• 只要违法成本非法行为就会很猖獗

    So long as the cost of breaking the law is low, illegal behavior will thrive.


  • 第三十二条买卖出租或者其他形式非法转让捕捞许可证的,没收违法所得吊销捕捞许可证可以并处罚款

    Article 32. Anyone who trades in, leases or transfers fishing licences by other illegal means shall have his unlawful income confiscated and his fishing licence revoked, and may be concurrently fined.


  • 任何单位个人不得违法限制或者排斥地区、本系统以外的法人或者其他组织参加投标,不得以任何方式非法干涉招标投标活动

    No unit or person may illegally restrict or exclude legal persons or other organizations from other areas or systems to take part in bidding or interfere in tender and bid activities in any form.


  • 麦凯瑞也对相同违法行为表示认罪指控非法拦截的手机通话包括一些其他知名人物,暴扣国会议员西蒙·休斯名模埃莉麦克弗森。

    Mulcaire pleads guilty to the same offence, and to further charges of intercepting phone calls made by other well-known figures, including Simon Hughes MP and model Elle Macpherson.


  • 我们知道超载违法的,甚至路边非法的。

    We all know that overloading is illegal, and even stop at the roadside is illegal .


  • 国际刑事法院开始集中审理破坏环境违法开采自然资源以及非法剥夺土地有关犯罪。

    The International Criminal Court has said it will start to focus on crimes linked to environmental destruction, the illegal exploitation of natural resources and unlawful dispossession of land.


  • Loriquet先生将非法闯入罪描述成类似于最多30监狱"微不足道捣乱分子违法行为" .

    Mr. Loriquet characterized defiant trespass as a “petty disorderly persons offense” that carried a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail.


  • 但是司机被静止吸烟之前交通堵塞可能其他一些违法行为导致。诸如超速或者非法转弯等。

    But the traffic stop would have to be made for another offense, such as speeding or an illegal turn, before the driver could be cited for smoking.


  • 非法活动洗钱诈骗买卖违法犯罪分子旨在帮助企业构成严重威胁金融机构完整性

    Illicit activities, such as money laundering, fraud, and other transactions designed to assist criminals in their illegal ventures, pose a serious threat to the integrity of financial institutions.


  • 目前对于非法证据存在价值取舍,在法律适用法律禁止违法精神产生不可调和矛盾。

    At present, the choice for the illegal evidence brings about irreconcilable contradictions between the application of the law and the spirit of the law to prohibit illegal.


  • 性质决定效力非法行为产生违法结果,对法律规避效力应予以完全认可

    Effectiveness is based on nature, and illegal action results in illegal end. So the effectiveness of evasion of law can be fully accepted and practised.


  • 从目前国外情况看,存在非法证据排除规则理论,虚伪排除理论、人权保障理论违法控制理论。

    There are three kinds of exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence in foreign countries, such as falseness exclusion, human rights protection and unlawful action control.


  • 这一仲裁始就建立违法基础之上所谓裁决自然非法的。

    The arbitration case has been built on an illegal basis from the very beginning. Naturally its so-called "award" is also illegal.


  • NET保留滥用网站会员或者我们认为违法非法不当行为的会员进行调查终止其会员资格的权利

    NET reserves the right to investigate and terminate your membership if you have misused the Service, or behave in a way which we regard as inappropriate, unlawful or illegal.


  • 第三十二条买卖、出租或者其他形式非法转让捕捞许可证的,没收违法所得吊销捕捞许可证,可以并处罚款

    Article 32 Anyone who trades in, leases or transfers fishing licences by other illegal means shall have his unlawful income confiscated and his fishing licence revoked, and may be concurrently fined.


  • 体育伤害一种民事违法行为规定明确违法阻却抗辩事由,适用侵权行为法的一般规定。

    Human body injury happening in sports is a behavior of civil irregularity unless it regulates the definitive solving system.


  • 论述挪用公款一般违法行为、与挪用资金罪、与贪污罪、与用账外客户资金非法发放贷款罪、与拆借资金界限。

    It discusses the differences of the crime of embezzlement of public funds from unlawful ACTS, embezzlement of funds, corruption and illegal borrowing of funds.


  • 提示身体剧场公开公益活动性质,请参加者活动进行违法非法事件!

    Reminder: Tao Dance Theater open Classes is a free activity open to the public, please do not engage in unlawful actions during the activity.


  • 非法收集证据我国司法实践非常普遍收集方法手段违法

    Illegal collection of evidence, whose ways and means of collecting evidence are both unlawful, is very common in judicial practice in our country.


  • 确立违法搜查救济机制包括建立完善的非法搜查证据排除规则体系、制裁非法搜查人员、赋予公民对非法搜查提起诉讼的权利。

    Enforce the compensations of the illegal search involves regulate the judicial redress of illegal search, punish the illegal policeman and obviate the illegal search evidences and so on.


  • 当前有线电视用户采用非法手段盗用有线电视信号、拖欠电视收视维护管理费甚至故意破坏有线电视传输网络设施等违章违法行为还比较普遍

    Nowadays, it is common that some CATV users embezzle CATV signal illegally, delay paying for CATV maintenance management, and destroy CATV transmission network infrastructure intentionally.


  • 非法证据违法取得证据。

    The illegal evidence denotes the evidence took through an illegal way.


  • 罚金数额一般违法所得以上倍以下,或者按照非法经营数额的50%以上一倍以下确定。

    The amount of the fine shall usually be the amount of illegal income up to five times the amount of illegal income, or 50% of the amount of illegal turnover up to the amount of illegal turnover.


  • 第四取缔非法民间组织,由违法行为发生地登记管理机关负责。

    Article 4 the responsibility to ban an illegal non-governmental organization shall remain with the registration administrative organ at the locality of occurrence of the illegal act.


  • 托拉斯法只是总体描述了一些非法实践,而让法院根据每个案件事实背景确定其具体违法行为

    The antitrust laws describe unlawful practices in general terms, leaving it to the courts to decide what specific practices are illegal based on the facts and circumstances of each case.


  • 笔者着重分析口供违法口供任意性、及其关系论及禁止非法法律渊源

    The writer emphasizes to analyze the illegality, the randomicity of confession, and its relationship, also mention to the law origins of forbidding to take for confession illegally.


  • 社会诚信体系完善部分违法企业追求商业利益非法添加非食用物质

    The social credit system is not perfect and some companies add non-food substances illegally in pursuit of commercial interests.


  • [摘要]非法转包违法分包工程建设领域涉及主要违法违规行为严重干扰建筑市场正常秩序。

    Abstract: illegal transfer of contract and illegal subcontracting are major violations in project construction, which severely disrupts the function of construction market.


  • [摘要]非法转包违法分包工程建设领域涉及主要违法违规行为严重干扰建筑市场正常秩序。

    Abstract: illegal transfer of contract and illegal subcontracting are major violations in project construction, which severely disrupts the function of construction market.


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