• 人们不再需要聚集集市上来做生意了。

    No longer do people have to gather round the agora to do their business.


  • 业务活动需要聚集组织展示来自于组织内外各种来源信息

    A business activity needs to aggregate, organize, and present information from various sources within and outside the organization. no no YES no YES YES.


  • 这些日子里需要聚集人群,自己高举旗帜一路狂奔。

    You will have to rally the troops these days, rather than run with the banner by yourself.


  • ATRIUM变成了一个聚会地方在这里人们需要聚集在一起

    ATRIUM becomes a meeting place, where people want to be, together.


  • 需要聚集勇气尝试因为说过,你的支出居高不下直到6月

    You need to gather up your courage and try because as said, your expenses will be high until early June.


  • 一月度曲线记录过去50年来二氧化碳持续上升情况,这就是190个国家认识需要聚集哥本哈根原因

    This seasonally undulating record of carbon dioxide's inexorable rise over the past 50 years goes a long way towards explaining why 190 countries have seen fit to gather now in Copenhagen.


  • 作为社会性动物可能需要大规模聚集刺激诱导繁殖行为

    Whales being sociable animals probably need the stimulus of sizeable gatherings to induce reproductives behavior.


  • 当然构建管理工具需要能够聚集组织任何拥有开发工具那里来的审计数据即使这些工具是来自不同厂商

    Of course, the build management tool needs to be able to aggregate and organize audit data from whatever development tools you have, even if they come from different vendors.


  • 他们需要是按城市聚集信息

    They need the information aggregated by city.


  • 直接的提取加载操作不同,转换复杂部分因为此过程中需要数据进行理解转换聚集计算

    Unlike straightforward extract and load operations, transformation is the most complicated piece, as there is a need to understand, convert, aggregate, and calculate data.


  • 事实上全球化需要扩展构架需求聚集领域

    In fact, globalization needs to extend into the areas of architecture and requirements gathering.


  • 只要聚集业务过程读取访问兴趣,需要用户信息访问应用程序模式(详见参考资料)。

    Since you are interested in providing read access to the aggregated business performance, you need the User Information access application pattern (see Resources).


  • 按照例子要求,聚集信息需要保存目前为止所有该组传入加权和,并保存已经处理过数值数量

    Referring to our example, the aggregation information needs to contain the weighted sum of all values passed in so far (for that group) and the count for the number of values already processed.


  • 公开聚集简单服务粒度服务并且公开合作伙伴需要粒度来使他们的流程自动化。

    Expose coarse-grained services that aggregate simple services and only to the granularity needed by partners to automate their processes.


  • 单件我们提供了种可以 SQL语句一个UDF 进行聚集计算时需要的数据存储另外对象当中的方式

    The singleton provides us with the means to store another object that is used for the aggregation done in each UDF in the SQL statement.


  • 他们办公室之间走来走去,核心艺术家周围聚集起来,他们依靠那些才能并且电影中需要人才。

    They move through office suites scattered around the central pool of artists, depending on whose talents are needed for the movie.


  • 除此之外,这些女成员有时全体聚集在一起,讨论艾琳近期远期愿望需要

    But they also gather collectively to discuss her short- and long-term wishes and needs.


  • 因为水冷系统失去了动力内部聚集压力需要排出

    Because they lost power to the water cooling system, they needed to vent the pressure that's building up inside.


  • 之后所有要做的就是编写XQuery查询查询选择聚集用于报告数据,并按最终需要格式(xmlhtml)对它们进行格式化

    Then all that was needed was to write XQuery queries, which would both select and aggregate the data for the report, and format them into the final desired format (XML or HTML).


  • getAggregateResultUDF设置 斜体)需要二进制解码然后访问正确聚集对象

    The getAggregateResult UDF (set in italics) needs to decode the binary string and access the correct aggregation object.


  • 通常CE p适用需要许多组件实时聚集在一起以便完成任务的业务场景

    Typically, BEP is applicable in scenarios where many components need to come together in real time in order for a task to be completed.


  • 需要调用应用程序手工聚集汇总转换数据(DB 2Information Integrator会处理上述所有操作)。

    Eliminate the need for calling applications to manually aggregate, summarize or convert data (WebSphere Information Integrator handles all of the above).


  • 大多数最优化技术检查点处理(聚集中间结果以便需要整个日志就可以恢复动作)边缘案例超出我们范围

    Most optimizations, checkpoint processing (aggregating intermediate results so that recovery actions never need to read the entire log), and "fringe cases" are beyond our scope.


  • 了解了实例生命之后,我们就可以属性中存储任何聚集计算所需要数据

    Given the life span of the instance, we can store any data in the class's attributes that we need for the aggregation.


  • 专家已经聚集安塔纳纳里弗制定出了一个需要研究问题列表

    A group of experts has gathered in Antananarivo to draw up a list of questions that need researching.


  • 实现一方面行为方法可以混合式中聚集在一起,混合式被添加任何需要行为的中。

    Groups of methods implementing a particular aspect of behavior can be gathered together in a mix-in that is added to any class that needs that behavior.


  • 而在这些边缘地带,许多小镇聚集融合,无论是需要时间决定确实定居下来的人还是无需考虑的人都有足够的容身之处——因为那里不会围栏

    Where the towns meet and merge there's plenty of space for people who want to take time to decide, or indeed to settle down and never need to, because the truth is that there is no fence.


  • 需要项目创建维护一个社区,让有相同追求的人能够聚集一起。

    No matter how you got here, you need a leg up on creating and maintaining a gathering place for sympathetic souls.


  • 换言之,作个可靠假设,(这需要娴熟的技术人员带着显微镜,在那些聚集了大量饱受疟原虫感染的红细胞的血涂片开展这场狩猎

    You have to hunt for them. That is, assuming a skilled technician with a microscope is on hand to do the hunting—not a safe assumption, given where most of those infected with malaria live.


  • 最初人类基因或许还可以由猴子机械化做,可是到了解读结果时候,则需要人类能够聚集最好头脑

    Reading the human genome in the first place may, indeed, have been work for mechanical monkeys. Interpreting the result will require the finest minds that humanity can muster.


- 来自原声例句

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