• 工程经济学基本方法包括现值分析法寿命周期成本法、收益-成本分析法其它项目评估方法

    Basic techniques of engineering economics, including net present value analysis, life-cycle costing, benefit-cost analysis, and other approaches to project evaluation are among the topics covered.


  • 为了合理分配资源产生竞争力第一步,软件开发经理需要方式方法语言评估项目经济价值

    Software development managers need an approach, method, and language to assess the economic value of projects if they are to allocate resources properly to competing initiatives.


  • 产品化阶段最后这个项目要按照以下标准进行评估:这个方法已经分配从业者团体中并且从业者对此感到满意。

    At the end of the Transition phase, the project is evaluated against the following criterion: the method has been distributed to the practitioner community, and the practitioners are satisfied.


  • 对于软件团队来说一个很大问题是在项目选择哪些最佳技术或者评估方法组合

    Selecting the best technique or combination of estimation methods to apply to a project has become a large problem for software teams.


  • 形成执行评估一致方法包括项目生命周期适当时间正确人员加入评估工作

    Having a consistent way of conducting estimates includes engaging the right people at the right time in the project's life cycle to perform the estimate.


  • 试点项目评估用于追溯产品数据类型、关联食品供应链中各方法以及数据能快地FDA所用

    The pilot programs will evaluate the types of data that are most needed for tracing, ways to connect the points in the food supply chain, and how quickly data can be made available to FDA.


  • 为了评估我们方法成本/收益权衡我们其为 PBR-UP,我们在软件开发项目环境案例研究(一个基于对象信息系统)。

    To evaluate the cost/benefit tradeoff of our approach, which we call PBR-UP, we performed a case study in the context of a small software development project (an object-oriented information system).


  • RUP其它迭代方法建议评估应该整个项目始终保持最新

    RUP and other iterative methodologies recommend that artifacts are kept up-to-date throughout the project.


  • 我们现在一个代号为CASP9的游戏小组进行比赛主要比赛项目评估蛋白质预测方法未公布的蛋白质结构上实施的可行性。

    We are also currently competing with a Foldit team in CASP9, the main competition for evaluating protein structure prediction methods on unreleased protein structures.


  • 如果环境迫使折中评估方法,那么您将在项目规模上花费大量时间(使用裁剪规模的数据库工具能够推动处理过程)。

    If circumstances force you to compromise on your estimating methodology, spend the bulk of the time you have on sizing the project (the use of sizing databases and tools can facilitate this process).


  • Greg建议通过以下方法评估项目关键度。

    Greg suggested the following ways to gauge the criticality of the project.


  • illustration大多数组织各种方法使用度量制度项目性能或者各种行动路线有效性进行评估

    IllustrationMost organizations use measurements in various ways to assess performance or effectiveness of various courses of action.


  • 构建阶段结束时,这个项目按照以下标准评估的:在从业者社区这个方法足够稳定成熟,以至于可以社区中进行配置

    At the end of the Construction phase, the project is evaluated against the following criterion: the method is stable and mature enough to be deployed in the practitioner community.


  • 作为组织项目组合管理方法实现一部分项目组合评估工作第一要着手项目计划

    As part of an implementation of the portfolio management approach in the organization, the portfolio assessment effort is the first project or initiative undertaken.


  • 这个方法允许这些参数项目执行期间可用时使用它们进行评估就使得这个方法适合使用敏捷或者迭代方法项目

    The method allows you to apply factors to an estimate as they emerge on the course of implementation, which makes it suitable for projects that employ Agile and iterative methodologies.


  • 篇文章结尾讨论是管理嵌入计划中的项目方法——一个交叉项目角度评估项目性能状况价值

    This article concludes with a discussion of managing projects embedded in a larger program -- assessing project health and value delivery from a cross-project perspective.


  • 同样产品化阶段度量方法主要关注的评估发布就绪情况这个项目包装一个整体

    As such, the focus of measurement in the Transition phase is on assessing release readiness and on wrapping up the project as a whole.


  • 这种评估理想情况下根据项目计划开发方法进行的(轻量级还是重量级)。

    This assessment is ideally made by coupling task assignments from the project plan with the development methodology (lightweight or heavyweight).


  • 另外,它还包括完成工作项目风险评估以及跟踪团队负荷进度图形化方法

    There’s support for risk assessment of completing work items, and graphics to track team load and progress.


  • 因此可以实际性能数据来选择一种算法评估方法改善项目评估结果项目计划

    Then, a selected algorithmic method can be configured using actual achieved performance data, and reapplied to improve the project estimate and the project plan.


  • 根据集成评估方法可以帮助集中处理项目耗时任务,集成任务通常会耗费大多数项目时间

    Integration based estimation approach can help you focus on the most time-consuming tasks within your project, and integration tasks often take most of the time in a project.


  • 应该组织制定恰当评估指南正式化为组织项目交付方法一部分

    Guidelines for developing proper estimates should be developed within the organization and formalized as part of your organization's project-delivery methodology.


  • 评估工具方法多种但是很难应用特定软件项目

    There are many estimating tools and methods out there, but it is difficult to apply them effectively during the course of specific software projects.


  • 当前风险投资项目风险定量化分析一个重要研究方向各国风险投资机构并未采用统一评估方法

    Currently, the ration analysis on venture investment program is an important research aspect, but the organizations in every country have not adopted a uniform evaluating method.


  • 迭代软件开发项目评估活动与瀑布方法主要不同之处

    The key differences in estimation activities on an iterative software development project versus one governed by a waterfall approach are.


  • 常用评估学习速率方法绘制预测质量-项目个数的散点图。

    The most common method to evaluate the learning rate is to plot a prediction quality versus number of items.


  • 本质全面准确地项目任务进行预测评估要求采用科学管理中的Tayloristic方法这一方法适用琐碎的,机械的任务。

    In essence, fully accurate prediction and estimation of projects or tasks demand a Tayloristic approach of Scientific Management, which only is applicable to trivial, mechanical tasks.


  • 本文紧紧围绕两个问题展开对单个培训项目收益评估方法研究

    This thesis provides an in-depth research into evaluation of a single training program, which is centered on the previous two questions.


  • 本文紧紧围绕两个问题展开对单个培训项目收益评估方法研究

    This thesis provides an in-depth research into evaluation of a single training program, which is centered on the previous two questions.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定