霍洛威

    You take something that's different, and you make it similar, says Roger Horowitz of the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware.


  • 所以可以申请补助金的表格中写上“我打算那个图书馆资料研究”,然后一个波士之行的费用列入预算内吗?

    So I can put that on the application for the grant, that I plan on using material from that library for my research, and figure a trip to Boston into my budget?


  • 去年春天爱丁堡苏格兰诗歌图书馆管理员朱丽∙乔斯在阅读室巡视时,发现一个形似小树的雕刻被随意摆放桌上

    Last spring, Julie Johnstone, a librarian at the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh, was wandering through a reading room when she saw, sitting alone on a random table, a little tree.


  • 杰克·迪金卡创作的“晨曦俯瞰托洛威,1987”正在怀俄明州杰克逊的提图书馆展出。展览将持续7月19日。

    Jack Dykinga's Toroweap Overlook in Morning Light, 1987, on display at the Teton County Library in Jackson, Wyoming through July 19.


  • 里斯大学分子生物学迈克尔奇特先生,在线公共科学图书馆文献的共同作者,指出:“基因蛋白质使生命成为可能,基因和蛋白质是建造生命的材料和机器。 基因和蛋白质一个相当漫长的时间里不断的进化,但是我们也需要问这样的问题:‘它们真的很独特吗?

    “To enable life you need genes and proteins, which are information and machines,” said molecular biologist Michael Hecht of Princeton University, co-author of the study published online in PLoS ONE.


  • 设立一个波士店面图书馆那样分馆,针对一定有限周期的书籍内容。

    Set up a branch library that lives for a defined period of time, like Boston’s Storefront Library.


  • 这里还有出色的艺术博物馆波士公共图书馆

    Boston also has wonderful art museums and the Boston public library.


  • 人们依然图书馆寻求社区活动教育以及激发灵感”,

    "People will still come to libraries to look for community, education and inspiration," said Thornton.


  • 阅读清单上尚有数量庞大的条目(包括几十本赫邮报推荐的书目),且它们本地图书馆找到

    But I have so many titles on my to-read list (including dozens of great recommendations from HuffPost Books commenters!) that I can always find some of those titles on my local library's shelves.


  • 波士市中心图书馆试图建立套针对那些违反规定的顾客的惩戒系统--刮胡子者一天内禁止进入,斗殴者

    In Portland, Ore. the downtown library is trying a penalty system for patrons who commit infractions -- banishing them from the library for a day for shaving, three years for fighting.


  • 解释说超过五位顾客等待同一本书,NYPL(纽约公共图书馆)将自动购买其阅读许可——如此创造一个以顾客主导的馆内收藏系统

    Thornton explained the NYPL automatically purchases licenses for a given title if there are more than five patrons waiting for it - creating a systematic approach to a user-curated collection.


  • 与此同时承认如果有足够多的传统学术期刊上的论文可免费获得的话图书馆管理员们或许会取消订阅

    At the same time, Houghton acknowledges that if enough papers in traditional journals become freely available, librarians might cancel subscriptions.


  • 卡尔同事们最近呈交篇论文就是关于间日疟原虫的——《公共科学图书馆PLoS对于间日疟原虫忽视》。

    Dr Carlton and her colleagues recently submitted a paper on vivax to PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, an online journal published by the Public Library of Science.


  • 图书馆大学或者说是大学学术环境支撑,”波士大学职业中心图书馆职业信息服务主管KellyAliceRobinson

    "The library is the backbone of a college or university's academic environment," says Kelly Alice Robinson, career information services manager at the career Center library at Boston college.


  • 马路图书馆受到RadicalReference的鼓舞,这个小组全国范围内服务特殊人群,他们所在的城市包括纽约洛杉矶波士

    The Street Librarians were inspired by Radical Reference, a national group serving AD hoc populations in cities including New York, Los Angeles, and Boston.


  • 华盛担任美国国会图书馆馆长之后,詹姆斯比·林(JamesBillington)博士提出这个想法。管理人员们已经完成了构建一个真正全球图书馆第一阶段

    Four years after Washington's Librarian of Congress, Dr James Billington, suggested the idea, curators have accomplished the first stage in the construction of a truly global library.


  • 侦探坐在福克斯庄园图书馆里,看着夕阳西下,暮色渐浓陷入沉思

    The great detective sat in the library of Foxton Manor and watched the sun set and the twilight darker into night, and he pondered.


  • 在此通常问题寻找资料的困难度,如果愿意做资料堀工作的话,波士大学剑桥大学很好的图书馆查询系统。

    Here the problem is often one of finding the data, but Boston and Cambridge have good libraries, if you can do the digging.


  • 阿维·斯坦伯格放弃了成为犹太法学博士计划,接下了波士监狱图书馆管理图书”的工作。

    Ditching plans to become a rabbi, Avi Steinberg takes a job "running the books" at a prison library in Boston.


  • 下月即将出版普林斯大学图书馆杂志》中,有一篇文章主题就是篇手稿。

    The manuscript is the subject of an article to be published next month in The Princeton University Library Journal.


  • 波士约翰·肯尼迪图书馆位女士最后凝视了参议员爱德华·肯尼迪覆盖着国旗灵柩干了眼泪。

    A woman dries her eyes as she views the flag -draped casket of Senator Edward Kennedy at the John f. Kennedy Library in Boston.


  • 奥斯丁得体地表示感谢并且接受她访问卡尔著名图书馆邀请

    Jane austen sent a suitable acknowledgement and accepted an invitation to visit the famous library at carleton house.


  • 他们设计了纽约宾夕法尼亚车站所谓罗德岛新港富人还有波士公共图书馆

    They designed New York's Pennsylvania Station, the so-called cottages of the rich in Newport, R. I., and the Boston Public Library.


  • 太太萝拉。布什国会图书詹姆斯毕灵连袂主持国家图书节

    Bush, hosts the National Book Festival with the Librarian of Congress, James H. Billington. Mrs.


  • 太太萝拉。布什国会图书詹姆斯毕灵连袂主持国家图书节

    Bush, hosts the National Book Festival with the Librarian of Congress, James H. Billington. Mrs.


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