• 后来朝着明显难以复原写作演变似乎明了一点。

    The subsequent evolution towards apparently less recuperable writing would seem to bear this out.


  • 所有这些已经说明了的了,即使已经知道了,你依然可能觉得难以付诸实践

    All of this seems straightforward enough, once you know about it, yet it can be difficult to put into practice.


  • 合法领域进军想法不实际的,特别是因为很好地明了萨维尔调查结果是难以转化为针对个人定罪手段。

    The idea of plunging into new legal thickets is daunting, especially since it might well prove hard to convert Lord Saville's findings into convictions against individuals.


  • 合法领域进军想法不实际的,特别是因为很好地明了萨维尔调查结果是难以转化为针对个人定罪手段。

    The idea of plunging into new legal thickets is daunting, especially since it might well prove hard to convert Lord Saville’s findings into convictions against individuals.


  • 一个简单明了解决方案,通常复杂深奥的解决方案更受青睐因为后者客户难以理解的。

    Keeping to a simple and elegant solution is usually preferred to a complex, esoteric solution that is difficult for the client to understand.


  • 但是作为介绍高加索指南清晰又明了,实为一本难以逾越的佳作。

    But as a clear, brief guide to the countries of the south Caucasus, it would be hard to do better than this book.


  • 印度不断增长经常帐户赤字担心原因在于金融危机的前兆,在于它表明了面对呈白热化增长的需求供给难以为继

    The reason for concern about India's widening current-account deficit is not that it heralds a financial crisis, but that it is a signal of how supply cannot keep pace with red-hot demand.


  • 伊朗以至于难以群扎长头巾的长老们长期统治

    Iranians are too sophisticated to be ruled for ever by a clutch of old men in turbans.


  • 任一复合实体混合动力如此巨大使难以明了真正生存之道

    So vast are the mingled drives in any complex entity that it is impossible to unravel the actual causes of its survival.


  • 欧盟领导人模棱两可峰会声明等同于一次赌博因为在欧盟援计划尚未明了的情况下,共同市场的颓败之势难以扭转。

    The vague summit declaration by EU leaders amounted to a gamble that the markets would back off without being told precisely how the EU planned to help Greece.


  • 约翰邓禄普儿子抱怨地面崎岖不平难以骑行,之后1888年

    JOHN DUNLOP had a son who complained that his bicycle was bumpy to ride. So he invented the pneumatic tyre in 1888.


  • 再一次明了自己扎实演员并且轻松令一个摇摆不定让难以捉摸的角色跃然银幕。

    One again, he proved himself to be a solid actor and was easily believable as the guy who's loyalties you weren't sure about.


  • 探测器最近发现了难以捉摸和“令人兴奋”的夸克证据夸克甚至还有更组成部分

    The detector recently discovered evidence of elusive "excited" quarks, suggesting that quarks have even smaller constituent parts.


  • 尽管一特定问题已经(大部分)可以防范但它实例证明了没有经过检查环境变量可以带来难以捉摸的问题

    And although this particular problem has been (for the most part) countered, it exemplifies the subtle problems that can occur from unchecked environment variables.


  • XML非常时间内它在很多方面都取得了令人难以置信的成功

    In many respects, XML has proven incredibly successful in a very short timeframe.


  • 尽管火星地球靠得最近,但相距4 300万英里(6 900万公里),这说太阳系统难以理解浩瀚。

    Though one of our nearest neighbors, Mars is still 43 million miles (69 million kilometers) from Earth, illustrating the nearly incomprehensible vastness of our solar system.


  • 这些纪念碑里面那些难以置信故事我们不屈的信念一个在美国一切有可能的信念。

    For in these monuments are chiseled those unlikely stories that affirm our unyielding faith - a faith that anything is possible in America.


  • 难以置信热情,这个被能够感染其他球员成功渴望给人的印象生刻。”他解释到

    "He has incredible enthusiasm and that has proved to be infectious among the players. His desire to succeed is very impressive," he explained.


  • 鲁尼难以置信世界上最好球员之一。我们赛季已经明了我们一个团队,”他说

    "Wayne is unbelievable, he is one of the best in the world, but we have shown we play as a team this season," the defender said.


  • 试验TMV - RNA有细胞核的烟草原生质体中能大量增殖,无核质体中却难以增殖。

    The experiment has proved that TMV-RNA multiplied vigorously in tobacco protoplasts with cellular nucleuses, while hardly multiplied in cytoplasts separated from nucleuses.


  • 至于尝试设立地区性互联网集群中国似乎是这样去做了,但是迄今为止硅谷明了这样一个十分复杂微妙的体系对于官僚体制来说难以模仿的。

    As for trying to set up regional Internet clusters, China seems committed, but so far Silicon Valley has proved far too complex and delicate a system for a bureaucrat to copy.


  • 汇集明了难以置信地普遍多数我们顾客,“声明中。”

    "The collection has proved incredibly popular with the majority of our customers," it said in a statement.


  • 法国展馆复杂几个形状创作了曲线激素转变,这明了木材过形成难以预料的有机轮廓

    The complex geometry of the French Pavilion's frameworkcreates a roller coaster of curves that demonstrates wood's ability to mouldinto unexpected organic contours.


  • 利用代替难以计算精确导数,结合既约梯度法的思想建立新的算法目标函数一致凸条件下证商法的整体收敛性。

    The difference coefficient was used to replace the exact derivative which is difficult to be computed, and a new algorithm was presented by using the idea of reduced gradient method.


  • 这次旅行犀牛难以捉摸。

    On this trip, the Rhino was proving to be elusive.


  • 并对分选指标难以提高原因进行了深入分析,为进一步试验方向。

    In-depth analysis was made of the causes for the difficulties in improving the metallurgical performances, hereby guiding the further tests.


  • 并对分选指标难以提高原因进行了深入分析,为进一步试验方向。

    In-depth analysis was made of the causes for the difficulties in improving the metallurgical performances, hereby guiding the further tests.


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