• 许多持久性机制关系方法不是面向对象方法存储数据

    Many persistence mechanisms store data in a relational way rather than an object-oriented way.


  • 一种面向对象方式提供访问资产清单对象方法提供资产已扩展数据完全控制

    It provides objects and methods for accessing the asset manifest in an object-oriented style and offers full control on the extended metadata of the assets.


  • 即使对于使用面向方面方法开发人员,多维的角度看待数据设计注释类型提供概念上帮助

    Even for developers who do not take an aspect-oriented approach, the multidimensional view of metadata is a valuable conceptual aid in designing annotation types.


  • 作为一个面向对象系统是以数据数据进行操作方法集合

    In an object-oriented system, a class is a collection of data and methods that operate on that data.


  • 面向对象方式中,每个业务对象与其关联方法(BAPI),以便操作业务对象中的数据使用数据实现业务功能

    In an object-oriented fashion, each business object has a set of methods (BAPIs) associated with it to manipulate the data in the business object and carry out business functions using that data.


  • 为了便于以后提供这种功能,将EIDB中的共同提及数据转换面向三元组模式,实现的方法数据定义一个具有这种结构视图

    To accommodate this future possibility, the co-mention data in the EIDB is cast into a triples-oriented schema by defining a view on the database that has this structure.


  • 然而面向对象方法角度来看数据建模非常类似建模。

    However, from the standpoint of an object-oriented approach, data modeling is very similar to class modeling.


  • 但是第二缓存数据方法提供了一种面向对象方法缓存。

    But the second form of caching data offers an object-oriented approach to caching.


  • 至于操作面向对象上下文中可以认为存储过程在概念上类似底层数据实现全局方法

    In terms of operations, and in the context of object orientation, you can think of stored procedures as conceptually similar to global methods that are implemented by the underlying database.


  • 所讨论大多数工具技术也是使用更多面向数据XML文档有用方法专栏重点使用标记过散文

    Most of the tools and techniques I discuss are also a serviceable means of working with more data-oriented XML documents, but the emphasis in this column is working with marked-up prose.


  • 数据考虑类中的一个方面接口,通过这种方法横切系统中的一些关注点,这样,可以将面向对象世界中的一些最佳实践应用AOP中。

    Considering metadata as an aspectual interface from classes to crosscutting concerns in the system translates some of the best practices from the object-oriented world to AOP.


  • 面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA一种提供系统开发集成方法架构风格它允许不同应用程序相互交换数据

    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that provides methods for systems development and integration, allowing different applications to exchange data with one another.


  • 含有Web服务面向服务解决方案使用数据模型可以使用底向上向下的开发方法

    To use a data model in a service oriented solution with Web services, we can use a bottom-up development approach or a top-down development approach.


  • 使用清单1清单3中所列这些方法可以建立一个面向受管bean框架监视服务器数据变更

    Using the methods outlined in Listing 1 through Listing 3, you establish a framework for a managed bean to monitor changes of the server-side data.


  • 这个例子展示如何使用自下而上方法生成面向XML数据Web服务

    This example walks you through the generation of Web services for XML data using a bottom-up approach.


  • OMGSoaML规范定义了一个使用面向服务方法进行系统建模行业标准级数据模型符号

    The OMG SoaML specification defines an industry-standard meta-model and notation for modeling systems using service-oriented approaches.


  • 使用定位第二方法Web面向浏览器发送请求获得用户位置时,使用信息Ajax查询数据

    The second way you use location is when the web page makes a request to the browser to get the location of the user and then uses that information to query the database using Ajax.


  • 面向属性归纳一种广泛使用数据挖掘方法

    Attribute oriented induction is a method for data mining that has recently been widely applied.


  • 本文论述了运用基于概念面向属性归纳方法发现分类规则有关问题以及数据分类器的实现

    This paper discusses the relevant problems of applying the method of Concept-Based Attribute-Oriented to find classification rule, also expounds the implemented data classifier.


  • 本文通过利用UML方法系统进行分析设计建立对象模型,借助系统对象模型来实现面向对象数据设计。

    This paper analyses the technique of establishing the object model for application system by using the UML method and of designing database which is realized by making use of the object model.


  • 利用面向对象数据设计方法完成数据模型建立数据库结构设计。

    The constructing of data model and the designing of database were completed through OPP of database.


  • 提出构件存储数据结构存储方法定义面向CIMS领域构件标识信息编码

    The data structure and method of component storage are presented, and the identifying message coding method of component oriented CIMS domain is defined.


  • 面向对象编程中对象包括数据以及状态操作方法如何其他对象进行交互定义

    In object-oriented programming, objects include data and define its status, its methods of operation and how it interacts with other objects.


  • 该文提出一种ids直接收集数据为基础面向检测的攻击分类方法

    In this paper, a detection-oriented attack classification method, based on data that IDS can collect directly, is proposed.


  • 本文作者首先出来,适用企业应用开发一种完全面向对象思想进行数据设计方法总结

    It was put forward first by the writer and can be a method used in the design of objective oriented database in enterprise application development.


  • 本文提出了面向工程勘测主题数据应用系统设计方法

    In this paper, a method of designing Project-based Exploration Database System is proposed.


  • 引用面向对象概念,针对汽车产品特点介绍CAD数据界面设计方法

    This paper quotes a idea of object oriented at auto products characteristic, introduces a design method of CAD database interface.


  • 本文提出了一种建立面向对象数据模糊层次模型方法

    This paper presents an approach to establishing fuzzy class hierarchy model in object-oriented database.


  • 利用对象模型数据模型映射方法,完成面向对象关系数据设计

    This article discusses a new mapped method of object model and database model, which has been employed to design an object-oriented relational database.


  • 利用对象模型数据模型映射方法,完成面向对象关系数据设计

    This article discusses a new mapped method of object model and database model, which has been employed to design an object-oriented relational database.


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