• 大体上所有靠近地球这些物体反射来自恒星

    Basically the light bouncing off all these objects close to earth is brighter than what's coming from the stars.


  • 靠近岩石地方温暖的,但是决定哪里睡觉之前小心

    A small place near a tree or a rock will be the warmest, but be careful before you decide where to sleep.


  • 三里岛事故处理工作组可以靠近反应堆工作而在日本由于放射性太强,这样做可能非常危险

    His team could work close to the reactor. In Japan it may well be too dangerous to do so because of high levels of radiation.


  • 感觉仿佛窒息了。感受靠近到了外太空一样伴随着这样的疑问无限的还是有限的?

    I felt enveloped; feeling her close to me was like outer space, with all its questions: Is it infinite or contained?


  • 评价我们的外表时,我们甚至连靠近目标不能,更不用说去获得了。

    We're not even close to objective when it comes to judging our own looks.


  • 做饭使用高温东西小心。使用护具避免油脂飞溅避免靠近处使用卷发棒。

    Be careful when cooking or using hot objects. Use grease shields to prevent the splattering of hot grease or oil. Avoid using a curling iron near your eyes.


  • 火星春季相较星球冬季温和的多,不过靠近这个红色星球极点仍旧十分冰冷

    Springtime on Mars is quite a bit balmier than the planet's winter season, but it's still plenty icy near the Red planet's poles.


  • 今日离别之后,便雅境内泄撒,靠近坟墓遇见个人

    When you leave me today, you will meet two men near Rachel's tomb, at Zelzah on the border of Benjamin.


  • 靠近盘子的餐具留到最后用。

    The pieces closest to the plate are for the last course.


  • 靠近脚掌前端较小区域触地脚跟着地压力损伤

    Striking the ground with the smaller area near the front of the foot is less forceful and does less damage than landing square on your heel.


  • 开始时,哈弗斯蒂克实现愿望想法,范围也局限得多,只靠近家乡印第安纳波利斯的地方进行。

    Haverstick's wish-granting idea started much smaller and more local, near his hometown of Indianpolis.


  • 设计单击导航特别注意一点链接相互太靠近因为用户可能单击了一个链接而不触及相邻的链接。

    Keep this in mind when designing clickable navigation - don't put links too close together because the user will not be able to hit one link without hitting its neighbor.


  • 通常情况下意味着靠近攀岩一侧保持挺直。

    Usually, this means a straight leg on the side of the rope going to the climber.


  • 涂抹强烈的防晒油靠近开阔水面沼泽湿地地方观鸟就考虑杀虫剂了。

    Always wear strong sunscreen and consider using insect repellent if you will be birding near open water, marshes or wetlands.


  • 如果试图靠近其他跑步者路人骑单车的,超过他们设法他们知道你的意图

    If you're approaching another runner, walker, or cyclist, and need to pass him, let him know on which side you're trying to pass.


  • 安葬之后,老先知儿子们死了你们神人坟墓里,使尸骨靠近他的尸骨。

    After burying him, he said to his sons, 'When I die, bury me in the grave where the man of God is buried; lay my bones beside his bones.


  • 其间可能涉及到略去一些偏差较大的实验数据,亦热源(比如说飞机场)靠近气象站时,实验结果的输入实际数据低一些

    It might involve omitting especially awkward readings; or where, for example, a heat source like an airport has sprung up alongside a weather station, inputting a lower temperature than the data show.


  • 我们定期发布MODIS图像中,如果油污非常靠近出现日光反射地方总是周围干净水域明亮

    If the oil is located very close to the spot where the Sun's reflection would appear, it usually looks brighter than nearby clean water in the MODIS images we routinely publish.


  • 如果个尚婴儿车小孩他们尾气格外研究表明,当儿童居住在离交通繁忙的大马路靠近智力水平相对低一些(最近的一项研究甚至表明孤独症高速公路污染有关)。

    And when you have a child in a stroller, they are particularly close to the tailpipe. Studies show that children's IQ levels are lower when they live near major roads with lots of traffic.


  • 开始就热门人选,但赶往大会的路上,他的轻型飞机靠近马萨诸塞州韦斯特菲尔德处因遭遇风暴失事,而本次大会上本来重新提名参选议员。

    A heavy favorite from the start, he was on his way to the state convention that was to renominate him when his light plane crashed in a storm near Westfield, Mass.


  • 靠近点,有点事告诉

    Come close, I want to tell you something.


  • 或许的,但是我们如何靠近呢?

    Well, maybe you are right, but how can we get close to it?


  • 愿意一个靠近花园桌子吗?

    Would you like a table near the garden?


  • 他们尽量靠近岸边常常冒险开阔河面上去,那里水流猛烈了。

    They try to stay near shore but often have to venture out into the open river where the currents are stronger.


  • 针孔尽量靠近固定带子也不靠近留一点空,大约毫米

    You want to make holes close to the ribbon but not too close, give them room to breathe, maybe 1 or 2 mm.


  • 听到了吗?,靠近你们音调是不是它,远离你们低?

    Can you hear, when it's coming to you, that it's higher-pitched than when it's going away from you?


  • 最近西方国家越来越靠近后者紧缩阵营或许西方国家的投资者如此大规模抛售黄金原因所在。

    The west has recently moved closer to this latter deflationary camp, which might explain why western investors have been off-loading gold in such large quantities.


  • 是以精确度代价,因为卡托投影使那些靠近极点国家看上去真实尺寸的多

    But it comes at the expense of accuracy - the Mercator projection makes countries close to the pole look much bigger than they really are.


  • 尽管这些动物危险我们还是试图尽可能靠近它们这样就有可能拍到一些真正照片了。

    We'll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they're dangerous, so that I can take some really good photos.


  • 尽管这些动物危险我们还是试图尽可能靠近它们这样就有可能拍到一些真正照片了。

    We'll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they're dangerous, so that I can take some really good photos.


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