• 内塔尼亚胡先生利夫宁女士周二晚上举行了有电视直播胜利庆祝,现场音乐不断人们相互握手拥抱

    Both Mr Netanyahu and Ms Livni held televised victory ceremonies on Tuesday night, replete with piped music and much hugging and handshakes.


  • 随着乡村音乐不断变化开始全美流行起来

    With country music continuing to change, it became popular throughout America.


  • 身为音乐家,多年不断在技艺上精益求精

    As a musician, she has spent years perfecting her technique.


  • 这些结果应该使公众相信,不断困扰着公立学校预算危机中,音乐不是单纯装饰品,并不是可以抛弃的。

    These results should convince public that music classes are not a mere decoration, ripe for discarding in the budget crises that constantly trouble public schools.


  • 开办以来,哈罗盖特音乐节一直在不断发展壮大。

    Since its birth, Harrogate Music Festival has gone from strength to strength.


  • 除此之外,他音乐体会到了另一个不断奋斗心路历程。

    But more than that, the music let me feel the struggle of another person's life experience.


  • 随着所有形式大众传媒不断扩张很多电影电视节目商业广告它们配乐中常常包含古典音乐

    As all forms of mass media continue to expand, many movies, television programs, and commercials are continually including classical music in their soundtracks.


  • 还有压抑焦虑其它精神问题也呈不断上升趋势,所有这些都保证将来的一时间里,我们足够忧郁创作诗歌音乐

    Also depression, anxiety and other mental-health problems are on the rise, ensuring there will be plenty of melancholic types to write poetry and compose music for some time.


  • 不断练习,尝试不同风格音乐

    I experiment. I try different instruments and styles of music.


  • 我们歌曲学校音乐老师劳特夫人创作的。我们整个学校不断几个直到我们都熟记

    Our song was composed by Mrs. Prout, the school music teacher, and the whole school sung it endlessly for weeks until we had it by heart.


  • 我们不断增加声音带来冲击,如收音电视音乐等等

    We also add to the constant assault of sounds through listening to the radio or TV, playing music, and so on.


  • 然而自1796年来,贝多芬开始逐渐丧失听力却无视疾病折磨,潜心音乐不断创作伟大作品

    In the year 1796 Beethoven began losing his hearing. In spite of his illness he immersed himself in his work and created some of the greatest works of music.


  • 伦敦音乐变色龙美誉这座城市总是装点世界不断演进音乐风格独特英国方式,重新合成,另作诠释。

    London has a reputation as a musical chameleon, a city that takes on the world's constantly evolving musical styles, remixing and reinterpreting in a uniquely British way.


  • 索尼,它目前就正在不断尝试整合旗下电影音乐游戏等内容,将它们融入设计精致的索尼产品中。

    Sony, for example, is seeking to deal with the problem by integrating its huge film, music and gaming content into its sleek products.


  • 这些乐队完成漂亮的登场之后会在接下来了三十年里不断的创作好的音乐

    Sure, every now and again there’s a fluke like R.E.M. or the Flaming Lips, a band that continues to produce good music two or three decades after their initial success.


  • 公司成立以来,消费者时尚耳机的需求便在不断增长,当然,很大程度上得益于智能手机的普及(智能手机同时也是音乐播放器)。

    The appetite for trendy headsets has grown since the company started, largely due to the ubiquity of smartphones that double as music players.


  • Faraway绰号“黑人”,班加西许多拉普说唱乐歌手一样,绰号知名Madaniaka MadaniLion组成了“音乐大师核心班底,但是表演组合的人员随着时间流逝而不断变化

    Faraway, who like many rappers in Benghazi is known by his nickname, "Dark man," and Madani, aka "Madani Lion," form the core of Music Masters, but the composition of the group has changed over time.


  • 二十世纪八十年代、九十年代音乐视频商业巅峰期,总能带来不断财源

    At its commercial peak, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the music video simply gushed cash.


  • 然而即便会拘捕、乐器被毁坏阿富汗音乐还是不断从事这项事业,直到现在

    In spite of arrests and the destruction of Musical Instruments, Afghan musicians have continued to ply their trade into the present.


  • 仍然采取迈尔士戴维斯不断自我更新音乐质量作为一种文学模式

    And I still take the quality of continual self-renewal in Miles Davis's music as a literary model.


  • 不断发现的证据说明许多同类哺乳动物包括啮齿动物猴子等音乐无动于衷甚至讨厌音乐

    Emerging evidence suggests that many of our fellow mammals, including dogs, cats, rodents and monkeys, are indifferent to music and may even dislike it.


  • 新书不断出版烤面包机网络应用小工具新的设计层出不穷,新的音乐每天被创作或者合成出来,也许重要的,新的内容不断的上传到网络上。

    New books are published, new designs for toasters and i-gadgets appear, new music is composed or synthesized and, perhaps above all, new content is uploaded into cyberspace.


  • 任何响亮的声音持续不断噪音都会伤害我们脆弱的听觉系统包括通过耳塞传出音乐也会。

    But any loud or continuous noise can damage delicate ear structures, including music piped in through ear buds.


  • 周围人们正在不断地在网上创造分享有用的内容,他们写博客制作视频、写评论发表文章、建网站创作音乐,各种形式的内容应有尽有不断增长

    People around you are increasingly creating and sharing useful content online through: blogs, videos, reviews, articles, websites, music... and the list is only growing.


  • 可以不断循环音乐如果喜欢

    You can also continuously loop the music if you like.


  • 自己说,她的大女儿索菲亚遵照她的指示,不断地练习钢琴,最后卡耐基音乐进行了表演

    By her account, her elder daughter, Sophia, complied, excelled and played piano at Carnegie Hall.


  • 风扇连续不断工作发出声音影响睡眠,如果你这种声音很敏感房间安装音乐播放器播放一些音乐可以助你入睡,但你要注意使用音乐带给人的乐趣不要滥用。

    The constant noise of a fan might work for you too. Having a music system in your room can be a source of interfering with your ability to fall asleep if you're sensitive to it.[24]


  • 一直以来MySpace都曲库将会不断增大RhapsodyiTunes形成强有力的竞争音乐产业知情人很多都音乐宏伟计划一部分

    Over time, MySpace says its library will grow and be competitive with those of Rhapsody and iTunes, something that music industry insiders say is part of the Grand Plan for music.


  • 一直以来MySpace都曲库将会不断增大RhapsodyiTunes形成强有力的竞争音乐产业知情人很多都音乐宏伟计划一部分

    Over time, MySpace says its library will grow and be competitive with those of Rhapsody and iTunes, something that music industry insiders say is part of the Grand Plan for music.


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