• 该队未能闯入非洲国家决赛。 。

    The team failed to qualify for the African Nations Cup finals.


  • 举行一次非洲国家1月10日安哥拉开赛

    The Africa Cup of Nations, which takes place every two years, kicked off in Angola on January 10th.


  • 期待关于非洲国家安哥拉项目。

    And I'm looking forward to an entry on the Africa Cup of Nations in Angola.


  • 足球方面多哥首次晋级非洲国家四分之一决赛。

    And in football, Togo are through to the quarter-finals of the Africa Cup of Nations for the first time.


  • 我们所有非洲球员看来准备参加明年非洲国家

    All our Africans look set to play the African Cup of Nations next year.


  • 球队1996年南非非洲国家糟糕表现批评引起了队友的不满

    Other players were unhappy when he criticised them for a poor showing in the 1996 Africa Cup of Nations in South Africa.


  • 曼城提升他们的水平,这是因为他们非洲国家期间失去亚亚图雷段时间

    City were looking to add to their ranks because they will be without Yaya Toure for a while during the African Cup of Nations.


  • 如果一月份德罗巴科特迪瓦非洲国家那么卡尔顿得到机会上场

    If Didier Drogba goes to the African Cup of Nations in January with Ivory Coast, Carlton will get a chance.


  • 非洲国家足球赛新宠之一科特迪瓦南非举行的开场比赛以2:1击败多哥队

    One of the favorites to win football's Africa Cup of Nations Ivory Coast has beaten Togo 2-1 in their opening match in South Africa.


  • 哈达里,35岁,代表法老非洲国家上有鼓舞人心的表现,也因此获得最佳门将

    Hadari, 35, was inspirational for the Pharaohs at the African Nations Cup, and was duly given the Best Goalkeeper Award.


  • 非洲各国球队已经抵达赤道几内亚参加非洲国家开幕式,两月该国被选主办国

    Teams from all over Africa have arrived in equatorial Guinea for the start of African Cup of Nations, just 2 months after the country stepped in as a host.


  • 非洲国家德国阿根廷美国国内一些联赛世界举行之前使用这个足球

    African Nations Cup and in Germany, Argentina and the United States held a number of leagues before the World Cup, soccer also use this.


  • 切尔西中锋德罗巴非洲国家开局喜忧参半科特迪瓦攻入致一球随后因伤下场

    There was a mixed start to the African Cup of Nations for Chelsea striker Didier Drogba as he scored the Ivory Coast's winner but then left the game injured.


  • 看过尼日利亚非洲国家表现,他们一支典型非洲球队——球员技术身体强壮

    I saw Nigeria at the African Cup of Nations and they are a typical African team with good and physically strong players.


  • 这里不禁流下泪水,他相信不然踢上2006年世界甚至现在2008年非洲国家杯

    He breaks down in tears when he talks about it and believes he should have played in the 2006 World Cup and could even still be playing now, in the 2008 Africa Cup of Nations.


  • 1988年非洲国家决赛尼日利亚队在争议声负于非洲雄狮喀麦隆队,之后便开始使用这个绰号

    Nigeria adopted the name after a controversial loss at the hands of the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon in the 1988 Africa Cup of Nations final.


  • 2010年1月8日一大早多哥人们觉醒来,满心希望他们国家足球队非洲国家足球赛取得佳绩

    On the morning of January 8th, 2010, the people of Togo woke up hopeful of their national soccer team's chances in the African Cup of Nations tournament1.


  • 德罗巴其他人赶回国家队参加非洲国家时,球队迫切需要法国复出,刚从伤病中恢复能否好的替代德罗巴还不得而知

    The Frenchman is badly needed now that Didier Drogba and others have left for the Africa Cup of Nations but he is far more than an alternative to the Ivorian.


  • 历届东道主进入第二淘汰赛,曾于1996年夺得非洲国家冠军,素有“小伙子南非”之称的南非国家家乡支持下一路坎坷前行。

    No host nation has failed to reach the second round and South Africa’s national team, Bafana Bafana, which won the African Nations Cup in 1996, will stumble through on home support.


  • 正在庆祝国家足球队胜利以1:0击败喀麦隆之后,埃及队第六赢得非洲国家,在2006年的上届比赛夺冠之后成功卫冕。

    He was celebrating the sixth victory of his national team in football's Africa Cup of Nations after it had beaten Cameroon 1-0 to keep the title it had won in the previous tournament in 2006.


  • 年前南非赢得了主办权成为举办世界足球赛第一非洲国家

    Six years ago, South Africa won its bid to become the first African nation to host a football World Cup.


  • 当时2004年,南非选作第一举办足球世界非洲国家,令世界各地很多球迷

    WHEN, in 2004, South Africa was chosen to be the first African country to host football's world Cup many fans around the world were doubtful.


  • 那时他们凭着3比1战胜墨西哥取得了非洲国家世界历史上的首次胜利

    They, of course, became the first African side to win a match at the Finals when they defeated Mexico 3-1.


  • 今年世界赛事首次非洲国家举办而且参赛的非洲球队创纪录地达到了支。

    This year will be the first time the World Cup has been held in an African country and will also feature a record number of six African teams.


  • 今年世界赛事首次非洲国家举办而且参赛的非洲球队创纪录地达到了支。

    This year will be the first time the World Cup has been held in an African country and will also feature a record number of six African teams.


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