• 他们花费数百万美元雇佣法律事务团队规避他们健康保险合同方面所承担责任。

    They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.


  • 机器已经显示了它们能够雇佣法律专家所需花费中的极少部分的钱来完成案件搜寻工作,而且它们要比律师法律助手更加细致全面。

    Machines have already shown they can perform legal discovery for a fraction of the cost of human professionalsand do so with far greater thoroughness than lawyers and paralegals usually manage.


  • 表示,消除歧视关键不是雇佣他人代替血检而应该是通过法律途径解决。

    Yang said the key now lies not in hiring others to take blood tests, but in the legal system.


  • 直到本案陷入美国马纳特、费尔普斯菲利普法律事务所雇佣关系,触发他采取行动。

    He only acted after being caught in a flip-flop over the hiring of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips, an American law firm, in the case.


  • 家庭房产救济债务雇佣纠纷移民以及医疗事故索赔方面的法律援助大部分取消

    Legal aid would be largely withdrawn from family law, housing, welfare, debt and employment disputes, as well as from immigration work and clinical-negligence claims.


  • 法律事务企业投行以及其他雇佣技能员工的领域里,解聘一名富有经验专业人士决定不是轻易做出的。

    In law firms, investment Banks, and other companies that employ highly-skilled workers, the decision to lay off an experienced professional is not taken lightly.


  • 由于这个法律规定雇主往往认为他们必须雇佣男人如果还有剩余的机会,才会雇佣妇女

    Because of this legal provision, very often employers think that they must hire men first, and then if anything is left, to hire a woman.


  • 老谋深算的公司雇佣大批律师他们对于法律需求的判定差异如此巨大让人出乎意料

    All three are sophisticated firms that employ a small army of lawyers, so it's a bit surprising that they reached such divergent assessments of what the law requires.


  • 得到法律授权、遵守居住国现行规章条例从业律师代表球员俱乐部参与转会雇佣合同谈判

    A legally authorised practising lawyerin compliance with the rules in force in his country of domicile may represent aplayer or a club in the negotiation of a transfer or employment contract.


  • 对于某些类型工作被认为具危险性或有害性工作,法律严禁雇佣任何16岁以下儿童

    In certain types of work, deemed harmful or detrimental, the law prohibits employing any child under the age of sixteen years.


  • 比如说美国劳务关于控制雇佣关系法律相关信息并且有关于你在哪里可以提出索赔建议

    The US Department of Labor, for example, has information on each law that regulates employment and advice on where and how to file a claim.


  • 还说,另外我们雇佣一个法律公司调查此事结果知道的并不是全部还有另外的故事

    I said: "Furthermore, we hired an outside law firm to investigate this, and it turns out you don't have whole story; there's more to it."


  • 目前为止对于集体解雇印度有着最为严格雇佣保障法律评分低于中国巴西所有发达国家

    India has by far the most restrictive employment-protection laws for collective dismissals, scoring much worse than China and Brazil as well as all the rich countries.


  • 只要我们不断地生产,只要没有限制雇佣法律每个都可以找到工作

    As long as we are producing and as long as there are not regulations preventing employment, there will always be jobs for everyone.


  • 法律认定欺诈性剥夺雇佣服务违法,但明了不诚实服务的涵义

    The law makes it illegal to deprive the employer of such service fraudulently, without making it clear what would constitute dishonest service.


  • Facebook可以雇佣所有好的设计师但是法律也许最大挑战之一。

    Facebook can hire all the kick butt designers it wants but the law may be its biggest challenge of all.


  • 因此非常关键的一点未婚夫各自雇佣家庭律师帮助你们准备份符合你们法律协议

    Thus, it is critical that you and your fiance each hire and work with a family lawyer to prepare an agreement that complies with your state's laws.


  • 一部分法律适用雇佣个人以上公司

    This part of law is only applicable to companies employing more than five people.


  • 法律允许的雇佣解雇工人成本容易减缓迭代

    Passing laws that make it less costly to hire and fire workers is likely to slow its advance.


  • 中世纪的义大利学习法律学生会雇佣老师他们罗马特别是查士丁尼法典- - - - -《法令大全》。

    In medieval Italy, students of law would hire a teacher to teach them Roman law, especially Justinian 's code corpus juris.


  • 已经签订短期合同员工雇佣终止管理人员可以根据当地法律法规做出终止决定

    For the termination of employees who have singed short term contract, management staff can make the termination decision according to local laws and regulations.


  • 过度严厉劳动法产生消极影响,妨碍雇主雇佣员工尽管这些法律适用于10%的劳动力

    Overly strict labor laws, though they cover only 10 percent of the work force, have the perverse effect of discouraging employers from hiring new worker.


  • 安全关照义务存在雇佣运输服务教育法律关系中,法定义务为主。

    The obligation of security care, with the major form of legal obligation, is applicable to the legal relations in engagements, transportation, service and education, etc.


  • 美国司法部雇佣两千律师纽约市法律部也雇佣四百多名律师。

    The United States Department of Justice alone employs more than two thousands, and the Law Department of the City of New York more than four hundreds.


  • 劳动法最广泛意义来说这样法律通过雇佣关系美国通常是一种私人雇主之间的关系—而影响劳动者的。

    Labor law, in its broadest sense, is the law that affects working persons by virtue of their employment relationship, a relationship that in the United States is ordinarily with a private employer.


  • 倾向这个体制,即中东雇佣至少外籍企业法律顾问律师,并由初级律师非律师地方人员组成团队对其进行支持

    His preferred system in the Middle East is to employ at least one existing in house ex-pat lawyer , supported by a team of junior lawyers or non-lawyer local recruits.


  • 倾向这个体制,即中东雇佣至少外籍企业法律顾问律师,并由初级律师非律师地方人员组成团队对其进行支持

    His preferred system in the Middle East is to employ at least one existing in house ex-pat lawyer , supported by a team of junior lawyers or non-lawyer local recruits.


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