• 找一句激励-找到一些可以让自己集中注意力激发动力话语可以取自低俗励志标语可以是告诉自己怎么几个

    Develop a Mantra - Find a few statements that focus your mind and motivate you. It doesn't matter whether they are pulled from a tacky motivational poster, or just a few words to tell you what to do.


  • 其次,加快动力提高智力改善记忆力,提高大脑回忆逻辑和集中精力的能力。

    It boosts your brain function and your intelligence; improving memory, recall, reasoning and focus.


  • 这些仅仅自己工作时候保持动力集中注意力努力工作所应该注意的。但是重要的是,要记住你为你自己工作的时候得到什么

    These are only a few ways to stay motivated, focused and hard working when working for yourself, but the important thing to remember is that you get back what you put in when you work for yourself.


  • 小事开始,选择简单任务自己工作起来,逐步获得动力然后集中精力对付稍微棘手困难项目保持做下去

    Start small, choosing easier tasks to help you get started and gain momentum, then focus on items that are a bit more involved or difficult and just keep going!


  • 我们可以集中注意力考虑内在动力事实就是我们一个整体包括老虎然后用心去感化

    We can also concentrate and meditate on our inner power, and on the fact that we are one with the entire universe, including the tiger, and in this way influence its soul.


  • 而在日本由于少,虽然农村剩余动力大量转移土地集中程度并不仍然保持着小农生产方式

    In Japan, because people will be less, although there are a large number of rural surplus labor transfer, but not high concentration of land, remained small-scale production.


  • 因此我们精力重新集中支持者身上,确保我们的社区参与到活动的每个步骤当中,从而重新获得了我们的动力

    We refocused our efforts on being there for our supporters, and regained our momentum by making sure we were involving our community at every step.


  • 多数动力集中非正式部门以及税基较小许多国家卫生社会保护工作陷入困境。

    This has meant a disaster for health and social protection in the many countries where most labour is concentrated in the informal sector and the tax base is small.


  • 荷载作用边界时间变化动力荷载作用下,网格生成器应力集中区域变化而动态退化加密网格。

    When the load boundaries vary with time and under the dynamics loads, the mesh generator can derefinement and re-refinement dynamically mesh with moving of stress concentration region.


  • 因此本田汽车集中精力电池系统电力马达获取最高能效,以研发出真正有竞争力的混合动力车。

    Honda, he said, is therefore 'devoting our energy in getting the most fuel-efficiency out of the battery system and electric power motors to come up with a truly compelling hybrid.'


  • 不仅一个国家经济科技实力集中表现而且推动社会进步的强大动力

    It is not only a country's economic and technological strength concentrated performance, but also a powerful driving force for promoting social progress.


  • 目前为止,几乎全部有关板块运动动力研究,都着眼点集中地球内部

    Up to now, almost all researches of the driving force source of the plate movement concentrate the strarting point at the earth interior.


  • 发生器产生必要动力形成维持偏导护然后集中这些护盾于指定物体周围——可以是一艘飞船,一座建筑物甚至颗星球一部分。

    Shield generators produce the power needed to create and maintain deflector shields, then focus those shields around a given object, be it a ship, building, or even parts of an entire planet.


  • 看起来湖人精神不集中造成失误但是同样意味着动力是必须的。

    This may seem like a lapse in concentration for the Lakers, but it can also mean that nerves are jangled as well.


  • 研究结果表明1等效移动集中力作用简支梁动力响应稳态响应瞬态响应组成。

    The results are shown that: 1) under an equivalent moving concentrated force, dynamic responses of the simply supported beam consist of steady response and transient response.


  • 介绍了无人值守通信机房动力环境集中监控管理系统构成技术实现方法

    The constitution, technique and realized method of centralized supervisory control system on power and environment in the unattended communication room are introduced in detail.


  • 技术创新推动经济增长根本动力,也是企业核心竞争能力集中体现

    Technological innovation is the fundamental motivity to impel economy increase and the concentrate embodiment of enterprise core competition force.


  • 表象训练强化教学效果使学习者注意力更加集中视野更加开阔,动力定型形成过程大大缩短

    Imagery training law also strengthens the effect of teaching so that the learner's attention is more focused, vision is more open, dynamic stereotype formation process significantly shortened.


  • 一致质量矩阵集中质量矩阵结构动力分析常用质量矩阵形式

    Consistent mass matrix and lumped mass matrixes are the common types of mass matrixes in structural dynamic analysis.


  • 本文采用能量集中耗散方法提出结构优化刚度质量降低原结构动力反应,达到利用增层减振的效果。

    Based on the method of gathering and dissipating energy, this paper puts forward the way to reduce the building's dynamic reaction by optimizing rigidity and quality of the increasing building floors.


  • 企业精神企业灵魂,是企业全体人员活力集中体现,是激励员工奋发向上的强大动力

    Enterprise spirit is the soul of enterprise and collective embodiment of enterprise whole staff activity, and strong power of encouraging staff to make progress.


  • 弯道水流动力特性主要集中水面横比降横向环流流速重分布等方面

    Bend flow momentum characteristics is mainly concentrated in the surface sloop, cross circulation and the velocity re-distribution.


  • 运用市场列车型式发展趋势方面分析了动力集中动力分散特点

    The features of concentrated power and distributed power are analyzed from such aspects as operation, market and train type development trend.


  • 计算结果表明,论文提出一般集中参数模型有望改进基础动力响应分析

    It is expected that the general lumped-parameter model will improve the dynamic foundation design.


  • 一开始集中力量一方面获得成功,在过程建立自信动力更多肯定自信带入另一个领域

    Concentrate first on succeeding in one area; the confidence and momentum that you build in the process leads you with more surety and confidence into next area.


  • 一开始集中力量一方面获得成功,在过程建立自信动力更多肯定自信带入另一个领域

    Concentrate first on succeeding in one area; the confidence and momentum that you build in the process leads you with more surety and confidence into next area.


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