• 期望论文研究有助于提高工程项目风险管理水平降低建筑工程施工效益风险损失,为完善我国工程风险理论研究做出贡献。

    Studies of the thesis are expected to make for improving level of risk management and reducing loss of construction-benefit, also contribute to perfect theory of risk management.


  • 节省材料80%左右,不停机就可调整所面条宽度减轻劳动强度提高工效从而降低生产成本

    Saves about material 80%, the engine off cannot adjust cut the width of the noodles, reduced the labor intensity, enhances the work efficiency, thus reduces the production cost.


  • 经实践证明,采用工艺后,提高脱硫工效8 ~10降低生产成本15%以上。

    It was found that the new process increased the desulfurization efficiency by 8 ~ 10 times, reduced the production cost by more than 15%.


  • 实践证明:方法简化操作降低劳动强度提高工效

    Through practice, this modern method can simplify operation, lower the labor strength and improve efficiency.


  • 工效降低索赔种比较特殊的索赔,工程实践中一般只要求工期延长,不要求费用补偿

    As a kind of special claim, claims of loss efficiency usually claimed for extension of time, and seldom for financial compensation.


  • 数控技术应用罗茨鼓风机加工行业显著提高降低企业成本。

    The application of NC technology in impeller machining field can greatly improve the production efficiency and decrease the cost.


  • 结果表明,采用系统优选的铣刀及其切削参数进行高速铣削加工,有效提高加工品质降低加工成本。

    The experiment results show that the optimized milling cutter and its parameters can improve the machining quality and efficiency and reduce machining cost efficiently.


  • 微细电解加工时,微小加工间隙电解产物难以移除降低工效率、影响加工稳定性质量

    The electrolytic products are hard to be removed from the small machining gap in micro ECM(electrochemical machining) process, which decrease the machining efficiency, stability and quality.


  • 作为先进制造技术高速切削技术大幅度地提高加工品质降低加工成本

    As one of the advanced manufacturing technologies, high speed cutting technology can improve the machining quality and efficiency enormously, and can reduce machining cost.


  • 当前建设工程经常提到如何提高降低施工成本提高企业经济效益

    It was frequently mentioned during the project construction currently how to improve the construction efficiency, decrease construction cost and enhance the economic benefit of the enterprise.


  • 可明显提高工效减少用工、减少工装降低生产成本

    The filament breaking combined machine improves the work efficiency remarkably, reduces recruitment and tooling, and lowers the manufacture cost.


  • 由于自密实混凝土优异的新拌工作性因而降低施工噪音提高了施浇注质量,同时,使得混凝土具有良好的强度耐久性

    Due to its extraordinary workability, the casting noise was lowered, the casting efficiency, ability and quality were enhanced, and concrete strength and durability were enhanced also.


  • 加工材料切割实验表明:复合工艺大幅度地提高率,改善表面质量降低概率

    The cutting experiments for difficult to machine materials have shown that the cutting rate can be increased much more, the surface quality improved and the probability of wire breaking reduced.


  • 主要优点降低压力降低能源消耗、降低成本提高工效、提高光学塑料元件质量

    The advantages of the technology are lowering pressure and lowering cost, raising productivity and quality.


  • 实践表明方法操作可大大缩短装填时间提高降低工程成本

    It is indicated that, according to the method, the time of charge loading is greatly reduced, the construction efficiency is improved, and the engineering cost is lowered.


  • 由此降低成本提高工效

    Thus, the cost is decreased and the efficiency is increased.


  • 工业应用结果表明性能优良有效降低生产成本提高工效

    Industrial application shows that its properties are good and can reduce production cost and improve efficiency.


  • 切口应用提高了工效降低劳动强度满足了批量生产要求

    The application of the notching die increased work efficiency, lowered labor intensity, and met the demand of batch production.


  • 快走丝线切割加工中经常会发生断现象,频繁穿丝降低率,重复切割导致加工精度下降。

    Wire-cut off is often met in high speed Linear Cutting Machine during machining. Frequently changing wire may decrease machining efficiency, and repeat machining can affect process accuracy.


  • 安装使用助行器,可有效地降低职工体力消耗,提高工效,减少人身事故发生矿井斜巷运输安全奠定基础。

    Wallking aids can save labor force, decrease safety accident. It is a good settlement for conveying people in mining slope transportation.


  • 基于螺旋线数控铣削螺旋曲面粗加工方法大大提高减少刀具磨损降低加工成本

    This article introduces a means of nc program about rough cut of helicoid base on helix-milling. The means can improve efficiency of cutting, reduce the cutting abrasion, depress the operating costs.


  • 通过控制提高减少支撑剂的用量,降低增产处理所需的水马力,减少施工所需空间。

    Operational efficiency is improved by controlling fracture placement to reduce water, proppant usage, and horsepower for productive stimulation treatment and reduced operational footprint.


  • 采用此法,可缩短工期、提高工效降低成本

    This technique has such advantages as shortening time limit, enhancing production rate and decreasing cost.


  • 提前备好石墨电极不仅降低电火花工序质量事故能够提高电火花工序改善模具加工进度。

    Early to prepare graphite electrode, quality accident can not only reduce the EDM process, but also can improve the machining efficiency of EDM process, improve the mold processing.


  • 洛式密封圈结构简单加工容易,能够提高降低加工成本

    With the advantages of simple structure and convenient processing, the Rockwell sealing ring can enhance processing efficiency and reduce processing cost.


  • 进一步表明采用磨具弯曲成型法研磨明显提高成本显著降低

    Further indicated that the lapping efficiency is improve greatly and the cost is low greatly by this method.


  • 实际应用表明系统不但实现了螺旋锥齿轮计算机辅助齿,提高了降低了加工成本;而且提供非常真实仿真效果

    The application shows that the system can manufacture spiral bevel and hypoid gears on computer and raise machining efficiency and reduce machining cost, and can provide a real simulation effect.


  • 与同等生产工效反击式破碎机相比能耗降低40%,集料针片状含量可下降8%以上,保障针片状含量低于国家标准

    Compared with the old impact crusher, its power consumption can save 40% and its percentage of lamellar carpolite can decrease more than 8% to make it lower than national standard.


  • 与同等生产工效反击式破碎机相比能耗降低40%,集料针片状含量可下降8%以上,保障针片状含量低于国家标准

    Compared with the old impact crusher, its power consumption can save 40% and its percentage of lamellar carpolite can decrease more than 8% to make it lower than national standard.


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