• 霍布斯不经意间成为了赫里福德大学校友因为曾就读霍尔大学赫里福德大学的前身。

    Hobbes, incidentally is claimed as an alumnus by Hertfort college because he attended more than Hall, which was an earlier name of the college.


  • 祝贺雄鹿队助理教练阿德里安·格里芬2010年进入塞顿·霍尔大学体育名人堂

    Congratulations to Bucks assistant coach Adrian Griffin, who will be inducted into the Seton Hall Athletics Hall of Fame on February 4, 2010.


  • 格里芬大东区联盟历史上得分排第18位,塞顿·霍尔大学获得大东区年度最佳运动员称号

    Griffin, the 18th leading scorer in Big East basketball history, was named the Big East basketball Scholar-Athlete of the Year while at Seton Hall.


  • 透过培根-霍尔大学生物系实验室破损窗户出去,不难注意到我的那些同龄人总是成双成对地出现。

    I watched from afar as coupled pairs of my peers would walk beneath the cracked window of my lab in the Pagan Hall biology department.


  • 罗维登斯的詹姆斯仍旧追逐瓦解了NCAA对西顿·霍尔大学篮球比赛一个进进采访大东同盟锦标赛3月9日纽约举行。

    Providence's James Still crashes into the press table while chasing a loose ball in an NCAA college basketball game against Seton Hall in the Big East Conference Championships March 9 in New York.


  • 默里大学埃里卡·霍尔最近进行一项研究发现由于社会经济地位明显差异,人们黑人”的看法非裔美国人负面

    A recent study, conducted by Emory University's Erika Hall, found that "Black" people are viewed more negatively than "African Americans" because of a perceived difference in socioeconomic status.


  • 好像驾驶手动挡汽车,”美国东北大学心理学家朱迪丝·霍尔,“而且如果开始太多,你就记得自己在做什么。”

    "It's as if you're driving a stick shift," says Judith Hall, a psychologist at Northeastern University, "and if you start thinking about it too much, you can't remember what you're doing."


  • 对于霍尔理论反驳托尼·法尔博更多。她是一奥斯丁德克萨斯大学教育心理学社会学教授

    No one has done more to disprove Hall's stereotype than Toni Falbo, a professor of educational psychology and sociology at the University of Texas at Austin.


  • 堪萨斯大学传播学研究助理教授杰弗瑞•霍尔称,无论酒吧里你是更喜欢挪陌生人身边,还是宁愿坐在那里等着有吸引力目标靠近,只要认清自己行为特征,就能帮助你渡过感情关系中的惊涛骇浪。

    the rocky seas of relationships, according to Jeffrey Hall, assistant professor of communication studies at the University of Kansas.


  • 佛罗里达大学霍尔某些生态系统进程可能依赖规模只有特定绝对规模下才能浮现出来

    The University of Florida’s Holt said that some ecosystem processes might be scale-dependent, emerging only at certain absolute sizes.


  • 另一个霍尔德伦博士哈佛大学教授著名能源气候专家,他今天同行。

    AnotherDr. John Holdren, a former Harvard professor and renowned expert on energy and climateis here with me on this trip.


  • 整个村庄设计施工彼得·塔纳完成的,丰塔纳是俄勒冈州立大学物理系名退休教授,2004年移交给霍尔特机构管理

    The village was designed and built by Peter Fontana, a retired professor of physics at Oregon State University; Holt took over its management in 2004.


  • 代表性声音有西北大学罗伯特·戈登哈佛大学的杰佛里•弗兰克尔斯坦福大学的罗伯特·霍尔,他们宣称萧条已经逝去

    Prominent voices like Northwestern University's Robert Gordon, Harvard's Jeffrey Frankel, and Stanford's Robert Hall have declared the recession dead and gone.


  • 罗伯特·霍尔。 他著名佛罗里达大学生态学家,一直跟踪研究笼草。

    And one way to think about pitcher plants is as a modest-scale island, ” said Robert Holt, an eminent University of Florida ecologist who’s tracked the pitcher plant work.


  • 塞达特旧金山加利福尼亚大学的这些人霍尔德伦作出正式答复

    Sedat says the UCSF group will make a formal reply to Holdren.


  • 对于这样答复,约翰·塞达特并不满意。他旧金山加利福尼亚大学生物化学生物物理学名誉教授,也是四月份上书霍尔德伦的四位科学家之一

    The response doesn't satisfy John Sedat, a UCSF professor-emeritus of biochemistry and biophysics who was among those who wrote to Holdren last April.


  • 加泰罗尼亚人在心中投西班牙经济萎靡不振(值得注意的是,20%的失业率)的票,巴塞罗那的阿巴特·奥利弗大学的社会学家霍尔•索雷说。

    Catalans voted with Spain's economic malaise (notably, 20% unemployment) in mind, says Jordi Sauret, a sociologist at Barcelona's Abat Oliba CEU university.


  • 斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford UniversityGraduateSchoolofBusiness行为实验室负责人可拉斯•霍尔表示引用历史事实有效方式

    Citing the past is an effective way to do that, says Nicholas Hall, manager of the Stanford University Graduate School of Business behavioral lab.


  • 马里兰大学(Universityof Maryland)地质学教授托马斯·霍尔兹(Thomas Holtz)称,一新发现可能填补恐龙进化南极环境空缺。

    The new find could fill in gaps in the evolution of dinosaurs as well as the Antarctic environment, according to Thomas Holtz, professor of geology at the University of Maryland.


  • 12月6日周六霍尔姆斯上校写信后的第三,我为了一个重大活动阿肯大学对德克萨斯大学橄榄球赛,暂时住伦敦·戴维·爱德华兹公寓

    By Saturday, December 6, three days after I wrote the letter to Colonel Holmes, I was in London at David Edwards's flat for a big event, the Arkansas-Texas football game.


  • 天普大学布莱恩霍尔茨教授的最新研究表明一个的长相甚至影响工作场合他们的行为是否是公平、好意的。

    The new study by Brian Holtz of Temple University suggests that a person's looks can even affect if their actions in the workplace are fair and well-intentioned.


  • 布兰克霍尔亚洲分校济州岛环球教育第二私人学校所著名加拿校1903年始建于加拿大多伦多

    Branksome Hall Asia is the second private school in the Jeju Global Education City. The prestigious Canadian school was first built in Toronto, Canada in 1903.


  • 利物浦大学尼尔·霍尔领导研究成果对外公开。

    The results of the study, led by Neil Hall from the University of Liverpool, are available for public use.


  • 他们发现重量级明星制作过程是“令人放心熟悉就像一个不错一杯,”根据小组成员梅尔文·霍尔英国利兹大学

    What they found is that the process for making heavyweight stars is "reassuringly familiar, like a nice cup of tea," according to team member Melvin Hoare of the UK's University of Leeds.


  • 他们发现重量级明星制作过程是“令人放心熟悉就像一个不错一杯,”根据小组成员梅尔文·霍尔英国利兹大学

    What they found is that the process for making heavyweight stars is "reassuringly familiar, like a nice cup of tea," according to team member Melvin Hoare of the UK's University of Leeds.


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