• 如果公司在走下坡路非法竞争

    If your company is going under, it's the fault of unethical competition.


  • 内部即时消息电子邮件公司文件揭露了使得合法研究非法获得内部情报混合一起一种激烈竞争文化

    Internal instant messages, e-mails and company documents revealed an intense and competitive culture that blended legitimate research with illegally obtained tips.


  • 不过联邦贸易委员会表示如果谷歌非法捆绑销售其他违反竞争的行为,委员会迅速作出反应。

    The FTC said, however, that it would act quickly 'should Google engage in unlawful tying or other anticompetitive conduct.'


  • 只是几年在全球为了赢得竞争非法使用13亿欧元一个例子

    That is just one example of how euro1.3 billion ($2.5 billion) is reckoned to have been illegally spent around the world in the past few years to beat the competition.


  • 非法捕鱼降低了市场价格,导致遵守法律渔民难以与其竞争

    Illegal fishing reduces market prices, making it harder for those who follow the law to compete.


  • 他们经常非法收取努斯认为合法利率更高的利率,但是会因为回报引来竞争者而降低利率,虽然严酷理论上却是一个柔和模型

    They often begin by charging higher rates than Mr Yunus considers legitimate, but cut prices when their returns draw competitors-a tough but theoretically more supple model.


  • 还会提到过去的错误使得许多公司致力于价格竞争非法联盟。这些行为极大地损害消费者的利益,而且要经过许多年才能改变局势

    She will say the mistake enabled many large companies to engage in pricing, wage and collusive practices that harmed consumers and took years to reverse.


  • 但是4月就业报告激烈就业竞争看上去惨不忍睹尤其是那些年轻学历的公民,他们劳动力市场底层岗位上非法移民之间进行着直接而激烈的竞争

    Yet the April jobs report looked terrible, particularly for the young and less educated, who compete directly with illegal immigrants at the bottom of the labor market.


  • 八十年代末陷入臭名昭著基尼斯丑闻一项非法股票支持计划企图帮助drinks集团兼并竞争对手Distillers

    In the late 1980s, he found himself caught up in the infamous Guinness scandal, an illegal share support scheme that helped the drinks group acquire Distillers, its rival.


  • 不少大型影院经营者自己电影,这种情况拉丁美洲较为罕见(美国为了规范竞争机制,将影院自己拍摄影片划为非法行为)。

    Many of the big cinema operators also produce films, something that is rare in Latin America (and illegal, on competition grounds, in the United States).


  • 虽然这种竞争激烈的规格选举中那些非法或者未经授权选民不会或者不能造成结果上的差异我们根本就应该为这种事情去担心才是。

    It's not often that a high-profile race is close enough that illegal or unauthorized voters would or could make a difference, but we shouldn't even have to worry about that.


  • 但是某些场合下专利权人可能会滥用专利权非法限制竞争从而构成反垄断法的违反。

    But the owner of patent Possibly abuse patent rights to limit the competition illegally on some occasion which violates against anti-monopoly law.


  • 任何人员不可通过操纵隐瞒滥用信息歪曲事实其他任何非法商业行为以获取不公平竞争优势

    None of them should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other illegal trade practices.


  • 非法捕捞者降低市场价格使那些守法渔民更难与其竞争增加渔业风险

    Illegal fishing reduces market prices, making it harder for those who follow the law to compete. It can also increase the risk that fisheries will collapse.


  • 希腊发现自己已面临着欧洲非法移民问题棘手部分,很大程度上是因为竞争对手已经找到了堵住非法移民流入办法

    Greece has found itself on the sharp end of Europe's illegal-immigration problem largely because its "competitors" have found ways of stemming the flow.


  • 商业秘密能为拥有者带来竞争优势,且能够创造巨额利润因而常常遭到非法侵害。

    Commercial secrets can bring competitive advantages and huge profits for their owners and therefore they often invite infringements.


  • 这些处于同一市场领域公司决定合并其中之一试图购买一家专利权便是非法的。尤其是这种合并将导致实质性弱化竞争的情形时。

    If those companies decided to merge, or if one tried to buy the other's patent, that would be illegal, especially if the situation resulted in a substantial lessening of competition.


  • 大多数计算机犯罪都是见惯不怪的——心怀不满职员先前供职的公司破坏某公司非法进入竞争对手电脑里窃取商业机密

    Most computer crimes are more ordinary. They range from an annoyed employee who secretly damages his former company to a company that hacks into a competitor's computer to steal trade secrets.


  • 本文推导物质不相互竞争吸附中心吸附吸附物改变取向两种拉第吸附过程等效电路

    The equivalent circuits for the nonfaradaic adsorption for both the coadsorption of two adsorbates and the reorientation of an adsorbate in two positions have been introduced.


  • 西非令人惊讶数据就是外国捕捞所占比例——都是欧洲亚洲来的大船,合法非法都有——和当地渔民竞争

    In West Africa, the figure that was most astonishing is the enormous role of foreign fishing - of European and Asian vessels fishing legally or illegally - and competing against local fishers.


  • 联合抵制一家新的公司进入市场联合使某一竞争陷入劣势境地同样也是非法的。

    Boycotts to prevent a firm from entering a market or to disadvantage a competitor also are illegal.


  • 公司非法地将互联网浏览器捆绑视窗操作系统上的行为,而违反竞争法。

    He said the company had broken competition law by unlawfully tying its Internet browser to its Windows operating system.


  • 严厉谴责白人竞争对手鲍勃·克有雇用非法侨民的嫌疑。

    He lambasted his white opponent, Bob Corker, for allegedly employing illegal aliens.


  • 严厉谴责白人竞争对手鲍勃·克有雇用非法侨民的嫌疑。

    He lambasted his white opponent, Bob Corker, for allegedly employing illegal aliens.


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