• 搜索结果通常显示每个几个可能

    Faceted search results typically display only a few possible values for each facet.


  • 搜索目标显示一些链接允许用户沿各种快速直观缩小搜索范围。

    The goal of a faceted search is to display links that allow the user to quickly and intuitively narrow the search results along various axes.


  • 借鉴有效优化问题搜索方法,给出一种基于面搜索分支定界法。

    Furthermore, a branch and bound algorithm based on face search which comes from optimization over efficient set is described.


  • 发挥搜索威力原生xml引擎需要能够元素数据库具有构建词典

    To deliver the power of faceted searches, native XML engines need to be able to build lexicons from the values that an element takes on in the database.


  • 不能描述高级搜索”,像是搜索”。(机会测试易趣网?这听起来像易趣网。)

    But I would not really describe this as "advanced search", this is more like "faceted search". Are you testing Ebay by any chance?


  • 不能描述高级搜索”,像是搜索”。(机会测试易趣网?这听起来易趣网。)

    But I would not really describe this as "advanced search", this is more like "faceted search". (Are you testing Ebay by any chance? This sounds exactly like Ebay.)


  • 边坡稳定性主要岩体结构控制传统用于土质边坡稳定分析滑动搜索方法很难适用于岩质边坡。

    Rock slope stability is mainly controled by the rock's structure plane. The traditional searching methods used in soil slope's stability analysis are difficult to apply to the rock slope.


  • 这个应用程序实现搜索调用一个名为scanningdevice,该显示创建图像的设备名称

    The application implements faceted searches and calls for a facet named scanning device that shows the name of the device that created the image.


  • 搜索(faceted search)返回浏览类别搜索结果中(易趣)可以有效提示用户选择类别

    Faceted searching, or returning browsing categories in the search results (as eBay does) can be effective at prompting the user to select a single category.


  • 通过引入退火遗传算法好地解决滑坡临界折线滑动搜索问题边坡滑动面搜索提供一个新的解决方法,克服常规方法的种种弊端

    Through introduction SAGA very good solution landslide most dangerous sliding surface search question, for slope of the sliding surface search provides a new solution method, has overcome con.


  • 对于任何搜索项目导航演示都要求定义内容配置收集这些内容源它们建立索引的信息收集器其他设备

    As with any search project, our faceted navigation demo requires that we define content sources and configure a crawler or other device to ingest and index them.


  • 一方这会搜索引擎网站留下错误印象可能会错失优化你的网页关键词带给网站质量访问重要机会

    Beyond giving search engines the wrong impression about your site, you're missing a key opportunity to optimize this page for a search phrase that will bring good qualified traffic to your site.


  • 未经培训搜索者可以很快熟悉能够轻松使用导航,这些特性提供了巨大优势

    The familiarity of faceted navigation, as well as its ease of use by untrained searchers, are significant advantages.


  • 有些区域比如观测灵敏度会降低或者领域拥挤但是我们仍然搜索那些地方

    There will be some regions such as the Galactic Plane where the observations are less sensitive or fields more crowded, but we'll search those areas too.


  • Google没有公布这个复杂算法能将搜索结果分类,尽管不能阻止新闻媒体(包括篇)识破其庐山真

    Google doesn't disclose the complex algorithm by which it ranks search results, though that doesn't stop news outlets (including this one) from trying to figure it out.


  • 是否希望搜索引擎看到网站每一

    Do you want the search engine to see every page on your website?


  • 一方搜索个人数据(或者甚至公司内部网)时,您通常知道关于正在查找的信息一些细节信息。

    On the other hand, when you search your personal dataor even the company Intranet — you usually know some details about what you are looking for.


  • 接下来我们看看聚集搜索方案这个方案最基本的方法就是垂直搜索基础上,拓宽搜索并且使用完整结果设置

    Next we look at Clustering solutions, that essentially attempt to do what vertical search engines do - but across the board and using the entire result set.


  • 一方语义搜索一个几乎没有限制属性关系网络一道开启更加微观化信息搜索导航

    Semantic search on the other hand will enable more granular search and navigation of information along a potentially open-ended networks of properties and relationships.


  • 一方执行搜索或者(甚至更好)站点购买一次商品,在加深站点对购买模式及其背后集体智慧理解

    On the other hand, every time you perform a search or, even better, buy something on the site, you are adding to the site's understanding of buying patterns, and the collective intelligence behind it.


  • 导航非常支持这种风格查询也是导航电子商务站点上目录搜索得到广泛应用的另一个原因

    Faceted navigation supports this style of querying very well, which is another reason why it is widely used in catalog searching on e-commerce sites.


  • 没有映射网页需要惯例使用404错误处理,404页应该用户搜索引擎友好

    Pages that cannot be mapped need to be dealt with using custom 404 error pages which should be user and search engine friendly.


  • 搜索包含具有数千文档文件内容时,所知道的内容往往可以短语规则表达式指定的内容多得多

    When searching for content in a file containing thousands of pages of documentation, you are likely to know much more than you can specify in just a word, phrase, or regular expression.


  • 一方如果用户通过提交整个表单进行重复搜索技术节省很多流量

    On the other hand, if the user is searching repeatedly by Posting the entire form, this technique can actually save some amount of traffic.


  • 这些接受用户输入,并搜索数据库中与输入匹配的记录,并同一显示结果

    These pages accept input from the user, search the database for records that match the input, and display the results on the same page.


  • 一方调查还将确认谷歌是否滥用影响力通过操纵搜索结果打压其他公司提供服务而谋取私利。

    Among other things, the investigation will probe whether Google has abused that clout by manipulating search results to benefit its own services over those offered by competing firms.


  • 这种情况下一方搜索替换一个另一方改变动词时态需要改变整个文本

    In this case, it is one thing to have to search and replace one word, and another is to have to change a verb tense, which will require changing the whole text.


  • 这种情况下一方搜索替换一个另一方改变动词时态需要改变整个文本

    In this case, it is one thing to have to search and replace one word, and another is to have to change a verb tense, which will require changing the whole text.


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