• 中国睡狮一旦醒来震憾世界

    China a is a sleeping lion, once woke up will shock the world.


  • 中国睡狮一旦醒来震憾世界

    China is a sleeping lion, once it wakes up, it will shake the world.


  • 中的王子小燕子的无私使心灵受到触动与震憾

    Prince and Swallow book selfless, so my soul be touched


  • 颜色感到震憾中间深红的,然后慢慢消黄色

    She was amazed by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow.


  • 这么受难情景震憾我们我们心中充满同情

    The sight of so much suffering worked on our hearts so that we were filled with pity.


  • 就是这种平常感情来了解应付当时震憾全世界巨大的动荡的。

    Such were the commonplace sentiments with which he viewed and met the awful convulsion which now shook the world.


  • 外面居然参观海洋公园,在那里,他的游泳海豚-一个令人震憾经验

    Just outside Holguin he visits a Marine park where he swims with the dolphins - an awesome experience.


  • 开始拉起的一瞬间油门打开的加力让展览中心的人们感受到震憾

    I want to hit show center with both throttles up and establishing full ab by the time I start the pullup.


  • 接着,就在当天下午晚些时候又一第一一样地震再次震憾唐山

    Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.


  • 这部小说震憾人心之处,就是通过重复叙事向我们展示人类生存状况悲剧性

    The most shocking feature of this novel is its revelation of the tragedy of human subsistence situation by means of repeated recitation.


  • 巨幅画作展示世人面前时候,数千花钱欣赏那令人震憾的、真实画风

    When the large painting was shown to the public, thousands of people paid money to see its strikingly real style.


  • 来到14万个透明灯泡组成的二层高的洽谈大厅,瞬间视野豁然开朗,气势震憾

    Step into the negotiation area consisted of 140 hundred apparent light bulbs, vision is instantly enlightened and momentum shocks people.


  • 我们全部震憾心灵深深撞击一生遭遇如此深情真是无怨无悔

    We were all shocked, my soul was deep impact! He will without complaint or regret if the person's life experience so deep feelings!


  • 思嘉想起爱伦来感觉又突如起来地回到空虚心田,暴怒疟疾似的震憾她。

    Scarlett thought of Ellen and in a rush feeling came back into the emptiness of her mind a murderous rage so strong it shook her like the ague.


  • 这个测试验证过失败模式通常程序员来说是个彻底震憾因为任何按逻辑思考不会想到这种失败。

    The failure modes identified by such testing usually come as a complete shock to programmers because no logical person would ever conceive of them.


  • 路过草坪看到年轻母亲牵引跌跌撞撞走路小宝贝时,这样画面也是如此震憾心灵

    One day, when I walk past the lawn and saw a young mother of a staggering along traction baby learning to walk, this picture is so shock the human mind.


  • 1769年,胆小诗人汤姆斯格雷第一次湖区的深山里,满心愉悦,震憾于这“可怕庞大高山”。

    In 1769 the first of the timorous poets, Thomas Gray, was on the scene shuddering pleasurably at the mountains’ “dreadful bulk”.


  • 麦克白一个弑君篡位罪人,内心激烈的善恶冲突及其勇于命运挑战英雄人格却给以强烈的震憾力。

    Macbeth is a guilt man, who murdered his king, but he intensely moved readers because of his heart beating soul conflict and his heroic character for challenging to the destiny.


  • 这个世界唯有两种东西咱们的心灵感应深深的震憾咱们头顶上灿烂星空是咱们心田崇高品德法则

    Only two things in the world can make us deeply shocked in our innermost being: one is the overhead star-shining sky, the other the noble moral standard in mind.


  • 一个震憾人心尚不被外人熟知的杰作就像黄昏中,欧洲文明地平线看到的遥远的亚洲文明的倩影

    It was a kind of tremendous unknown masterpiece, glimpsed from the distance in a kind of twilight, like a silhouette of the civilization of Asia on the horizon of the civilization of Europe.


  • 这部舞剧以震憾人心悲壮情节,恢宏绚丽场面,鲜明的人物形象以及海南岛地域风情诞生起,就赢得多方好评

    This ballet has been praised widely since being staged because of its astonishing circumstances, tremendous scenes, colorful characters and the regional customs of Hannan Province.


  • 最好女高音歌唱家的高音给人以震憾但是他们仍然不能达到洁的声音高度,一项新的研究表明它能发出世界最高音调

    The best human sopranos sing impressively high notes, but they cannot match the clear-winged woolly bat, which a new study has just determined produces the world's highest pitched call.


  • 这个世界惟有两种东西我们的心灵感到深深的震憾我们头顶上灿烂星空,二我们内心崇高道德法则。 ——康德

    Only two things in the world can make us deeply shocked in our innermost being: one is the overhead star—shining sky, the other the noble moral sta-n-dard in mind.


  • 身高285MM杯口直径70MM,杯座直径85MM,不要怀疑眼睛就是我们钻石香槟带给所有热爱葡萄酒生活的人们视觉震憾

    With height 285MM, caliber 70MM, feet diameter 85MM, do not doubt your eyes, that is the visual shock our Diamond Champagne glasses bring to all the wine lovers.


  • 身高285MM杯口直径70MM,杯座直径85MM,不要怀疑眼睛就是我们钻石香槟带给所有热爱葡萄酒生活的人们视觉震憾

    With height 285MM, caliber 70MM, feet diameter 85MM, do not doubt your eyes, that is the visual shock our Diamond Champagne glasses bring to all the wine lovers.


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