• 然而其他学者则认为,有组织劳工一直捍卫白人工人相对美国工人的相对特权地位

    Other scholars, however, have portrayed organized labor as defending all along the relatively privileged position of White workers relative to African American workers.


  • 22展示使用持久性持续性消息以上5个场景与基准场景比较得到的相对吞吐量

    Figure 22 shows the throughput relative to 1 simple rule for the five scenarios described above, when using non-persistent, non-durable messaging.


  • Normalize复选确定使用相对日志(规范)开始时间还是使用绝对时间(规范)。

    The normalize check box determines whether The Times are shown relative to the start of the log (normalized) or in absolute time (unnormalized).


  • 任何两个国家之间汇率(相对价格)调整治愈全球经济结构性失衡万能药

    Currency, or relative price, adjustments between any two nations are not a panacea for structural imbalances in the global economy.


  • 冬季新生幼仔夜晚相对活跃季节情感紊乱症患者相似这意味着他们生物钟设定在白天

    The winter pups were also more active at night, similar to patients with SAD, suggesting their clocks were not as well aligned to the time of day.


  • 阻塞版本相对基于锁的版本几个性能优势

    The nonblocking version has several performance advantages over the lock-based version.


  • 相对结构性部分医疗设备成本而言抗震设计不会显著增加建筑成本。

    The seismic design will not increase the cost for the structure significantly compared to the cost of the non-structural components and medical equipment.


  • 事实证明的确如此,于近地点观测到的满月要比近地点观测到的12%左右,超级月亮相对大一些。

    The average full moon at perigee appears around 12 percent larger than an average non-perigee full moon. Supermoons, even more so.


  • 这种理论认为科技公司gaap利润相对遵循GAAP行业人为虚

    This theory argues that that non-GAAP earnings of tech companies appear artificially high relative to industries that abide by GAAP.


  • 有些用户提到了Informix相对易用性经过训练dba可以处理Informix任务

    Some users also cited the comparative ease with which non-DBAs could be trained to handle Informix administration tasks.


  • 因此相对并发我们采用二重并发锁循环数组(dual concurrent lock circular arrays),这样无需创建对象就能享受到阻塞并发带来好处

    So for example, instead of concurrent linked lists, we use dual concurrent lock circular arrays, so we have the benefits of non blocking concurrency without object creation.


  • 这些强有力的任务划分允许Alcrohm相对风险得到GDD常规经验特别是现场合作伙伴

    These strongly partitioned roles allow Alcrohm to gain experience with GDD in general, and its off-site partner in particular, with comparatively low risk.


  • 开发者可以使用OAuth全部能力OAuth必需时可以使用相对宽松方法

    Developers can use the full strength of OAuth or can use less stringent methods where OAuth is not needed.


  • 高盛今年削减10亿美元赔偿金费用目标意义常重大的,分析师相对交易量的滑落,直接的重要节省开支额

    Goldman's goal to cut $1 billion in noncompensation expenses this year is significant, analysts say. There will be immediate and significant savings from the fall off in trading volumes.


  • 但是这些评估不能告诉我们单独基因影响一种特性——他们指出基因相对基因影响多么重要

    But these estimates don't tell us about the individual genes that influence a trait - they rather indicate how important genes are relative to non-genetic influences.


  • 常有意思NPD集团(NPDGroup)最新一项研究发现Twitter用户相对t witter用户倾向购买音乐

    It is also interesting to note that another recent study from the NPD Group found that Twitter users are more likely to buy music than non-Twitter users.


  • 能量是以快速相对粒子形式类星体注入空间的。

    Energy is injected into space by quasars in the form of fast, nonrelativistic particles.


  • 然而如果正义相对方式善行相连,这就有很大挑战需要回答个很重要问题

    But if justice is bound up with the good in a non-relativist way, there is a big challenge, a big question to answer.


  • 相对而言,新的方式处理网页内容这样结构性数据更为宽宏的途径。

    In contrast, the new approaches have a more forgiving way of handling "unstructured" data, like the contents of a Web page.


  • 尽管相对功能性测试功能性测试需要测试用例数量比较,但是它所需要付出努力却是相当的。

    Even though the number of test cases required for NFT maybe very less compared to functionality testing, the effort requirements will be comparable to that for functional testing.


  • 对于平衡式信号线来说,就是根被屏蔽了的信号线,这个中心信号线传输信号,且相对电势

    An unbalanced line is generally a single-conductor shielded cable with the center conductor carrying the signal and the shield at ground potential.


  • 刚才条件基本上对于母语国家外教来说的,对于母语外教来说,学校匹配相对容易一些。

    The terms of the original is basically for foreign language teachers in the country, for non-native speakers of foreign teachers, the school is relatively easy to match.


  • 这种直观方式言说性相对其他认识世界方式在认识世界方面具有独特性

    These intuitional ways that beyond the words, compared with other means of understanding the world, has its particularity.


  • 基上取代位置和性质以及使用溶剂能够影响映体2r,4r和2s, 4r在溶液中的相对含量

    The relative contents of diastereomers, 2r 4r and 2s 4r, in solution are influenced by both the solvents used and the characteristics and locations of substituents on 2-aryl.


  • 基上取代位置和性质以及使用溶剂能够影响映体2r,4r和2s, 4r在溶液中的相对含量

    The relative contents of diastereomers, 2r 4r and 2s 4r, in solution are influenced by both the solvents used and the characteristics and locations of substituents on 2-aryl.


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