• 这个常量设置为以便显示诊断消息或者设置,以便抑制诊断消息。

    Set this constant to a non-zero value to enable diagnostic messages to be printed or set it to zero to suppress them.


  • 央行新政策支持者认为,利率保持接近保持信贷流动性抑制通货紧缩明智方法

    Proponents argue that with interest rates at or near zero, it is a sensible way of keeping credit flowing and preventing deflation.


  • 极端情况下即便利率也不能抑制现金需求

    At the extreme, the demand for cash is so strong than not even interest rates at zero can get the economy moving.


  • 另一些情况下,则可以使用REL()功能读数中减去,或者简单地使用内置的抑制功能(如果仪器具有功能的话)其消除。

    In other cases, it can either be subtracted from the reading by using the REL (zero) feature or simply canceled out by using built-in zero suppression if the instrument has this feature.


  • 采用空间滤波技术通过辅助通道干扰方向上形成波束实现对干扰信号的抑制

    Beam pattern null in the direction of the jamming is formed by a space filtering and assisted receive channels to suppress the jamming.


  • 它采用空间滤波技术通过辅助接收通道干扰方向形成波束,实现干扰信号抑制

    Beam pattern null in the direction of jamming is formed by space filtering and assisted receive channels to suppress the jamming.


  • 为了抑制加速度测试中发现压电加速度传感器漂现象,减小测试结果不利影响

    To restrain zero-drifts of the piezoelectric acceleration sensor in high-impact testing and to reduce its bad effect on the result of acceleration testing.


  • 电压即将打开之前关闭仪器检查功能使用REL功能抑制电荷读数,使显示

    Just before the voltage source is turned on, disable the meter's zero check and suppress the charge reading by using the REL function to zero the display.


  • 分析了噪声混沌检测的影响,仿真实验表明该混沌检测系统对方信号非常敏感任何均值噪声均具有极强的抑制能力

    The simulation experiments shows that chaotic detection system is very sensitive to square wave signal and have strong restrain ability to any colored noise with zero mean.


  • 另外三相四线制有源电力滤波器有效抑制线电流能有效地解决系统不对称问题

    Moreover, three-phase four-wire active filters can suppress zero line current, and solve symmetric problem of system effectively.


  • 理论分析仿真实验表明检测系统噪声覆盖的微弱正弦信号非常敏感,对任何均值噪声具有极强抑制能力。

    Theroy and simulation study have shown that this detection system is very sensitive to weak sine signal under strong noise and can effectively restrain any strong noise which has zero mean.


  • 出现,将有效地抑制一阶偏振色散

    The occurrence of zero walk off point can efficiently restrain the first_order polarization mode dispersion.


  • 抑制消失约束更为严格设计条件,能够有效地控制滤波器的阻带特性。

    The stopband zero suppression is a stricter design constraint than the vanishing moments, and can more effectively manipulate the stopband characteristics of filters.


  • 提出一种能够抑制干扰基带波形设计方法方法通过保持传输信息速率不变,成形滤波器第二叠加信号来实现的。

    A waveform design method that can restrain the multipath effect was proposed. It was achieved by placing signal on the second zero point of waveform filter and keeping the information rate.


  • 仿真实验表明混沌检测系统信号非常敏感,对任何均值噪声具有极强抑制能力。

    Simulation experiments show that the chaos detection system is very sensitive to weak signal and have strong constraint to any colored noise with zero mean value.


  • 滤波器通过处理输入离散采样信号获得连续信号并抑制谐波噪声改进方法

    The filter processes input discrete sampling signal to recover continuous signal and suppress harmonic noise, and the zero-crossing frequency measuring method is improved.


  • 给出基于指向技术抑制星载合成孔径雷达距离模糊算法

    An algorithm based on null steering techniques is proposed to suppress the range ambiguity of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar.


  • 它采用空间滤波技术通过辅助接收通道干扰方向形成波束图,实现干扰信号抑制

    Beam pattern null in the direction of jamming is formed by space filtering and assistant receive channels to restrain the jamming.


  • 对于干扰源情况,算法形成不够深,对干扰抑制有限

    But for weak interference, because the null formed by power inversion array is shallow, the performance for suppression of interference is poor.


  • 对流单体受到超折射污染速度线所在区域多普勒通道可采用中等级抑制监测通道采用强等级杂波抑制

    The medium level suppression in the Doppler channel and high level suppression in the Surveillance channel can be invoked when convective precipitation cells are contaminated.


  • 椭圆函数滤波器传输可以位于阻内的任意位置处,能更加灵活地滤波器的带外抑制度进行调节,其矩形系数可以做得很高

    The transmission zeros(TZ) of Quasi-elliptic function filter could be placed in any position, so the attenuation out of band is controllable, then a high selection performance could get.


  • 另外函数类型上使用椭圆函数型,使外出现有限频率传输进一步提高了带外抑制能力。

    In addition, the stop-band rejection can be further increased by using elliptic filter function which has limited frequency transmission zeros.


  • 一种利用闭环控制电路抑制敏元件漂移设计思想原理框图实验结果

    The design idea, principle scheme and executive result for restricting zero drift of gas sensors by means of closed loop control circuit are reported.


  • 带隙基准提供近似温度系数电源电压抑制比的稳定电压基准,且与工艺基本无关

    Bandgap Reference can provide stable voltage with nearly zero temperature coefficient and larger PSRR, and also are process unrelated.


  • 前导应该抑制

    Leading zeros should be suppressed in the output.


  • 采用柔性抑制和消除多点模拉过程表面缺陷重要措施。

    Using flexible interpolator pad is an important way to suppress the part surface defect in stretch-forming process on multi-point tool.


  • 这种滤波器采用灵活拓扑结构耦合结构可以实现传输从而提高滤波器带抑制特性或者使时延更加平坦

    Flexible topology and coupling structures are used to realize transmission zeros, thereby enhancing the stop band rejection or making more flat group delay.


  • 实验结果表明,利用温度补偿模型有效地抑制陀螺仪提高惯性测量单元测量精度具有好的实用价值

    The experimental results show that the temperature compensation model can effectively inhibit gyro bias, improve inertial measurement unit's measuring accuracy, and have a good practical value.


  • 实验结果表明,利用温度补偿模型有效地抑制陀螺仪提高惯性测量单元测量精度具有好的实用价值

    The experimental results show that the temperature compensation model can effectively inhibit gyro bias, improve inertial measurement unit's measuring accuracy, and have a good practical value.


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