• 河因结冰发黑,有雪藏其中。

    Which are blackish by reason of the ice, and wherein the snow is hid?


  • 哥伦比亚韩国贸易协定雪藏

    Trade pacts with Colombia and South Korea have been stuffed in the freezer.


  • 我们看来,我们相信这样强大的工具应该雪藏

    We don't believe this powerful tool for self-knowledge should be kept secret.


  • 由于商业上的不良影响,这份报告迅速收回雪藏起来

    The report was immediately withdrawn and locked away, never to be seen again, as it was clearly bad for business.


  • 至于虫卵,要经过上述低温雪藏星期或以上,才能其杀害

    The eggs of these parasites can only be killed if it is cooked or frozen to the said temperatures for a week or more.


  • 周六温布利的比赛之前巴萨主帅瓜迪奥拉雪藏明星球员包括梅西等球员。

    Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola rested several of his star players, including Lionel Messi, ahead of next Saturday's game at Wembley.


  • 时间以前一种情绪渴望来说变得过度强烈所以你将暂时雪藏起来。

    Some while ago an emotion or an aspiration became too powerful for you, so you put it on ice.


  • 拌入其他材料,倒加盖,放入冰箱雪藏最少8小时过夜,凝固后即可食用

    Add other ingredients, then transfer the mixture to a plastic container, cover with a lid and freeze for at least 8 hours or overnight before serving.


  • 阿里表示:“除非这些储备雪藏起来,否则就会造成货币供应量上升进而导致资产泡沫。”

    "These reserves, unless sterilised, lead to increases in money supply, which in turn, lead to bubbles in assets," Mr Ali said.


  • 但是美洲杯,巴西雪藏他们最好球员因为杯赛时间冲突。所以得到另一次机会

    But for the Copa America, Brazil rested their top players because of the timing of the tournament and he was given another chance.


  • 衣军团已经锁定小组第一所以他们有放水资本。他们可以雪藏奥耶尔、德容这些得了黄牌的球员。

    The Oranje are already assured of the top spot and so can afford to let points slip, resting those who like Andre Ooijer and Nigel De Jong are on yellow cards.


  • FDA胡萝卜其他酸性食品一样必须冷藏确保安全,饮用经过正确雪藏的胡萝卜汁是安全的。

    The FDA says carrot juice, like other low acid products, must be kept refrigerated to ensure product safety and properly refrigerated carrot juice poses no risk to consumer health.


  • 2003年iTune专卖店介绍给世人,之后他说服娱乐公司出售那些因防止盗版雪藏音乐作品的数字版权。

    After introducing the iTunes store in 2003, he persuaded entertainment companies to sell digital versions of their products when they were largely bivouacked, hiding in fear of piracy.


  • 山坡畦畦青菜它们全部雪藏萝卜油菜奋力探脑袋深海成群白鲨露出这哪藏得住绿呢。

    On a hill with a stretch of green vegetables, frozen snow will want all of them, to head out of rape radish like deep sea shark fins exposed flocks, which is enough to hide the green.


  • 布兰登·罗杰斯必须决定是是否需要雪藏刚刚伤愈的斯科特·辛克莱尔,因为这个赛季他更喜欢享受获得曼联更多控球权的打法。

    Brendan Rodgers must decide whether to restore the fit-again Scott Sinclair to a team that has enjoyed more possession than United this season.


  • 一旦安装失寻回系统,macs系统上windows系统上工作一样好的软件雪藏悄无声息——一旦有盗贼的数据,就采取行动

    Once installed, the software, which works on Macs as well as Windows machines, is passive and undetectable-and goes into action once a theft has been reported.


  • 红杉信托惠誉国际穆迪这两信用评级机构这次证券发行评级,但是红杉对穆迪评估采取了“雪藏”,因为认同穆迪对发行可能产生风险的评估。

    Redwood asked both Fitch and Moody's to provide ratings for the issue, but canned Moody's because it disagreed with the agency's assessment of the risks involved in the issue.


  • 这一切都可以理解为:20世纪60年代这个领域先驱约瑟夫-韦伯并未发现之一现象时便声称他的发现,甚至从那个时候开始真相雪藏起来。

    Understandably so: in the late 1960s Joseph Weber, a pioneer of the field, declared that he had found them when he had not, and mouths have been kept firmly shut ever since.


  • 这一切都可以理解为:20世纪60年代这个领域先驱约瑟夫-韦伯并未发现之一现象时便声称他的发现,甚至从那个时候开始真相雪藏起来。

    Understandably so: in the late 1960s Joseph Weber, a pioneer of the field, declared that he had found them when he had not, and mouths have been kept firmly shut ever since.


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