• 来自缔约国企业必须降低温室气体排放量

    Companies from signatory nations are committed to capping their greenhouse-gas emissions.


  • 由于它们生长率可以降低温室气体方面作出巨大贡献。

    Because of its high rate of growth it can form one of the biggest contributors of reducing greenhouse gases.


  • 烟气得到有益工业原料降低温室气体排放,减少大气污染

    Beneficial industrial raw materials are obtained from the smoke gas, and the discharge of greenhouse gases and air pollution is reduced.


  • 一个混合福特逃避解决降低温室气体排放量同一时间9

    A more lightweight hybrid like the Ford Escape would cut greenhouse gas emissions over the same time period to 9 tons.


  • 我们知道我们地球未来取决于全球永久性降低温室气体污染承诺

    We know that our planet's future depends on a global commitment to permanently reduce greenhouse gas pollution.


  • 我们知道我们地球的未来取决于全球永久性降低温室气体污染承诺

    We know that our planet "s future depends on a global commitment to permanently reduce greenhouse gas pollution."


  • 提高相同数量而且可以进一步帮助英国降低温室气体排放,如果设计合理的话。

    A carbon tax could raise a similar amount and, properly designed, could have the further merit of helping Britain to lower its emissions of greenhouse gases.


  • 氢能被认为能够很解决能源供应安全和降低温室气体排放总量最有吸引力措施

    Hydrogen energy is one of the attractive measures for solving the energy supply security and the greenhouse gas reduction.


  • 不仅如此,豹路虎更以实际行动在运营中持续降低温室气体废物排放、合理利用自然资源

    In addition, JLR adopts an active CSR programme aiming to continuously reduce greenhouse gas and waste emissions from its operations as well as make full use of natural resources wherever possible.


  • 虽然一些生物燃料原料()的使用可以明显降低温室气体排放,但对于许多其他原料而言,情况并非如此。

    While some biofuel feedstocks, such as sugar, can generate significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions, this is not the case for many other feedstocks.


  • 如果地球降低温室气体排放他们即将发表于《地球交互作用期刊报告中的结论吃素吧!

    If you want to help lower greenhouse gas emissions, they conclude in a report to be published in the journal Earth Interactions, become a vegetarian.


  • 通过2050清洁气候战略我们致力于支持降低温室气体排放所开展技术政策研发和运用。

    Through our Climate Smart 2050 strategy we are committed to supporting research, development and implementation of technologies and policies that target the lowering of our greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Google在新能源电网升级以及其他降低温室气体排放措施投入数亿美元,此项行动这个工作一部分

    The move is part of Google's effort to pump hundreds of millions of dollars into renewable energy, electricity-grid upgrades and other measures that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 正如之前提到的,众议院已经通过了《维克斯曼-马基法案》,这一个旨在降低温室气体排放相当强有力的法案。

    As I've mentioned, the house has already passed Waxman-Markey, a fairly strong bill aimed at reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.


  • 过去十年一些国家已经尽力降低温室气体排放但是甲烷释放的“完美风暴”可能会抵消所有这些努力

    Some countries have been trying to reduce greenhouse gases emissions over the last decade, but a perfect storm of methane emissions may undo all the good work.


  • 通过加强保护,提高能源使用效率积极采用清洁能源技术未来岁月里我们可以大量降低温室气体排放

    By increasing conservation and energy efficiency and aggressively using these clean energy technologies, we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by significantly amounts in the coming years.


  • 欧洲环境局执行理事杰奎琳·麦克格雷德教授:“许多不同政策降低温室气体排放方面扮演了一个积极角色。”

    Prof Jacqueline McGlade, EEA executive director, said: "Many different policies have played an active role in bringing down greenhouse gas emissions."


  • 我们能够哥本哈根达成一个全面公平又雄心勃勃的协议降低温室气体排放全球气温上升限制科学上认为安全程度吗?

    Can we seal a comprehensive, equitable and ambitious deal in Copenhagen that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise to a scientifically safe level?


  • 中国已经要求IPCC报告草案总结进行过多次的修改详细的数字要花费更多艰难降低温室气体排放

    China had sought more than 10 amendments to the draft summary of the IPCC's report, saying it would cost more and be much harder to reduce greenhouse gas emissions than detailed.


  • 每个国家必须尽全力降低温室气体牌放。他们必须动用一切重要资源包括停止森林砍伐,以及控制船舶航空业气体排放

    Every country must do its utmost to reduce emissions from all major sources, including from deforestation and emissions from shipping and aviation.


  • 可再生能源标准(RES)支持者减少美国进口石油依赖降低温室气体排放量而不提高电力价格举措会有所帮助

    Proponents of the Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) say it will help to reduce both America's dependence on imported fuel and its greenhouse-gas emissions without raising power prices.


  • 大多数气候科学家情愿谈论此话题,解决气候变化问题的方式严格地不仅仅降低温室气体排放量,还有其它方式可循。

    Although most climate scientists do not like to talk about it, cutting greenhouse-gas emissions is not, strictly speaking, the only way to solve the problem of climate change.


  • 但是草案的确呼吁发达国家降低温室气体排放量1990年的水平为标准,2020年前至少降低25%,到2050年前至少降低50%。

    But the draft does call on developed nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% from 1990 levels by 2020 and by at least 50% by 2050.


  • 此外,中美两国详细探讨了如何年底联合国大会降低温室气体排放量,此次会议将12月哥本哈根举行,届时控制气候变化设定新的全球性指标

    She said the sides discussed in detail how to cut emissions ahead of a U.N. conference in Copenhagen in December that aims to set new global goals on controlling climate change.


  • 此外,中美两国详细探讨了如何年底联合国大会降低温室气体排放量,此次会议将12月哥本哈根举行,届时控制气候变化设定新的全球性指标

    She said the sides discussed in detail how to cut emissions ahead of a U.N. conference in Copenhagen in December that aims to set new global goals on controlling climate change.


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