• 彻底摧毁爱琴海文化青铜时期的文化。

    You have the destruction completely of the Mycenaean Bronze Age culture.


  • 此文探讨青铜时期云南周边文化的交流

    This work address issues regarding interactions between Yunnan and its surrounding regions during the Bronze Age.


  • 公元前3000年公元前1000年,即青铜广泛使用时期通常被称为青铜时代

    The period from 3000 to 1000 B.C.E., when the use of bronze became widespread, is normally referred to as the Bronze Age.


  • 伊朗东南部青铜时期古城挖掘出的一对骰子追溯至5000年前

    An excavation of a bronze-age city in south-eastern Iran turned up a pair of dice dating back nearly 5,000 years.


  • 烧杯文化青铜时代达鼎盛时期阿尔卑斯山一带,而不是英格兰

    The Beaker Culture had its Bronze-age heyday in the Alps, not in England.


  • 第一个伟大作品青铜时代就是创作这个时期

    His first great piece The Age of Bronze was created at that time.


  • 然而两个大型青铜都是非同寻常德干同一时期

    However, these two bronzes are unusually large for the Deccan in the same period.


  • 曾出土了一个战国时期青铜,上面的设计生动地展示游泳出现水路战场上的场面。

    Swimmers are seen in an amphibious battle vividly portrayed in the designs of an unearthed bronze pot of the Warring States period.


  • 春秋战国时期军事高度取决于武器使每个国家试图使实际青铜的。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, military affairs depended highly on weapons so that each state tried to make practical bronze ones.


  • 先秦时期青铜用来制造乐器

    During pre-Qin times, bronze was also used to make Musical Instruments.


  • 青铜文化不同历史时期,有着不同的特点风格

    Bronze Culture is different in character and style in different period.


  • 1997年,浙江省绍兴市出土春秋时期青铜,剑身铸有铭文40字,是目前知出土青铜中铭文字数量多的一件。

    A bronze sword of the Spring and Autumn Period unearthed in Shaoxing, Zhejiang in1997carries an inscription of40characters, the longest among the bronze sword inscriptions ever reported.


  • 相当于殷商时期古代不仅掌握了高超青铜铸造技术而且熟练地掌握了黄金加工技艺,制作出了精美的金杖、金面罩等。

    In the time equivalent to the Yin Shang Period, the Ancient Shu People not only mastered the high technology for bronze casting, but also skillfully mastered the technology for gold processing.


  • 即使是青铜武器制作鼎盛时期,铁制武器也开始出现。

    Even at the peak of bronze weapon making, iron and steel weapon appeared. a lot of them dating from the Warring.


  • 积石洪水发生中国历史上一个关键时期,介于新石器时代之后青铜时代之间

    The Jishi Gorge flood occurred at a pivotal time in Chinese history, the boundary between the Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age that followed.


  • 我国古代青铜艺术标志我国历史上的某一个独特历史时期

    The ancient art of bronze wares in China , s history marked a special historic period.


  • 伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部古希腊城市青铜时期作为一个早期文化中心繁荣一时。阿伽门农传奇式首府

    An ancient Greek city in the northeast Peloponnesus that flourished during the Bronze Age as the center of an early civilization. It was the legendary capital of Agamemnon.


  • 奴隶社会夏商周青铜艺术的辉煌时期这些青铜纹饰主要线条构成的。

    It was in Xia, Shang, Zhou periods in Slave Society that the bronze and developed brilliantly, and the bronze decorative pattering were mainly composed of lines.


  • 商朝时期青铜技术已经是世界上遥遥领先,而商朝人民青铜制成一系列祭祀家庭用品

    A leader of bronze technology in the world, Shang people worked bronze into a series of ritual and domestic objects.


  • 青铜商周时期最常见青铜礼器之一,也是商代礼器制度核心

    Bronze Gu was a type of important wine vessels and the core of the sacrificial system in the Shang and Zhou period.


  • 本文青铜时代、唐初、南诏大理国、元朝、从明代民国时期论述了大理地区的白族服饰历史

    The paper discusses the history of Bai People's costume from the historical period stretching from the Bronze Age, early Tang Dynasty, Nanzhao Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty to the Repub


  • 本文首先皖南地区发现西周春秋战国时期34青铜以及34件青铜进行类型学分析。

    This article first analyzes typologically 34 bronze dagger-axes and 34 bronze spears which discovered in southern Anhui from Western Zhou Dynasty and Autumn Period Warring States time.


  • 红山文化良渚文化时期就已出现蝉纹最早出现青铜商代

    Jade cicada was first appeared during Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture. But cicada design carved on the bronzes was first appeared in Shang dynasty.


  • 青铜商周时期主要盛酒器之一,在青铜礼器占有十分重要地位

    Bronze you is one of the main wine containers in Shang and Zhou dynasty, and plays an important role in ritual vessels.


  • 战国时期出现的带廓青铜机,使弩成为强有力杀伤武器

    A kind of bronze crossbow with casing was invented during the Warring States period, thus adding greater power to this weapon for killing.


  • 青铜用作贿赂之物中国春秋时期不争事实目前国内尚无器的专门研究

    It is an indisputable fact that bronze wares were used as bribery during the Spring and Autumn period, yet up to now there has not been any specialized research in such wares of bribery.


  • 青铜商周时期显示贵族身份等级核心器物之一数量多少直接反映拥有者的等级高低。

    Bronze Jue is one of the core artifacts showing the lordship and the rank in Shang and Zhou dynasties, its number is a direct reflection of the rank of the owners.


  • 青铜商周时期显示贵族身份等级核心器物之一数量多少直接反映拥有者的等级高低。

    Bronze Jue is one of the core artifacts showing the lordship and the rank in Shang and Zhou dynasties, its number is a direct reflection of the rank of the owners.


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