• 通过一个简单程序顺序词转换倒序

    This thesis tends to put the sequent words into the reverse words by using a simple program.


  • 措辞提供搜寻顺序必须任何提供搜寻顺序词标准系统的描述之中。

    The phrase Providing the Search-Order word set shall be appended to the label of any Standard System that provides all of the Search-Order word set.


  • 措辞提供搜寻顺序延伸必须任何提供所有搜寻顺序词搜寻顺序延伸标准系统的描述之中。

    The phrase Providing the Search-Order Extensions word set shall be appended to the label of any Standard System that provides all of the Search-Order and Search-Order Extensions word sets.


  • 项不寻常举动中——白宫描述高度谨慎行动——宣誓就职,因为在他星期二宣誓时候,将一个顺序用错了。

    In an unsual move - described by the White House as an "abundance of caution" - he was administered the oath of office a second time because a word was out of sequence when he was sworn in on Tuesday.


  • 出于高度谨慎认真”,巴马重新进行就职宣誓,原因周二就职宣誓,念错了一个顺序

    Out of "an abundance of caution", Barack Obama has taken the oath of office a second time because a word was out of sequence when he was sworn in on Tuesday.


  • 限定不同,这些参数顺序排列而且必须顺序排列。

    Unlike qualifiers, the arguments are ordered, and most of them are mandatory.


  • 如果搜索含有不止一个那么匹配项就是含有所有这些工件尽管不一定要求这些连续的,或者按照输入顺序匹配。

    If the search term includes more than one word, the matches are artifacts that include all of the words, although not necessarily consecutively or in the same order as they were typed.


  • 关键决定何时显示广告报价用于多个广告拥有相同关键确定排名顺序

    The keywords determine when the AD gets displayed, and the bid is used for priority when multiple ads have the same keyword.


  • 他们只是提供了一个不同类别形容层次结构,(不管有没有原因)该结构英语基本上固定顺序的。

    What they do have is a hierarchy of adjective classes that (for whatever reason) occurs in a more-or-less fixed order in English.


  • 很多网站致力于编译一些字母顺序,包括不寻常奇怪的、过时的或者生涩的

    There are many online sites devoted to compiling alphabetical lists of unusual, weird, old-fashioned, and difficult words.


  • FLOWR表达式至少包含其中部分元素大体上按照缩写所预示顺序

    FLWOR expressions include at least some of those elements in roughly the order that the acronym suggests.


  • 11岁孩子学教科书有个令人莫名其妙的建议:“请记住这个缩写——DOCSiShQACNMN——有助于你们记忆一系列形容顺序。”

    A book for 11-year-olds advises, mysteriously: “Just remember this acronymDOCSiShQACNMN—to make it easy for you to remember the order of adjectives in a series.”


  • 完成组建同义清单之后,服务名称组合器(composer)组件这些按一个适当顺序连接在一起,以此获取服务所有可能名称

    After constructing synonyms list, a service name composer component is employed to put these words together in the proper order to obtain all possible names of the service.


  • 中的字母顺序排列的。

    The words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order.


  • 比如bbc马修·安德森指出关于顺序的“规则”,也就是形容必须放在之前。

    This week, for example, the BBC's Matthew Anderson pointed out a "rule" about the order in which adjectives have to be put in front of a noun.


  • 允许自己自己拿到的那一句别人听的情况下一起合作,将整首正确顺序排列出来。

    They had to put the poem in the proper order, but were only allowed to look at their own line from the poem - they had to read the line to the others and work together to put the poem in order.


  • 众所周知中的字母顺序排列的。

    It's known that the words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order.


  • 汉语结构单位存在层次性,语素短语句子层层递进一级语言单位都一个内部成分顺序问题

    The composition units of Chinese have progressive lagers of Morpheme, Word, phrase and sentence. Each layer has a question of the internal parts' order.


  • 不要担心语法同义反义顺序

    Don't worry about the syntax, the synonym, the antonym or the order that you're using.


  • 然而实际上,形容其正常顺序的。

    In practice, however, there is a normal order.


  • 语言的时候都一定的规则语法定义句子中的顺序

    Written and spoken language also has rules, or syntax, that defines the order of words in a sentence. Visual Basic also has syntax-at first it may look strange, but it is actually very simple.


  • 典中的按字母顺序排列

    This dictionary is the flagship of Oxford's range of learners' dictionaries.


  • 形容别的语言也是固定虽然是;不同的语言里顺序不尽相同

    The order is fixed in other languages, too, though not all, and it's not quite the same order across languages.


  • 发现一直说着同样的话,着同样形容,按着同样的顺序来描述。

    I found myself using the same phrases, the same adjectives in the same order.


  • 这些形容都含有时间上顺序上位于其它之后意思

    These adjectives mean coming after all others in chronology or sequence.


  • 时间指示用来确定时间顺序

    Temporal deixis indicate the time sequence.


  • 在说或者句子,句子中的按先后次序一个出现的,同时也是按先后顺序一个接一个地进行。

    When a sentence is uttered or written down, the words of the sentence are produced one after another in a sequence. Meanwhile, they are heard or read as arranged one after another in a sequence.


  • 在说或者句子,句子中的按先后次序一个出现的,同时也是按先后顺序一个接一个地进行。

    When a sentence is uttered or written down, the words of the sentence are produced one after another in a sequence. Meanwhile, they are heard or read as arranged one after another in a sequence.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定