• 很多青少年注意到,他们进入青春期他们腋下身体其它一些地方新的味道而且味道并不好闻。

    A lot of teens notice that they have a new smell under their arms and elsewhere on their bodies when they enter puberty, and it's not a pretty one.


  • 尤其科学家们了解很多有关青少年脑部神经生物学知识,以及青春期接触毒品酒精危险

    In particular, scientists understand much more about the neurobiology of the teenage brain and the risks of experimenting with drugs and alcohol during adolescence.


  • 青少年充满困惑,主要是因为青春期他们身体带来了骤然改变

    Teenagers are a confused lot, mainly because of the sudden changes that puberty brings to their body.


  • 人类学家发现实际上世界所有文化都把青春期看作一个截然不同时期青少年喜欢新奇刺激以及同伴

    But anthropologists have found that virtually all the world's cultures recognize adolescence as a distinct period in which adolescents prefer novelty, excitement, and peers.


  • 段时间见证玛利亚萨沙白宫度过她们青少年时期,伴随着考试青春期初恋

    That would see Malia and Sasha live out their teenage years in the White House, complete with exams, puberty and first boyfriends.


  • 青春痘通常青春期开始时候出现,一直在青少年时期黏着你。

    Pimples usually start around the beginning of puberty and can stick around during adolescence (the teen years).


  • 一个令人惊讶的事实是,肾上腺皮质素分泌下降程度所有犯罪青少年大约相同而不管他们是在幼年还是青春期形成失控倾向。

    One other surprise was that the cortisol drops were about the same across all the delinquents, whether they originally became disruptive during childhood or during adolescence.


  • 全国广播公司郊区青少年昔日滑稽发型昔日滑稽的青春期困惑问题而挑选人选进行节目试播的时候他们的年龄仍然还是二十七岁

    They were still only twenty-seven when NBC picked up their pilot for a series about suburban teen-agers with funny yesteryear hair styles and funny yesteryear teen difficulties.


  • 尤其令人惊奇是我们发现儿童青春期发育与青少年时期所经历的事情某种关系,而原本我们一直认为青春期发育儿童期就已经是固定下来的。

    It's particularly surprising to see that a boy's puberty can be delayed as a result of events that happen in adolescence. We've previously assumed that these things are 'locked-in' in early childhood.


  • 领衔作者弗兰克·拜罗博士(FrankBiro)是美国辛辛那提儿童医院(Cincinnati Children ' s Hospital)青少年医学部的主任,他希望继续进行的研究将能够帮助明晰青春期提前原因。

    Lead author Dr.Frank Biro, director of the division of adolescent medicine at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, hopes the ongoing study will help clarify the causes of early puberty.


  • 领衔作者弗兰克·拜罗博士(Frank Biro)是美国辛辛那提儿童医院(Cincinnati Children ' s Hospital)青少年医学部主任,他希望继续进行的研究将能够帮助明晰青春期提前原因

    Lead author Dr. Frank Biro, director of the division of adolescent medicine at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, hopes the ongoing study will help clarify the causes of early puberty.


  • 青少年自我认识在青春期之前形成时,家长就可以办法增强孩子的自我认识。

    While the development of a teen's self-image begins long before adolescence, people can take measures to enhance their youngster's self-image.


  • 大脑完全定型之前正是开始学习吉他或者学习一门语言良好时期如果告诉他们这些,他们不一定,但只须明白青少年的大脑成长需要更多时间和经历,或许可以帮助父母和孩子双方顺利地度过青春期

    Before the brain is fully molded is a great time to take up the guitar or learn a new language. Not that teenagers will listen if you tell them this.


  • 不过,人们现在发现,青春期还有鲜有人了解的较为阴暗一面青少年阶段,焦虑恐惧会激增

    But there is a darker side to adolescence that, until now, was poorly understood: a surge during teenage years in anxiety and fearfulness.


  • 很多青少年运动员同龄人更出现青春期原因之一

    This is one reason many competitive youth athletes experience later puberty than their peers.


  • 抑郁症时常袭击青春期青少年们,哪些父母有着抑郁症历史的青年们更易患病。

    Depression often strikes during adolescence, and teenagers whose parents have a history of depression are at particularly high risk.


  • 大多数时候,翻白眼青少年用来对抗典型青春期问题有效方法

    But more often than not, teenage eye-rolling serves as an efficient solution to the typical challenges posed by adolescence.


  • 一个模仿青少年电影其他电影描写青春期其中

    It is a parody of the teen movies and other cinematic portrayals of adolescence which.


  • 保持营养均衡饮食我们一个都很重要但是青少年情况更为特殊,因为他们的身体青春期迅速发育

    Maintaining a balanced diet is important for us all, but young people are a special case because their bodies grow rapidly during teenage years.


  • 目的探讨青少年自虐行为的发生诱因,青春期心理教育提供依据

    Objective to explore reasons for adolescent self-abuse behaviors and to provide basis for adolescent mental health education.


  • 孕期青春期对于大脑发育关键时期吸烟十几岁的青少年记忆力注意力上出现的问题有关。

    Both the prenatal period and adolescence are critical times in brain development and smoking has been linked to memory and attention problems in teens.


  • 了解青春期生理变化特征及其卫生青少年身心的健康成长良好心理素质培养具有重要意义

    Learning the physiological features and hygiene education of the puberty, it's important to develop the younger's excellent psychological qualities and sound bodies.


  • 懵懂的梦想青春期青少年的。

    You can't have all these adolescent dreams.


  • 青春期各种心理问题或心理障碍的多发期对于如何增进青少年的心理健康问题积累了大量有价值研究成果到目前为止认知这角度对此进行研究还是一项空白

    Although a lot of valuable research results for increasing juvenile psychological health have beed accumulated, so far the research from the Angle of the primary cognition is still a gap.


  • 《皮囊》一部获得英国电影学院奖英国青少年电视剧,讲述了一高中朋友跌跌撞撞走过青春期各种雷区的故事。

    Skins is a BAFTA-winning British teen drama that follows a group of high school friends stumbling through the mine field of adolescence...


  • 研究者因而得出结论:“我们研究身体活动重要性处于青春期关键节点青少年自我身体评估人生满意度提升上充分体现出来。”

    The authors conclude: "Our study demonstrates the benefits of youth sports participation on self-rated health and life satisfaction among young youth at a critical juncture in adolescent development."


  • 原发性痛经青春期常见疾患之一影响青少年生活学习活动

    Primary dysmenorrhea, as one of the common diseases in adolescence, interferes with many adolescents' life, study and exercises.


  • 接着阐述了过渡相关理论,包括小学初中过渡青春期青少年影响

    Second, it expatiates on the theory related to the transition:States the influence of puberty during the transition to adolescent while entering to junior middle school from primary school;


  • 接着阐述了过渡相关理论,包括小学初中过渡青春期青少年影响

    Second, it expatiates on the theory related to the transition:States the influence of puberty during the transition to adolescent while entering to junior middle school from primary school;


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