• 定义需求真正艺术不是尽可能确定而是找到能够满足业务问题的最小需求集合

    The real art in defining requirements is not to identify as many as possible, but to find the minimum set of requirements needed to satisfy the business problem.


  • ArtyFactory在线设计艺术课程集合完全免费,以插画形式提供绘画、彩画、设计课程。

    Arty Factory is an educational resource hub for design and art lessons online. They are totally free for all and provide an array of fully illustrated classes on drawing, painting, and design.


  • 中国国粹京剧门综合表演艺术集合歌唱舞蹈音乐文学等多种艺术形式

    A quintessential Chinese art form, Beijing Opera is a comprehensive performing art, which combines singing, dancing, music and literature in one.


  • 超级大作兄弟连系列2之战争艺术了,集合了海陆空大方作战,精品推荐

    Le Chi Super Series 2 Band of Brothers masterpiece of art to war, and this is a generous collection of large land, sea and air operations, recommended products.


  • 这些知识集合正是艺术进行辨伪断代的基础。

    The collection of knowledge, is the detection of forgeries of works of art dating to the foundation.


  • 虽然我们见到其中一些博物馆,但是其他那些人艺术集合物件民众不是空旷

    Although we can see some of it museums, those other art collections are not open to the public.


  • 我们试图它们结合起来,这些参观者集合起来努力地为当代艺术做些事情,让人们知道卢浮宫容纳所有现存艺术非常重要的。

    We try and combine that, to bring these people together, and try and work on contemporary art, to say that the Louvre is, and still is, the house for living art is something which is important.


  • 音乐听众特定意义一个集合,音乐的艺术具有同异特征

    Music and audience is a set pair with particular meanings. The art of music has the similarities, differences and counter features.


  • 埃里克·齐纳惊人场面水下布拉德沃思不可思议波普艺术希望喜欢喜欢真实感这个美好的集合

    From Eric Zener's amazing underwater scenes to Doug Bloodworth's incredible pop art, I hope you enjoy this wonderful collection of my favorite photorealistic paintings.


  • 艺术特征也是集合实践以及个人的爱好形成独特面貌

    Huang Bin Hong's artistic characteristic is also imitates old ways in the set, the practice as well as individual hobby from the unique appearance;


  • 集合烧烤现场DJ户外酒吧甚至沙雕艺术表演等众多元素,这个即将开始每周日活动成为城内又一独具风格的早午餐传统!

    The event is expected to be yet another iconic weekend ritual in the city that combines BBQ, live DJ, outdoor bar, and even a sand sculpture artist all together!


  • 布拉格表演艺术图片。引人深思艺术展览占领内外空间建筑物群众集合布拉格双年艺术表演区,一个国际艺术讨论会。

    Thought-provoking art exhibits occupy exterior and interior spaces of a building hosting the Prague Biennale art show, a forum for international art.


  • 歌唱音乐语言完美集合艺术

    Singing is a collection of music and language of a perfect art.


  • 事实上学院大楼就是批手工艺品艺术作品集合人带来无限遐想。

    In fact, the School is a collection of artefacts and compositions that offers imaginary pathways.


  • 1986年伊拉娜·古尔介绍家具艺术签名限量配件美国市场集合

    In 1986 Ilana Goor introduced a collection of iron furniture and accessories to the American marketplace as limited editions signed by the artist.


  • 艺术界称为摄影家雕塑家电影制作人集合体。

    The artist has been active in various art fields, being able to work as a sculptor, a photographer and filmmaker at the same time.


  • 他们的创意家具想法纽约现代艺术博物馆产品被充分发现的,同时丹佛现代艺术集合博馆意大利米兰设计永久展出。

    Their creative furniture ideas have found their products into collections at the MOMA New York, Musuem of Modern Art in Denver and in the permanent exhibition of Italian design in Milan.


  • 林肯中心兴建完成1969年,纽约表演艺术集合地,它新兴部分百老汇大街的表演艺术而备受赞誉,这里两边曾经排列公寓房间。

    Completed in 1969, Lincoln Center, New York's citadel for the performing arts, is credited with revitalizing a part of Broadway once lined with tenements.


  • 林肯中心兴建完成1969年,纽约表演艺术集合地,它新兴部分百老汇大街的表演艺术而备受赞誉,这里两边曾经排列公寓房间。

    Completed in 1969, Lincoln Center, New York's citadel for the performing arts, is credited with revitalizing a part of Broadway once lined with tenements.


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