• 喜欢各种音乐歌剧雷盖都喜欢。

    I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae.


  • 牙买加雷盖音乐完全不同北美爵士乐布鲁斯音乐

    Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues.


  • 许多将会记住鲍勃马利,因为正是他他们第一次体验雷盖音乐

    Many people will remember Bob Marley for giving them their first taste of reggae music.


  • 世界最大雷盖音乐节日牙买加

    The world's greatest reggae festival in Jamaica.


  • 鲍勃·马利他们首次接触到了雷盖音乐

    Bob Marley provided them with their first taste of Reggae music.


  • 除了和来自这些国家交朋友之外,听雷盖流行音乐简单的方法

    One kind of pop music called reggae is the easiest way outside of befriending someone from these nations.


  • 名当红歌手着一个年轻歌迷了一首小夜曲,感到了前所未有的激动与兴奋。

    A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her.


  • 音乐顶级大师吉米·克利一支出色的歌曲六个概括生活获得成功的步骤:“,我做,我得”。

    There’s a great song out there by Jimmy Cliff, one of reggae’s top artists, that in six words summarizes just how you succeed in life: I want I do I get.


  • 如果没有被人逼得要全世界传达讯息”,表示最理想语言,他这一生可以一些祖鲁都市摇摆乐

    He might have sung Zulu township jive all his life, if he had not felt compelled to give "a message" to the world for which reggae was his ideal language.


  • 南非受人爱戴且唱片销量最高的(reggae)歌手拉奇·杜布(LuckyDube)外表看起来一个先知——有着粗壮的“骇人”长发他的胸膛而且还有着一张嶙峋且长满胡须的脸盘。

    Lucky Dube, the best-loved and biggest-selling reggae star in South Africa, looked much like a prophet, with thick dreadlocks falling to his chest and a craggy, bearded face.


  • 我们以前也过,斯图亚特皮尔斯索斯以及克里斯·沃德尔那些曾罚点球,受到国家责备的人。

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate, and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 1979年,他因《刽子手之歌》再次获得普利策奖,小说讲述了凶手吉尔摩真实故事

    He was awarded a second Pulitzer in 1979 for The Executioner's Song, the true story of self-confessed murderer Gary Gilmore.


  • 我们以前也过,斯图亚特·皮尔斯,加斯·斯·以及克里斯·沃德尔,那么曾罚点球,受到国家责备

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 美国地产市场1996—2006年的周期,格瑟、约克塞兹发现,可开发土地更多地方繁荣期确实短。

    For the 1996-2006 cycle in America Messrs Glaeser, Gyourko and Saiz find that places with more developable land did have shorter booms.


  • 这是否是德意科学

    Is this what Freidrich Nietzsche meant by "the gay science"?


  • 尽管本届世界杯上,特表现让人失望,且在法国队意大利队决赛打失关键的一粒点球

    The Frenchman had a disappointing World Cup and missed the vital spot-kick in the penalty shoot-out with Italy in the final.


  • 里德出人意料之举看来尤其过了厄姆的风头。

    Mr Graham seemed especially put out by Mr Reid's surprise.


  • 日益暴跳如国会促使特纳不得不采取行动。

    Mr Geithner's hand was forced by an increasingly hysterical Congress.


  • 对于诺克斯索莱奇托来说,他们监狱里已经渡过时光,谈不上所谓的公正;对一家来说,他们至今仍然知道是否参与了谋杀,如果不是,那么究竟是杀害了梅迪思,对于他们一家也还谈不上公正。

    Not for Knox and Sollecito, who've spent four years in jail, nor Meredith Kercher's family who still don't know if Rudy Guede had an accomplice or not, and if so, who it might have been.


  • 就是为啥从没看过嘎嘎(Lady GaGa)骑着角兽到处转悠---事实上要是能找到个独角帮她顶开奶昔谢天谢地的了。

    This is why you will never see Lady Gaga riding a unicorn. In fact, she'd be lucky if she got to split a milk shake with a narwhal.


  • 现年35岁的英国小伙伊-巴尼特8年前离开达特默斯码头辗转至加拿大,为北美最大饮食集团帝国掌管人、加拿大渔业大亨、亿万富翁约翰-里斯打工

    The 35-year-old left Dartmouth eight years ago to work for John Risley, the billionaire owner of a food empire and the largest fishing fleet in North America and Canada.


  • 今天的都灵体育报这样一条报道俱乐部之间会谈计划下周进行。

    There are reports in today's 'Tuttosport' that a meeting has been planned for next week between Trezeguet and the club.


  • 如果尤文允许布冯转会必将是一个非常交易或是球员交换他们,或是得到大量的资金。

    If Juve allow Buffon and Trezeguet to leave, they would be powerful bargaining chips which could be used in trade deals or they could be massive revenue raisers.


  • 所有了解东西他们(皮耶罗)那里找到答案,但同时必须听取其他队友的意见。

    I can learn from them (Trezeguet and Del Piero) all the things I don't know, but I must also listen to my other team-mates too.


  • 卡莫拉内西夏季过后可能双双留在球队,他们两个人暗示说突如其来转会同样可能的。

    Mauro Camoranesi and David Trezeguet may have remained at Juventus over the summer, but both have suggested an imminent exit is on the cards.


  • 德尚清楚,当初留在尤文决定对于球队升级很可能决定性的,这在日后将得到验证。

    Didier Deschamps realises that David Trezeguet's decision to stay at Juventus could prove decisive in their bid to get back into Serie A.


  • 德尚清楚,当初留在尤文决定对于球队升级很可能决定性的,这在日后将得到验证。

    Didier Deschamps realises that David Trezeguet's decision to stay at Juventus could prove decisive in their bid to get back into Serie A.


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