• 需求价格弹性绝对值小于1情况。

    Where the price elasticity of demand is less than 1.


  • 需求价格弹性系数

    The flexibility coefficient of the price is small.


  • 需求价格弹性商品商品使用财产密切相连的。

    Price elasticity of demand for commodities and commodity level of use of property are closely linked.


  • 文章主要阐述需求价格弹性概念及其经济应用

    It focuses on the concept of price elasticity of demand and application in economics.


  • 需求价格弹性经济理论定量分析具有广泛的应用性

    There is widespread application of the price elasticity of demand in the quantitative analysis of economical theory.


  • 需求价格弹性常数非线性条件下模型进行探讨

    This article discusses the Cournot model under nonlinear demand and the price elasticity of demand as a constant.


  • 另外通过算例仿真分析需求价格弹性发电数目对于市场影响

    Furthermore, numerical simulations are given in this paper, which are used to demonstrate the impacts of demand elasticity and the number of power generators on market power.


  • 假定美国出口需求价格弹性等于-3,而对英国出口品需求价格弹性- 2

    Assuming that the price elasticity of demand for US exports equals to -3 and the price elasticity of demand for US imports equals -2.


  • 需求价格收入变动影响,可以分为需求价格弹性需求收入弹性需求交叉弹性

    The demand is affected by price and income, classified as price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand.


  • 研究结果表明,为了实现既定需求价格弹性边际收益,对应的需求函数无穷多个

    The results show that there are infinite demand functions which can realize given demand price elasticity and given marginal return.


  • 供应链集成角度出发,整体利益最大化目标遵循市场规律引入了产品的需求价格弹性因素

    Starting from supply chain integration, taking the maximum profit as a target and following the market regulations, a factor of demand price elasticity was introduced.


  • 供应链集成角度出发,整体利益最大化为目标,遵循市场规律引入了产品的需求价格弹性因素。

    The price elasticity of supply and demand has the extremely widespread application in the economic decision-making.


  • 此外,基于电力需求价格弹性理论研究,经济学角度论文对安全电价的意义和作用进行了解释

    In addition, by researching the theory of price elasticity of electric demand in the paper, function of security price is explained from the economic Angle.


  • 通过分析不同部门用水需求价格弹性价格承受能力成本核算方法对不同类型水资源配置中的价格调节潜力做出估算

    Through analyses price flexibility and price supporting capability of water use in different departments, estimates the potential of price adjusting in vary types water resource configuration.


  • 需求价格弹性收益这种关系一定条件约束,不满足这个约束条件,需求价格弹性与总收益之间就不具有如上关系。

    And the total revenue can be increased if the price of a inelastic demand goods is raised, and vice versa. But the relation bet...


  • 需求价格弹性收益这种关系有一定条件约束,不满足这个约束条件,需求价格弹性与总收益之间不具有如上关系。

    And the total revenue can be increased if the price of a inelastic demand goods is raised, and vice versa. But the relation between the price elasticity and total...


  • 在上述假设和健康护理需求价格弹性缺乏弹性假设下,确定关于健康护理生产率的不确定时,可以得到同样结论

    Provided also that the demand for health care is own-price inelastic, the same conclusion is obtained when the uncertainty is about the productivity of health care.


  • 中等发达地区医疗需求价格弹性研究表明,1991—1998年间医院并未从次均医疗费用的持续过快增长获得更多的收入。

    The price elasticity of medical demand in middle -economic -level areas was analyzed during 1991-1998 in this paper.


  • 这么多年来,美国消费者液体燃料需求似乎没有价格弹性的——不管这个燃料是用来驱动汽车还是用来早上刺激大脑

    For years it seemed that American consumers' demand for liquid fuel was price inelastic-whether it was to drive their cars or get their brains going in the morning.


  • 不断上涨食物石油价格抑制了消费者消费欧元区企业正在心满意足地干着定单上的活,弹性出口需求为它们带来了大量的定单。

    Rising food and petrol prices crimped consumer spending, but firms in the euro area were contentedly working through order books fattened by resilient export demand.


  • 随着大众对住所安全需求普及化玩具厂商可以计算机工业技术力量弹性大批量生产,从而将市场价格降低至大众消费价格

    Home security is blossoming for toy makers who can match the technical power and flexibility of the computer industry with the mass-market prices that come from large production runs.


  • 但是定价之前需进行盈亏平衡需求价格弹性分析,即提价打折购买习惯会发生什么变化

    But deciding what to charge requires careful analysis of such things as break-even points and price elasticities of demand-how buying habits change after a price rise or a discount.


  • 芝加哥大学TomasPhilipson称,就算价格高昂,癌症药品需求很大程度上还是缺乏价格弹性的。

    Even when prices are high, demand for cancer drugs is largely inelastic, says Tomas Philipson of the University of Chicago.


  • 根据港口企业需求价格弹性特点分析了港口费率相对稳定原因

    According to the characteristics of price elasticity of demand of prots this paper analyses the reason why port tariff remains relatively stable.


  • 弹性称为相对导数,它商品经济活动有着广泛应用诸如价格调节需求等。

    Elasticity, also called relative derivation, is extensively applied in the activity of commodity economy , such as adjusting the demand with price.


  • 需求弹性原理反映了商品量价格相对关系变化规律性

    The principle of demanding elasticity reflects the regularity of the relative relationship between the volume of commodity and the price.


  • 举例分析需求弹性变动产品销售量影响得出价格变动如何影响销售收益结论

    It gives examples to analyze the change of demand elasticity has an influence over the sales volume of products and reaches a conclusion that how the price fluctuation influences the benefit sales.


  • 由于计算机计算机部件具有相当弹性需求公司可以原来价格基础上提供折扣,从而扩大销售达到利润最大化

    As computer and it parts have fairly elastic demand the company can concentrate on giving small discounts from the original price and maximising the profit from large sale.


  • 我国职业篮球俱乐部进入退出壁垒较多,俱乐部有一定的困难根据价格需求情况进入或退出行业,因此我国职业篮球俱乐部供给弹性较小。

    It is more barrier to enter and retreat from the basketball market for the professional basketball clubs, the elasticity of the professional basketball clubs is feeble.


  • 本文中,我们聘请德国马克方法估计价格广告弹性需求64品牌啤酒在美国。

    In this paper, we employ the DM method to estimate the price and advertising elasticities of demand for 64 brands of beer in the United States.


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