• 风电项目收入其他项目收益

    Income from selling electricity and other project revenues.


  • 本文紧紧围绕两个问题展开对单个培训项目收益评估方法研究

    This thesis provides an in-depth research into evaluation of a single training program, which is centered on the previous two questions.


  • 我们希望能够得到小额捐款,作为项目收益用来维持我们服务并且扩大享受阅读乐趣的范围。

    We are also seeking a small donation on behalf of our project to help maintain our service and spread the pleasure of reading to others.


  • 准确项目选择有效宣传推广策略良好项目收益渠道成熟现场管理使成为学校事件管理的成功范例

    For accurate selection of projects, effective promotional strategy, a good income channel and mature management of the site, it has become a good sample of college event management.


  • LevelDB一些局限支持SQL查询索引支持多线程进程访问并且可以用于嵌入式设备,将使某些项目收益,但是也会其他项目来带麻烦

    LevelDB has some limitations: no support for SQL queries or indexes, supports multi-threaded single process access and is embedded, which is an advantage for some projects and a problem for others.


  • 我国实行扶贫项目使地区贫困人口收益

    The anti-poverty project held by our country will benefit the poor in this district.


  • 许多捐赠者没有仔细评估资金相对长期成本收益就匆匆忙忙地投资一些花哨项目

    Many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of their money.


  • 如果一开始就了解这点并且分配了充足时间定义技术架构,那么带来实在收益,并且项目后期节省很多时间。

    If you understand this at the outset and sufficient time is allocated to define the technical architecture, this is a real benefit and can save you a lot of time later in the project.


  • 公司、一个季度或者之内完成项目,那么,产生收益减少成本、或者拓展品牌价值机会就越多。

    The more small projects a company completes in a month, a quarter, or a year, the more opportunities to drive revenue, reduce cost, or extend brand and value.


  • 软件公司希望搁置正在开发一种产品雅尔已经率领HCL接管了项目未来可能获得收益份额

    When a software client wanted to shelve a product it was developing, Nayar had HCL take over the project in exchange for a share of its future revenues.


  • 使得客户团队可以更好关联项目并且保证解决方案可以得到期望业务收益

    This empowers the customer team to become more involved in the project and to ensure that the solution will deliver the expected business benefit.


  • 不要仅仅假设这些额外工作下一个项目产生帮助”,我们建议这种工作留可以获得收益项目

    Rather than assuming this additional work "will help the next project," we suggest that the work be left to the project that it will benefit.


  • 罗德-爱丁顿爵士英国航空公司老总2006年回顾英国交通需求时表示,一个成熟经济体很少会因为单个项目获得巨大的收益

    Sir Rod Eddington, a former boss of British Airways, argued in a 2006 review of Britain’s transport needs that mature economies rarely see huge benefits from a single project.


  • 致力于推进新的收益敏捷项目非常适合roi评价

    Agile projects geared towards driving new revenue are well-suited to an ROI assessment.


  • 需要架构技能项目经理评估可行性成本,并由此确定成本/收益比率

    You need the architect's skills to assess feasibility and costs of features for the project manager to be able to define the cost/benefit ratio.


  • 资料显示,收益主要用于开发新项目购置设施偿还贷款

    Proceeds will be used to develop programs, acquire facilities and repay debt, according to the filing.


  • 需要一种方式项目成本得到业务收益通过企业目标战略清晰地关联起来。

    What's needed is a way to link project costs to the resulting business benefits in a clear line of sight with corporate goals and strategies.


  • 夸张增长预测虚增私有化收益项目需要额外的调整

    Exaggerated growth forecasts and inflated privatization revenue projections will require additional adjustments going forward.


  • 商业软件产品来说,商业案例应该包括关于项目投资收益(ROI)数量级的假设

    For a commercial software product, the Business Case should include a set of assumptions about the project and the order of magnitude return on investment (ROI) if those assumptions are true.


  • 项目成本固定的,所以必须通过增加收益提高ROI

    The project costs are fixed, so your ability to improve ROI will come solely from how much your methodology can drive increased revenue.


  • 然而确信构建自动化测试(以及了解JUnit)上时间值得;在这个项目生存期里,会有收益的。

    However, I'm sure that the time invested in building automated tests (and learning about JUnit) was well spent; it will pay off over the life of this project.


  • 剔除非常规项目,美国铝业每股收益为0.28美元,比分析师的预测多美分。

    Excluding special items, Alcoa earned 28 cents per share. That beat analysts' forecasts by a penny.


  • 他们希望与其花钱,不如用这个方法来减轻财务负担不管哪个公司中标,都TfL分享由此项目带来收益

    And rather than costing money, they hope that the deal will ease their financial worries: whichever firm wins the tender will have to split some of its revenue with TfL.


  • 形式上以前项目考虑在内的话,收益为1亿2300万,每股9美分,去年的纯收益为1亿5300万,每股11美分。

    On a pro forma basis, which takes into account one-time items, net income was $123 million, or 9 cents per share, down from net income of $153 million, or 11 cents per share.


  • 比方说如果运行测试50(即使对于一个中等规模项目这个次数也不算),收益巨大的

    If you run the test, say, 50 times (which is not much for even a medium-size project), the payoff is tremendous.


  • 这么做会使得项目之间相互收益,就同一代码风格会对一个项目本身有好处一样。

    Doing this offers the same benefits across projects as does having a code style within one project.


  • 这么做会使得项目之间相互收益,就同一代码风格会对一个项目本身有好处一样。

    Doing this offers the same benefits across projects as does having a code style within one project.


- 来自原声例句

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