• 叫a·尤金·非克瑞士医生一个叫安瓦多·考特的巴黎眼镜他们已经隐型眼镜矫正视力问题了。

    A Swiss physician, A. Eugen Fick and a Paris optician, Edouard Kalt, working independently say they have used contact lenses to correct vision problems.


  • 如果说起现代人权运动奠基人此人莫属,教友派信徒是初期废奴主义者,对于森的热忱他们深受感动

    If anyone was the founder of the modern human-rights movement it was Clarkson. Even the Quakers, the first abolitionists, were impressed by his zeal.


  • 弗雷德里·道格拉斯无疑19世纪著名美国人;事实上于1895年去世时,他是美国著名的公众人物之一。

    Frederick Douglass was unquestionably the most famous African American of the nineteenth century; indeed, when he died in 1895 he was among the most distinguished public figures in the United States.


  • 紫色细菌成功弗里塞尔硫细菌可能由于南极湖泊的极不寻常季节性

    The success of purple non-sulfur bacteria in lake Fryxell may be due to the highly unusual seasonal nature of Antarctic lakes.


  • 布朗斯区由于存在大量公房住宅、教育水平较低大量熟练工人,长期以来一直纽约市失业率最高地区。

    The Bronx, with its big public-housing complexes, lower education levels and large unskilled population, long has had the highest unemployment rate in the city.


  • 对此,突然关闭工厂,并且召集了侦探300名警卫工厂雇佣联盟工人提供治安保障。

    Frick abruptly shut down the plant and called in 300 guards from the Pinkerton Detective Agency to enable the company to hire nonunion workers.


  • 明年,伦敦奥组计划出售观赛门票”,持票者虽不能进入比赛场馆能进入奥林匹公园

    Next year, Locog also plans to sell "non-event tickets" which will allow entry to the park but not the venues.


  • 我俩都选了西米·诺我们画像我们欣赏逼真风格,他成为第一位将作品悬挂白宫画家

    Both of us had chosen Simmie Knox to paint our portraits: we liked Knox's lifelike style, and he would be the first African-American portraitist to have his work hang in the White House.


  • 如今卓拉尼尔·赫斯特并没有人忘记影响了其他女作家,这就包括艾丽丝

    Today, Zora Neale Hurston has not been forgotten. She influenced other African-American female writers, including Alice Walker.


  • 图斯赢得了欧元区的妥协,他们承诺欧元区成员国可以加入一个“欧元附加”的特别集团

    Mr Tusk won a reprieve, with a promise that the outs could join in a special "euro plus" group.


  • 支持还有皇后区众议员弗洛伊德·弗拉也是艾伦卫理公会主教派教堂牧师

    So did Queens Congressman Floyd Flake, who was also the minister of Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church.


  • ·菲勒、费尔普斯·斯托斯这类慈善家鼓励裔美国提供接受教育的机会,但是南方地区部分北方地区继续实行教育领域种族隔离政策

    Philanthropists like Rockefeller, Phelps-Stokes, and others encouraged the education of Afro-Americans, but the South and part of the North continued the practice of racial segregation in education.


  • 正如尔德医生所建议的那样,可以支付相应费用的英国父母频繁地光顾名医汇聚哈利自己的孩子三次接种疫苗。

    British parents who could afford it frequented plush Harley Street clinics to have their toddlers immunised with three separate jabs, as Dr Wakefield had recommended.


  • 尔德医生别人合著的文章1998年发表《柳叶刀》杂志上。这篇文章当时没有引起广泛恐慌:此项研究结果由推理得出,而且范围很小

    The paper that Dr Wakefield co-wrote, published in the Lancet in 1998, was not greeted with widespread alarm: the study was speculative and small.


  • 已经不仅仅高铁相关问题了,因为阿尔伯·基市墨西哥圣达的新墨西哥特快通勤铁路特快铁路运营,就使用第25号洲际公路的安全岛。

    the issue is relevant beyond HSR as the New Mexico rail Runner Express rail Runner commuter rail operation between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico USES the median of Interstate 25.


  • 对alpha4beta2受体来说,既然伐伦仅是部分激动剂--不是完全激动剂,吸烟者吸烟者的作用是不同的,

    Since varenicline is only a partial agonistnot a full agonist—at the alpha4beta2 receptor site, it performs differently in smokers and nonsmokers, she said.


  • 俄罗斯出生的美国歌手:“曾经有钱也曾经很贫困,请相信,有钱真好。”如果我们听见多尔科夫斯基引用这句话,不要责怪

    Mr. Khodorkovsky can't be blamed if he's caught quoting the late Russian born-American singer Sophie Tucker: "I've been rich and I've been poor," she said, "and believe me, rich is better."


  • 格莱:从科学角度说,信息种是与选择

    Gleick: Scientifically, information is a choice-a yes-or-no choice.


  • 虽然弗里·塞尔条件应为紫色细菌理想条件,但Fryx1一个紫色细菌

    Although conditions in Lake Fryxell should be ideal for purple sulfur bacteria, Fryx1 is a purple non-sulfur bacterium.


  • 5月24日尔德医生终于禁止行医,不是因为得出上述结论,而是因为他得出这些结论的方法

    On May 24th Dr Wakefield was at long last banned from working as a doctor, not for reaching the conclusions he did but for the way in which he reached them.


  • 美国银行约翰萨奇奈(John Suchane)指出,虽然美国600万家运营场所接受信用卡贷记卡,但接受接触只有100万。

    John Suchanec, of Bank of America, says that whereas debit and credit cards are accepted at 6m locations in America today, only 1m sites accept contactless cards.


  • 图书销售总额的大幅增加主要归功于诸如华理所著标竿人生》等此类图书,《标竿人生》是2004年美国最畅销的小说类图书,其销量超过700万

    Much of the growth is from books like Rick Warren's "the Purpose-Driven Life," the top-selling non-fiction book in the United States in 2004, selling over 7 million copies.


  • 弗里塞尔湖中紫色细菌典型多功能性反应方面来说Madigan 1988 1998可能因此紫色细菌在生理方面更有利。

    The typical versatility of purple non-sulfur bacteria in terms of dark metabolism (Madigan 1988, 1998) may thus favor this physiological group over purple sulfur bacteria in Lake Fryxell.


  • 弗里塞尔湖中紫色细菌典型多功能性反应方面来说Madigan 1988 1998可能因此紫色细菌在生理方面更有利。

    The typical versatility of purple non-sulfur bacteria in terms of dark metabolism (Madigan 1988, 1998) may thus favor this physiological group over purple sulfur bacteria in Lake Fryxell.


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