• 必须使用这种异常机制除非客户机已经了解期望数据项数量

    You must use this exception mechanism unless the client already knows how many data items to expect.


  • 除非这项技术已经证明否则没有使用

    Until the technology had been demonstrated, she said, no one would use it.


  • 如果全局变量会话创建其他会话不能使用除非已经提交了这个工作单元

    If a global variable is created within a session, then it cannot be used by other sessions until the unit of work has committed.


  • 无论使用何种系统除非已经优惠券促销可以计算优惠券数量跟踪评估广告有效性唯一办法

    Whatever system you use, unless you've done a coupon promotion and can simply count the number of coupons redeemed, tracking is the only way you can assess how effectively your advertising is working.


  • 除非病人停止使用此类药物已经它们产生抗药性,否则他的寿命预计未受感染一样

    Unless a patient stops taking the drugs, or goes on to develop resistance to them, he can expect to live almost as long as an uninfected individual.


  • 请记住必须装载相应调控模块才能开始使用调控器,除非已经内置的。

    Remember, you must have the corresponding governor module loaded to start using that governor unless it was already built in.


  • 尽管这个命令提供一些有价值信息,但是除非可信管理员已经诊断系统存在某种内存问题,否则我们通常不会首先使用这个命令。

    While this command provides useful information, we don't usually start with this unless a trusted administrator has already diagnosed that there is a memory issue of some kind on the system.


  • 除非是患急性短时疼痛,否则一定要远离这些药品。如果已经开始使用依赖性,一定要设法摆脱掉!

    Stay away from them except in cases of acute, time-limited pain - and if you're on them already, work hard to get off them.


  • 除非已经一个位置已经设置默认主题,否则所有位置都会自动更新使用这个定制(默认)主题。

    Unless an existing place is set to use a theme other than the default, all the places are automatically updated to use the custom (default) theme.


  • 除非已经进展垫子训练学习位置,否则人们开始进行这项训练不该牵引带当作纠正工具使用

    When people first start this work they should NEVER use the leash as a tool to correct until after the dog has progressed to through touch pads and learning positions.


  • 不要选择这个选项,除非已经客户机安装Eclipse环境而且您知道如何定制方式使用Eclipse。

    Do not choose this unless you already have an Eclipse environment already installed on your client and you know how to use Eclipse in a customized way.


  • 其中一个观点除非那个机构已经有什么关系,否则不能使用Tweet。”

    One idea put forward was that your Tweets can only be syndicated by other people or entities who already have a relationship with you.


  • 如果分配新的滚动更新文件名称已经现有文件使用,则现有文件将被覆盖,除非只读的。

    If the name assigned to a new rollover file is already used by an existing file, the existing file is overwritten unless it is read-only.


  • 除非通过使用c对它们已经熟悉了,否则掌握Formatter中提供所有格式化选项一些时间

    Getting a grasp of all the formatting options available with Formatter will take a little time, unless you are familiar with them from the C world.


  • 避免过度使用专业术语除非肯定听众所有这些术语已经熟悉

    Avoid overuse of jargon, unless you are sure that your audience will be readily familiar with all specialized terms.


  • 除非已经熟悉IDE,否则使用简单命令行界面开始可能容易些。

    Unless you are already familiar with using your compiler's IDE, it can be easier to start by using the simpler, command-line interface.


  • Unity能很好压缩其他软件输出文件格式所以除非已经一个正确分辨率JPG文件否则最好使用无损格式纹理(不要手动进行压缩)。

    Unity takes care of compression for the output platform, so unless your source is already a JPG of the correct resolution it's better to use a lossless format for your textures.


  • Unity能很好压缩其他软件输出文件格式所以除非已经一个正确分辨率JPG文件否则最好使用无损格式纹理(不要手动进行压缩)。

    Unity takes care of compression for the output platform, so unless your source is already a JPG of the correct resolution it's better to use a lossless format for your textures.


- 来自原声例句

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