• 如果有意为之,这种审美本身不是坏事,不过由此可以看出:人们为了计算机处理简单落入了设计窠臼,并没有实现面向用户设计。

    This aesthetic by itself isn't a bad thing if it's intentional, but it's evidence of how people fall into the trap of designing for what the computer makes easy, rather than designing for the user.


  • 受训者不再感到他们面向真实患者热情,他们或许开始医学专业门职业。 人们计算机屏幕前处方签行医。

    When trainees don't feel the passion of tending to the realpatient, they may come to see the profession of medicine as a trade practiced before a computer screen with a prescription pad.


  • 1973年,搬去那里洛·阿尔托研究中心研究院发明第一个用户友好计算机激光打印面向对象程序设计个人工作站以及建立以太网络

    By 1973, when I moved there, PARC researchers had invented the first user-friendly computer, laser printing, object-oriented programming, a personal workstation, and the foundation of the Ethernet.


  • 本文讨论 ACE相同不同主机计算机之间IPC提供一些基于 C++ 的面向对象

    This article dissects some of the C++-based, object-oriented classes that ACE provides for IPC between the same or different host computers.


  • 面向个人计算机微型设备应用程序现在正在迅速演变满足市场对多种键盘键板手写笔等备选交互方式需求

    Applications for personal computers and small devices are rapidly evolving to meet the market demand for alternatives to keyboard -, keypad -, and stylus-based interaction.


  • 甲骨文工程师已经展开头脑风暴,计划创建个“机箱里产业群”,即一个协调良好的完整的计算机系统,目标群面向,嗯,银行业或者零售业

    Oracle's engineers are already brainstorming about how to build "industries in a box" -complete computer systems that come fine-tuned for, say, banking or retailing.


  • 既然已经一个面向对象的SNMP接口那么您就可以开始本地计算机进行询问

    Now that you have an object-oriented interface to SNMP, you can start interrogating your local machine a bit.


  • 相对其复杂性来说就算构建面向服务架构没有银弹”,这是早期计算机科学家FrederickBrooks著名短语

    Even creating a service-oriented architecture isno silver bullet” against complexity, in a famous phrase by Frederick Brooks, an elder of computer science.


  • 通过本文,了解开发人员开发面向所有类型计算机、浏览器用户最优化Ajax应用程序时所面临的挑战。

    Discover some of the challenges developers face when developing Ajax applications that are maximized for all types of computers, browsers, and users.


  • Wallace表示,2000年4月推出的BFS第一面向商业应用计算机机票搜索定价引擎当时ITA只有一个测试网站

    Wallace says BFS became the first PC-farm-based airfare search and pricing engine in commercial use in April 2000, although ITA had a beta site at the time.


  • 面向个人计算机软件研究开发销售

    Research, development and sales of software for personal computers.


  • 对象观念面向对象设计许多计算机语言中存在

    The concept of objects and object-oriented programming exist in dozens of computer languages.


  • 他们认为面向平稳运转的计算机基础设施务实转变

    They view it as a pragmatic transition toward a smooth-running computing infrastructure.


  • 最后介绍了作者开发面向并行工程计算机辅助夹具设计系统的原理结构功能,给出夹具设计实例

    Acurrent engineering oriented computer aided fixture design system, developed by authors, is introduced in brief, and a concurrent fixture design is presented as an example.


  • 计算机科学计算机硬件软件结合面向系统侧重应用口径专业

    Computer science is a combination of computer hardware and software, system oriented, focusing on the application of wide caliber professional.


  • 美国计算机巨头谷歌联想宣布合作。双方计划首次运用谷歌的“探戈项目3d技术”,生产面向消费者手机

    Google and Lenovo announced plans to produce the first consumer handset using the us computing giant's Project Tango 3d technology.


  • 包括虚拟现实技术计算机图形学,面向对象软件开发方法以及可视化开发技术等。

    It includes visual reality technology, the computer graphics technology, and software development approach facing the target, developing technology of visualization.


  • 计算机领域面向对象技术着相当作用概念思想已经渗透其它许多领域

    Object orientation plays an important role in computer world and its conception and idea have infiltrated into many other domains.


  • 一信息模型方便地采用面向对象方法计算机描述表达。

    The new model can be represented simply and efficiently in computer software by an object oriented method.


  • 对于理想开关网络信号时域分析提出了一种基于状态变量新的面向计算机方法

    Presents a new computer oriented method based on a state variable approach to a large signal time domain analysis of networks with ideal switches.


  • 提出了一面向系统数学模型模块连接锁相环路计算机辅助分析方法

    A computer aid analysis method for PLL of block-linking type facing systematic mathematical models is proposed.


  • MATLAB一种面向科学工程计算高级语言,应用MATLAB进行控制系统计算机辅助设计快捷方便。

    MATLAB is a software package used in science and engineering calculation. It is convenient of MATLAB to carry out computer aided design of control system.


  • 建立适合计算机表示产品信息模型,提出面向设计过程产品自适应装配信息建模理论方法

    To establish a product information model suited to computer description, theory and method of self-adaptive assembly modeling for the process were proposed in the paper.


  • 目的面向工厂机械加工生产实践,开发融合工艺装备管理设计于一体计算机集成应用系统

    Aim To develop a computer integrated application system for managing and designing manufacture equipments used in the process of manufacture.


  • 面向神经计算并行计算机体系结构神经网络研究中的一项重要工作。

    The architecture of neural network computing oriented parallel computer is the elementary aspect of artificial neural network research.


  • 计算机技术基础,面向具体应用软件硬件可以根据需求进行剪裁。

    It is based on computer technology facing idiographic applications, and scalable on software and hardware.


  • 计算机快速建立面向船舶分段数字数据产品模型数据库可将数据应用后续设计制造

    It can quickly establish modeling database of whole digit data model products oriented to compartment in the computer and the data can be applied in subsequent design and manufacture.


  • 所以面向产品CAPP作为一种CAPP开发思路计算机集成制造工艺设计全面集成实施关键性环节之一

    So as a new development thought of CAPP, product-oriented CAPP is one of the key parts of process planning in general integration and implementation of computer integrated manufacturing.


  • 随着计算机网络技术广泛应用网络安全问题不容忽视,作为一个面向大众的开放系统计算机网络面临着来自各方面的威胁攻击

    With the extensive application of computer network technology, security problem could not be ignored. Computer network, as an open system, has to face up to various threats and attacks.


  • 利用计算机支持协同工作(CSCW技术开发一个面向虚拟产品设计专家协同评审系统

    The importance of developing an evaluation system collaborated by experts for virtual product design using CSCW technology is discussed.


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