• 西利用当代文学证据船运单海关记录发现大多数成年移民精通农业手工艺识字家庭为单位组织起来

    Using contemporary literary evidence, shipping lists, and customs records, Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.


  • 西发现大多数成年移民精通农业手工艺受过教育,并且家庭为单位组织行事

    Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.


  • 这份报告是澳大利亚维多利亚大学约翰·霍顿经合组织的格厄姆·维克里共同撰写的,对于那些迄今为止已经获得可观利润出版商来说,这份报告起来很沉重。

    The report, by John Houghton of Victoria University in Australia and Graham Vickery of the OECD, makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits.


  • 研究小组哈佛大学的格厄姆·诺兹博士带队,这位科学家组织样本进行基因分析确认条蛇一个此前不为人知种类

    The team was led by Dr. Graham Reynolds, from Harvard University, the scientist confirmed the snake was a previously unknown species after conducting a genetic analysis of tissue samples.


  • 研究小组哈佛大学的格厄姆·诺兹博士带队,这位科学家组织样本进行基因分析确认条蛇一个此前不为人知物种

    The team was led by Dr. Graham Reynolds, from Harvard University, the scientist confirmed the snake was a previously unknown species after conducting a genetic analysis of tissue samples.


  • 慈善组织决定瓦拉达斯建造一所房子

    The charitable organization decided to construct a new house in Valadares.


  • 法洛不同意给学生补课相反利用课外的时间组织戏剧讲习班着眼于鼓励10岁左右的学生表达自己深入探讨文学

    Instead of doing remedial work, Refalo used the extra time to organize theater workshops, with an eye to encouraging his 10-year-old pupils to express themselves and to delve into literature.


  • 彼德沟通一些问题确实可以通过法庭下达的调停令解决,科林斯公司好几个地区组织这样的调停会。

    Petrey says some of those communication problems can be avoided with court-ordered mediations, which the Collins Center is helping to organize in several areas.


  • 科林斯中心就是这样一个组织庭外调解项目机构,罗德.彼德是该中心的负责人他说直到目前为止,佛罗里达一直没有重视这个办法

    Rod Petrey, head of the Collins Center which organizes out-of-court mediation programs, says that option has been ignored in Florida until now.


  • 杰拉德都在今天早些时候丁队的比赛后接受了检查,杰拉德大腿肌腱拉伤将要休战2,而托软骨组织受损,这次受伤需要接受手术来恢复,所以将要大概休战6周的时间。

    Steven has a hamstring strain and will be out for a fortnight, while Fernando has torn a cartilage in his right knee.


  • 这令游说团体竞争市场组织领导人场主·斯托克斯兴奋不已

    Fred Stokes, a cattle rancher and leader of the Organisation for Competitive Markets, an advocacy group, is thrilled.


  • 乳癌防治基金会苏珊·g·科曼发言人安德里亚·这项活动不是组织发起的。

    Andrea Rader, a spokeswoman for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation, said the group was not behind the campaign.


  • 这项研究结果最早发表在由圣安德鲁斯大学行为生物学家凯文·兰德卢克·伦德尔组织比赛

    The finding emerged from a tournament set up by the behavioral biologists Kevin Laland and Luke Rendell of the University of St. Andrews.


  • 琴·韦斯特任职于国际无人机系统协会,协会一个工业贸易组织

    Gretchen West is with the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, an industry trade group.


  • 弗总结说:“薪酬差距组织团体很难维持。”

    “A sense of community is hard to sustain in organisations where large pay gaps exist,” Mr Trevor concludes.


  • 本场比赛上半场替补出场,赛前检查结果显示利物浦前锋需要接受膝盖手术才能使之前的软骨组织伤势痊愈。

    Torres was substituted in the first half at Anfield and scans have revealed that the striker will require knee surgery to repair torn cartilage.


  • (参见 文章)组织的成员,包括布兰奇政见相近的其他欧洲裔南非白人团体成员原本正在明年的白人选举进行选民登记。

    The people manning it, from another Afrikaner outfit with similar views to Mr Terre’Blanche’s, were collecting registrations for an all-white election next year.


  • 蒙特本来是个安全地方,现在,她的名声已经泽塔组织海湾毒枭的斗争中消亡怠尽。

    Yet fighting between the Zetas and the Gulf has destroyed Monterrey's reputation as a safe city.


  • 蒙特本来是个安全地方,现在,她的名声已经泽塔组织海湾毒枭的斗争中消亡怠尽。

    Yet fighting between the Zetas and the Gulf has destroyed Monterrey’s reputation as a safe city.


  • 这位前“绿色组织的成员为自己辩护为自卫

    The former Green Beret pleaded self-defense.


  • 4天内机械土耳其图片组织起来,同时,l万自愿者图片进行筛选。然而毫无结果,一直没有找到先生

    Within four days, Mechanical Turk was hosting the images and more than 10,000 volunteers were sifting through them-though to no avail, as Mr Gray was never found.


  • 4天内机械土耳其图片组织起来,同时, l万自愿者对图片进行筛选。然而毫无结果, 一直没有找到先生

    Within four days, Mechanical Turk was hosting the images and more than 10, 000 volunteers were sifting through them—though to no avail, as Mr Gray was never found.


  • 奥巴马演讲……错失良机能对打破国际气候谈判僵局起到任何作用,”“地球朋友组织阿萨德·赫曼(Asad Rehman)

    "Obama's speech... was a huge missed opportunity which does nothing to break the logjam in international climate negotiations," said Friends of the Earth's Asad Rehman.


  • 加布尔说,这种职能结构职能团体结合起来的方式称作矩阵(matrix)”,此类尝试多数以失败告终最近还出版有关矩阵式组织的书。

    Such attempts to combine a functional structure with cross-functional groups, called amatrix”, have mostly failed, says Mr Galbraith, who recently published a book on matrix organisations.


  • 世卫组织戈里·哈特尔(Gregory Hartl)报告需要富裕国家作出紧急反应

    Gregory Hartl of WHO said the report required an urgent response from rich nations.


  • 国际组织“行动援助”(ActionAid)特·亚历山大(Meredith Alexander)发达国家能够并且应该做得更多

    Meredith Alexander of the international group, ActionAid, says developed nations can and should do more.


  • 1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队2年后正式组织效力,他伊普索姆河交接处战壕参加坠落飞机抢救工作。

    He joined the Royal Naval air service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at Ypres and the Somme.


  • 1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队2年后正式组织效力,他伊普索姆河交接处战壕参加坠落飞机抢救工作。

    He joined the Royal Naval air service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at Ypres and the Somme.


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