• 音乐只不过文字力量一个提升

    Music is merely an enhancement to the power of her words.


  • 好玩数学对于数字诗对于文字音乐对于声音,或者美术作品对于视觉感知

    Playful math to numbers is what poetry to words, what music to sounds, or what art is to visual perception.


  • 他们提交给大学生一个表格有一连串媒介印刷电视电脑各种媒体的视频音乐电脑游戏电话语音文字等等

    They gave the students a form listing a variety of media such as print, television, computer-based video, music, computer games, telephone voice or text, and so forth.


  • 但是执行要求较低任务运行一个文字处理器音乐时,芯片减速

    But for less demanding tasks - running a word processor or playing music, for instance - the chip can slow way down.


  • 好玩数学对于数字,就诗对于文字音乐对于声音或者美术作品对于视觉感知

    Playful math is to numbers what poetry is to words, or what music is to sounds, or what art is to visual perception.


  • 这项法案允许一些复制音乐片段视频片段或者文字片段,而且允许老师不用出版商支付大量费用的情况下影印一些特定材料

    It allowed limited replication of snippets of music, video and text, and it gave teachers the right to photocopy certain materials without having to pay hefty fees to publishers.


  • 音乐强调说可以展示文字图片无法展示的感情

    Music, he emphasised, could reveal emotions no words or pictures could.


  • 我们2.0版人类拥有许多力量其中我们之所以成为今天自己核心力量:文字语言音乐(后者也许艺术顶峰)。

    We Human 2.0's have, among many powers, three that are central to who we take ourselves to be today: writing, speech, and music (the latter perhaps being the pinnacle of the arts).


  • 舞蹈音乐相伴歌谣跟口头流传的神话,远在文字出现之前就已大量产生。

    Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads, accompanied by music and dance, and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular.


  • 样本音乐片段显然音乐相关的网站利用多媒体一个手段音频片断说明音乐文字容易得多

    Sample music clips are an obvious way for a music-related site to use multimedia; it's much easier to explain music through audio clips than words.


  • 内容分发全球大量受众成本已经随着内容(例如文字内容、电影视频音乐数字数据和图片)的数字化而大幅度降低。

    The cost of distributing content to a potentially vast global audience has collapsed as content-for example, the written word, film and video, music, numerical data, and pictures-is digitised.


  • 迂腐教授形象相去甚远,自由探寻着音乐自然,并利用闲暇时间来解码玛雅文明象形文字以及收集锁具

    Far from the stuffy professor type, this free spirit explored music and nature, decoded Mayan hieroglyphics and picked locks in his spare time.


  • 编辑说明amg工作人员和特约专业音乐撰写独到而又洞察的文字

    Editorial Content: Original and insightful writing by AMG's staff and network of professional freelance music contributors.


  • 题为作家高贵文字音乐》。

    It's called "the Noble Writer and the Sound of Words".


  • Meme的个人主页,可以发布文字视频音乐

    In your Meme, you may post texts, photos, video and music.


  • 人类发明了乐谱后,音乐便开始脱离表演演变成“文字得以记录传播

    When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art, and develop into a system of "written symbols" that can be recorded and spread.


  • 受过音乐训练的可以更好地做到这点,因为他们过了如何从旋律和声分辨出音符音调.这点做得越好,你的阅读水平就可能越高,因为你可以把文字当作某种样式.

    People who are musically trained are better at picking up these patterns because they learn to recognise notes and pitches within melodies and harmonies.


  • 文字音乐描述得生动立体不是件容易事,西卜林却做到了,比如巴赫某个音乐段落描述成“萦绕长条管风琴琴弦周围的被珍珠外壳包裹着的令人后背发抖的旋律”。

    To vivify music in words is not easy. But Mr Siblin, who memorably describes one Bach passage as a “spine-shivering, jewel-encrusted melody on a swath of organ and strings”, rises to the task.


  • 人类发明了乐谱后,音乐便开始脱离表演,演变文字得以记录传播

    When mankind invented musical scores, music bagan to break from the boundaties of being only a performing art and developed into a system of written symbols that can be recorded and spread.


  • 现实生活中纯净文字柔和音乐就象清泉洗涤浮躁心灵

    In real life, the pure text and soft music, like a cold spring can always washing blundering heart.


  • 人民广播电台发送文字音乐和信息,任何世界一部分

    And radio broadcasts let people send words, music and information to any part of the world.


  • 自己音乐陶醉于自己的文字拥抱自己的脆弱。

    Listen to my music, reveling in my words, to embrace my vulnerability.


  • 语言文字音乐数学其它成就感觉很,幸好我不是公园鸭子或者动物园里的大猩猩

    Language, writing, music, mathematics are other achievements which make me feel better than the ducks in the park and the chimps in the zoo.


  • 心理学家发现这种音乐刺激训练担当大脑可以提高文字记忆

    Psychologists have discovered that the stimulation musical training enacts on the left temporal region of your brain enhances.


  • 因此音乐孩子他们的非文字记忆音乐的孩子要强得多,继续学习音乐孩子的记忆会随之提高

    So while children who study music for two years demonstrate better verbal memory than children who have not studied music, children who continue to study music.


  • 因此音乐孩子他们的非文字记忆音乐的孩子要强得多,继续学习音乐孩子的记忆会随之提高

    So while children who study music for two years demonstrate better verbal memory than children who have not studied music, children who continue to study music.


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