• 中国曾经不可能申请降落跑道现在天之内就能拿到

    Landing slots, once impossible to get in China, can now apparently be had in a day.


  • 飞机终于成功滑翔降落跑道上。

    The plane managed to glide down to the runway.


  • 飞机盘旋了两圈试图对准跑道降落却没成功。

    The plane circled twice, trying in vain to line up with the runway.


  • 爱德华兹空军基地条路上跑道几乎一半航天飞机这里降落

    Just up the road, at Edwards Air Force Base, is the runway where nearly half of all shuttle flights touched down.


  • 这些飞机毗连跑道降落

    The planes landed on adjacent runways.


  • 离开马赫岛十五分钟我们草地临时飞机跑道降落

    We landed on a grass airstrip, fifteen minutes after leaving Mahe.


  • 所以这里要给一些建议最大化您在起飞失败紧急降落迫降跑道相撞中的生存几率

    So, here are some tips to maximize your chances of surviving a failed takeoff, emergency landing, crash landing or runway collision.


  • 与此同时爱德华兹空军基地路上就是所有航天飞机将近有一半宇宙飞行降落跑道

    Meanwhile, just up the road, at Edwards Air Force Base, is the runway where nearly half of all shuttle flights touched down.


  • 然而这个让人惊心动魄的画面实际上常见,就是旧金山国际机场上空两架正在准备平行降落在不同跑道上。

    However, this breathtaking image actually shows a common occurrence-they approaching the dual runways of San Francisco International Airport for parallel landings.


  • 稳稳地降落飞机,驶离跑道滑行停机场

    I let the plane down gently, pulled off the runway, and taxied back to parking.


  • 实际上这里跑道几年曾进行了延伸才使那些要在这里降落的飞机减少了一点恐惧

    The runway actually underwent an extension a few years ago, making arrivals a little less daunting.


  • 2010年9月7日飞机机组人员设法载着72名乘客在Izhma废弃跑道紧急降落成功,简直一件令人难以置信幸事

    It was an unbelievable luck that on Septermber 7th 2010 the crew of the plane carrying 72 passengers on board managed to make an emergency landing on an abandoned runway near Izhma Village.


  • 2010年9月7日飞机机组人员设法载着72名乘客在Izhma废弃跑道紧急降落成功,简直一件令人难以置信幸事

    It was an unbelievable luck that on Septermber 7th, 2010, the crew of the plane carrying 72 passengers on board, managed to make an emergency landing on an abandoned runway near Izhma Village.


  • Skylon终极目标:无人驾驶吸气式交通工具,它可以跑道起飞降落能够到达地球大气之上去旅行

    The ultimate goal is Skylon, an unpiloted, air-breathing vehicle that takes off and lands on a runway, and can travel beyond Earth's atmosphere.


  • 主要问题在于为什么架图- 134为什么不在跑道降落而是选择高速路。”RussAir的人士对Interfax说

    "The main question is why the Tu-134 did not start its landing on the runway but on the motorway," a RussAir official told Interfax.


  • 太空飞船二号先母船带到莫哈韦沙漠上空13 716米的高空,分离之后飞行员驾驶着它进行了11分钟自由飞行然后降落机场跑道上。

    After the separation, SpaceShipTwo, manned by two pilots, flew freely for 11 minutes before landing at an airport runway followed by the mothership.


  • 报告的作者对24,00名飞行员5,000名通用航空的飞行员做了小测验调查,调查的问题关于空中飞机对撞,发动机故障还有跑道突然闯进影响起飞或降落的东西。

    The authors had quizzed 24,000 airline pilots and 5,000 general aviation pilots about near mid-air collisions, engine failures and runway incursions.


  • 2003年新西兰一次航空事故手机干扰列为造成空难的可能因素之一飞机降落跑道的瞬间发生事故造成8死亡。 出事当时驾驶员一直向家里打电话。

    Phone interference was cited as a possible factor in a 2003 crash in New Zealand in which eight people died after the plane flew into the ground short of the runway.


  • 本周一架波音737客机哥伦比亚一个旅游海岛降落遭遇雷击,不幸坠毁,被摔成截,机上乘客四散跑道上,所幸仅有乘客身亡

    Monday on a Colombian resort island during a lightning storm, scattering passengers across the runway as it split in three, but somehow only one passenger died.


  • C- 130一样,A 400m能够非常低,并且能够战场附近不平坦的飞机跑道降落而且速度装着喷气式发动机的C - 17相差无几,并且飞行距离超过了C - 17。

    Like the C-130 it can fly very slowly and land on rough airstrips near the battlefield, yet it also comes close to the speed of the jet-engined C-17 and exceeds its range.


  • 这些飞机通常一些可以降落粗糙跑道飞机,也有可以降落水面上的水上飞机。

    These usually small aircraft are equipped to land on small rugged runways or, in the case of floatplanes, lakes and rivers.


  • 日本公共广播公司NHK对熊猫抵达进行实况转播包括飞机降落跑道以及装有两只大熊猫的笼子飞机上下来场景

    The scene of their arrival at the airport, with an aircraft landing on the runway and their cages taken out of the plane, was broadcast live on Japan's public broadcaster NHK.


  • 可以使用各种各样方法模式飞机跑道降落这取决于天气交通密度、风速等等因素决定的空中交通控制指导

    You can land on an airstrip with various approach patterns, depending on air traffic control guidelines due to weather, traffic density, wind speed, and so on.


  • 解释机场跑道没有损坏但是控制没有运转使得着陆需要更大空隙,也使得适时降落更加危险

    He explained that the runways at the facility were undamaged, but the control tower was not operating, forcing greater spacing between landings and making night-time landings dangerous.


  • 这种新式飞机不要跑道起飞降落,这对于沙漠地区有用。

    The new aircraft has the ability to operate out of remote airstrips, a useful attribute in desert operations.


  • 俄罗斯官员飞 机浓雾中未能降落跑道上,随即失事,此前塔台控制人员曾告诉飞行员他转莫斯科明斯克的机场降落

    The plane crashed short of the runway in heavy fog after controllers told the pilot to divert to Moscow or Minsk, Russian officials said.


  • 架波音737飞机诺曼曼勒国际机场降落跑道。当时暴雨倾盆,机上共有154

    The Boeing 737 was carrying 154 people when it skidded off the runway at Norman Manley International Airport after landing during a heavy rainstorm.


  • 架波音737飞机诺曼曼勒国际机场降落跑道。当时暴雨倾盆,机上共有154

    The Boeing 737 was carrying 154 people when it skidded off the runway at Norman Manley International Airport after landing during a heavy rainstorm.


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