• 一四五零年佛罗伦萨充斥如今美国随处可见那种动荡的气息以及雄心勃勃的人物

    In 1450 it was filled with the kind of turbulent and ambitious people you find now in America.


  • 做了14零售

    She spent fourteen years in retailing.


  • 理查德经历了16囚禁之后终于24被释放

    Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he'd been taken captive.


  • 这些零散断言1400年后被补充手稿里的。

    These odd assertions were interpolated into the manuscript some time after 1400.


  • 1973年,一差距缩小到几乎

    By 1973, this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point.


  • 一些关于1688年的零星定义仍然适用

    Some fragmentary definitions of 1688 still suevive.


  • 一些关于1688年的零星定义仍然适用

    Some fragmentary definitions of 1688 still survive.


  • 为峰会的一部分,全国各地的数百所学校签署了“让我们走向零碳”这一活动,旨在2030年之前实现零碳排放。

    As part of the summit, hundreds of schools across the country are signing up to the Let's Go Zero activity, aiming to become carbon-zero by 2030.


  • 们同意在2030年前将海运的碳排放量减少40%,并预计到2050年实现零碳海运。

    They agreed to cut carbon emissions from shipping by 40 percent by 2030. And by 2050, they expect zero carbon shipping.


  • 如果忽略1900年,你可以通过观察最右边的是否为零判断一年是否为闰年。

    If you ignore 1900, you can figure out if a given year is a leap year just by looking to see if the rightmost two bits are zero.


  • 2015年初到2016年,8%零售销售额线下转移到了线上

    8 percent of retail sales shifted from offline to online between the beginning of 2015 and 2016.


  • 根据最近一项调查尽管网上零售已经存在大约20但近一半网上零售商仍然没有收到满意消费者反馈

    Although online retailing has existed for some twenty years, nearly half of the internet retailers still fail to receive satisfactory feedback from consumers, according to a recent survey.


  • 大约100年前,给孩子们零花钱做法美国开始流行

    The practice of paying children an allowance became popular in America about 100 years ago.


  • 2016年一季度零售额3%。

    3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016.


  • 2005年个人储蓄率降至之后去年经济危机冲击促使人们迅速捂紧钱包

    After the personal-savings rate dipped to zero in 2005, the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets.


  • 些种子可以在这里存活数千年,因为这里的温度是零下18度。所以,在未来,人类可以种植任何想要的种子。

    The seeds can live here for thousands of years because of the cold temperature of -18℃. So, in the future, humans can grow any seed they want.


  • 最终潜在原因几十年来零食外出就餐的次数增加,这不仅体现发生的频率,还体现在其我们整体能量摄入的影响。

    The final potential cause is an increase in snacking and eating out over recent decades both in terms of how often they happen and how much they contribute to our overall energy intake.


  • 果然美国人口普查局刚刚公布数据显示,2015 年一季度至 2016 年第一季度,在线零售额增长了 15.2%。

    Sure enough, the Census Bureau just released data showing that online retail sales surged 15.2 percent between the first quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016.


  • 由于我们这样行星寿命几十亿我们可以预测如果我们星系其他生物生存它们年龄几十亿岁不等

    Since the lifetime of a planet like ours is several billion years, we can expect that, if other civilisations do survive in our galaxy, their ages will range from zero to several billion years.


  • 互联网商业开放20多年人口普查局告诉我们2016年一季度实体店销售零售额92.3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce, the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016.


  • 一年中繁忙购物季节大雪使机场关闭几个小时缩短当地零售店营业时间

    The snowfall closed the airport for several hours and cut into local business hours for retail shops during the busiest shopping season of the year.


  • 1899年,暴风雪席卷东海岸甚至使佛罗里达州部分地区气温降到零度以下。

    In a great blizzard that swept across the East Coast in 1899, even parts of Florida dropped to below zero.


  • 2006吉尼斯世界纪录》记载现在世界最长婚姻纪录78年零296

    The longest current marriage, according to the 2006 edition of Guinness World Records, is 78 years, 296 days.


  • 顺势而为全球零核于2010年2巴黎召开会议。

    With wind in its sails, Global Zero met in Paris in February 2010.


  • 儿子说过,要的零用钱

    I once told my son I was revoking his allowance for a year.


  • 2005年,瑞典零售生产率超过美国14%。

    By 2005 Sweden's retail productivity was 14% higher than America's.


  • 写道通过这次会面,1610个月痛苦远去了。

    She writes that in that meeting, 16 years and 10 months of misery was just wiped away.


  • 法勒拉吴之后,又活了二百零九,并且生儿养女

    And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters.


  • 法勒拉吴之后,又活了二百零九,并且生儿养女

    And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters.


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