• 中断点除了停止程序时,计数器增加外。

    Like a breakpoint except that a counter is incremented rather than stopping the program.


  • 知道除了停止全球商务之外怎样制止这种事件的发生,尤其是如果我们逐个包裹进行精密检查

    I don't know how you stop that without stopping global commerce, especially if we don't have the precision to search for one package or another.


  • 最近几十年里大部分的捕鲸活动已经停止除了日本挪威少数国家仍然在持续。

    In more recent decades, much whaling has been stopped, except for a few holdout nations, such as Japan and Norway.


  • 除了管理数据库时间特性之外,DB2 9.7支持在停止运行系统的情况转移数据库模式,可以帮助管理员减少停机时间。

    In addition to new features for managing database time, DB2 9.7 also helps administrators minimize downtime by making it possible to move database schemas without taking the system down.


  • 对于年轻女性来说,直接放射性疗法化疗药物导致卵巢停止排卵意味着她们怀孕希望已经肿瘤一道,被癌症治疗连根除了

    In young women and girls, direct radiation and chemotherapy drugs can stop egg production by the ovaries-meaning that along with the tumor, hopes for pregnancy are often eradicated.


  • DSSI据说已经停止开发了,虽然支持不难(除了界面部分运行单独进程里…)。

    DSSI is said to be obsolete, while being not to hard to support (except the GUI has to run in a separate process..).


  • 所以除了Linux内核之外,其他软件安装启动停止重新配置都不用重新引导系统

    So except for the Linux kernel, you can install, start, stop, and reconfigure software without having to reboot the system.


  • 年轻女性一直接受心理治疗4年了现在感觉很不错除了件事情:她的分析师停止治疗。

    One young woman said she had been in therapy for four years and now felt great, except for one thing: her analyst wouldn't let her quit.


  • 经过改造外分泌细胞除了生成胰岛素外,看起来很像beta细胞,并且停止制造典型的外分泌细胞蛋白

    Besides producing insulin, the transformed exocrine cells looked like beta cells and ceased making proteins typical of exocrine cells.


  • 布什先生能够主要的事情就是停止夸夸其谈,就像去年11月安纳波利斯做的那样,那个时候为了奥尔默特阿巴斯两位先生达成一个双边协议除了他们俩没有其他人参加讨论。

    The grand thing Mr Bush can do is to stop saying, as he did in Annapolis last November, that it is for Messrs Olmert and Abbas and nobody else to hammer out a two-state deal.


  • 北欧国家已经除了私生子女的耻辱(法国2005年停止官方文件使用一术语瑞典出生人口55%是非生的)。

    Northern countries have removed the stigma from illegitimacy (France stopped using the term in official documents in 2005; 55% of births in Sweden are outside wedlock).


  • 就算用户停止使用工具他们项目照样能够进行;直接就采取任何运行时动作的可能性

    The user's project must continue to work even if they stop using the tool; this immediately rules out anything that happens at runtime.


  • 他们停止使用红灯除了歌舞表演女孩停止双百小姐的表演节目。

    They stopped using the red light and got rid of the go-go girls, and Miss Bicentennial took off.


  • DB 2新的改进消限制,这可以显著提高灵活性避免需要创建重组xml索引出现应用程序延迟停止运行

    New enhancements in DB2 lift this restriction, allowing for greater flexibility and avoiding application delay or downtime when an XML index needs to be created or reorganized.


  • 一项英国气象局研究同时大西洋传送带停止的可能性,而这将会使得英国产生北极冬天——正如电影后天》中的场景。

    A Met Office study also rules out the shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean's conveyor belt, which would trigger Arctic winters in Britain like those seen in the film the Day After Tomorrow.


  • 也许糟糕除了商品服务产出停止增长外预计美国将经历历史上严重物价膨胀。

    What is perhaps worse, laid on top of the stalled output in goods and services, I predict Americans are in store for the worst price inflation in US history.


  • 除了裁员很多制造公司金属公司以及矿业公司暂时停止了一些工厂的运转并且关闭了部分工厂。

    As well as pruning workforces, many manufacturing, metals and mining companies are idling some factories and mothballing others.


  • 微笑的时候,整个世界都停止运转,凝固在那一瞬心脏停止跳动除了你,

    When you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. And my heart ceases to beat and there is nothing else I seek except you.


  • 除了看做“20世纪最伟大艺术家”,还被称作“世界上最年轻艺术家”,因为其一生,他从未停止过对新的艺术风格追求探索

    Besides "the greatest artist of the 20th century", he is acclaimed as "the youngest artist in the world" because he never stopped pursuing and exploring new styles of painting all his life.


  • 我们而且是确实说的是,除了时间投机性牛市中如果我们在相当长的段时期内,达不到目标,我们将停止运营

    We can and do say that if we don't achieve this goal over any reasonable period excluding an extensive speculative boom, we will cease operation.


  • 但是除了极少部分人之外,对大部分人来说,职业提升在职业生涯结束之前就会停止

    But for all but a tiny fraction of workers, that climb ends before their career does.


  • 除了自己公司一些企业股票上市公司停止生产

    In addition to their own companies, some listed companies shares Enterprises also stop production.


  • 昏迷一般都能停止施法除了法师闪现

    The stun itself will often stop the spell, but may not in the case of a Blinking mage.


  • 昏迷一般都能停止施法除了法师闪现

    The stun itself will often stop the spell, but may not in the case of a Blinking mage.


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