• 和奎认为能够解决这个问题设想将球形物摆到碟子上,然后将碟子堆积起来圆柱体装满了球形物。

    Chan realized he could solve the problem by imagining his cylinder full of ball bearings as a stack of disks, with a single layer of ball bearings on each disk.


  • 全世界一些聪明要价最高辩护律师其雄辩的口华这项起诉慷慨之际,肯尼亚公众密切关注着这一事件

    The Kenyan public has also been watching closely as some of the world’s brainiest and best-paid defence lawyers lay into the prosecution’s case with fluency and flair.


  • 如此说来,池塘里拍打着尾巴一群意味着渔业未来

    That means that the creatures thrashing in Chen's ponds are the future of fish.


  • 勇军本来体质,动了大手术以后体质急速下降整整一个没能下床。

    Chen, originally weak physically, declined rapidly after the operation. He had been lying in bed for nearly a month.


  • 他们卖掉几百品尝券,但显然只分配少量昂贵所以他们的存货很快告罄了,拿不出或是有意思的酒来。

    They'd clearly allocated a very limited number of pricey bottles to a tasting for which they'd sold hundreds of tickets, so they quickly ran out of anything older or more interesting.


  • 喜欢这个项目,因为鼓励大家慷慨词,公司的运营管理模式自由地表达意见,而且帮助我们不断适应瞬息万变传媒界

    I like it because it encourages everyone to have a say in how MediaCom is run and also helps us evolve in a rapidly changing media landscape.


  • 如何性传播感染艾滋病毒发现治疗结合记者崔伟元一问题采访祥生教授

    Reporter Cui Weiyuan talks to Professor Xiang-Sheng Chen about how detection and care of STIs can and should be linked to that of HIV.


  • 一成归功于东地中海区域各国防治麻疹所辛勤努力承诺,”世组织总干事冯富珍博士

    "This achievement is a tribute to the hard work and commitment of countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region to combat measles" said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.


  • 贤瑞尝到甜头,附近黄华昌农。他以往橘子种在坡地没有多少果汁,因为斜坡上的雨水很快流走了。

    That worked for Chen Xianrui, an orange farmer in the nearby village of Huang Hua Chang, who says most of his crop was juiceless when his trees were planted on a slope where rainwater ran off quickly.


  • 不过,要说真正阅读电子书iPad作为一个消费文字的媒介显得乏善可了。

    However, when it came to actually reading the ebook, the iPad's advantages as a medium to consume literature began to pale.


  • 来自北方一个小镇泽怡,“大多数朋友大学毕业后一直上海工作。”

    "Most of my friends are working in Shanghai since leaving college," said Chen Zeyi, who comes from a northern town.


  • 如果这份工作说出一番精彩的故事,或是慷慨的词,那会给你带来巨大的帮助。

    If you can make it a good story and speak passionately about the work, it will go a long way.


  • 名字丹青

    My name is Chen Danqing.


  • 比如新忠所在公司属于“非棉制品一派。

    Such as Chen Xinzhong organization are "non-cotton products" of the new school.


  • 今年一趋势在继续。沈阳大学宿舍管理员秋芳发现解决宿舍矛盾同学越来越

    The trend is continuing this year. Chen Qiufang, student accommodation officer at a Shenyang-based university, found increasing Numbers of students coming to her to help solve dormitory conflicts.


  • 晚些时候WHO干事冯富珍UN秘书长潘基文顶尖药厂主管制备针对H1N1疫苗能力问题进行讨论

    Later this week, WHO Director General Chan and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will be meeting with chiefs of the top pharmaceutical companies to talk about vaccine making capacity for H1N1.


  • 自己认识几个社团人士。

    Chen Yang himself knows several members of organized crime.


  • 如果游戏坚持幻想神话没有问题某某

    "If the games stick to the fantastical or the mythological, there should be no problem, " Mr. Chen said.


  • 所能记忆中,教授任何聚会从不守时

    As far as I remember Professor Chen has never been on the dot for any gathering.


  • 妇联儿童部小霞,单经济顾虑而言,意味着很多家庭不敢不想要

    Chen Xiaoxia, head of the child division of the ACWF, said that financial considerations alone mean a considerable number of families "do not dare or want" to have a second child.


  • 石(音译)郑佳(音译)两人他们中学其他的学校一样在数秒完全坍塌,他们大约有100同学死亡

    The pair, Chen Shi and Zheng Jia, said their middle school, like so many others, had collapsed within seconds. About 100 of their schoolmates died, they said.


  • 告诉记者读小学年级时发明第一科技产品。他曾参加过数不清的科技发明比赛

    Chen Yik Hei told reporter that he invented his first product when he was in Class three, and attended Numbers of inventive competitions for science and technology.


  • 怪不得大妹要说“莫得大爷莫得噻”这句话

    No wonder Chen Damei says "there would not be me without Mr. Tang".


  • 百味杂煤矿工人脏了,他们头上指导思想不得

    To me, though, it was a hard fact to swallow: the dirt of the mines was okay for the working class but not for the thoughts of its leader.


  • 百味杂煤矿工人脏了,他们头上指导思想不得

    To me, though, it was a hard fact to swallow: the dirt of the mines was okay for the working class but not for the thoughts of its leader.


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