• 准噶尔盆地陆东地区某些发现有价值油气,而且与火山岩有关

    Valuable petroleum, which is related to volcanic rock, has been discovered in some Wells in Ludong region, Zhun-gar basin. The magnetic anomalies in this region are mainly caused by volcanic rock.


  • 中国、南边缘经历欧亚板块太平洋板块和特斯板块会聚作用复杂过程

    Southeastern China continental margin has undergone a complicated convergence process of the Eurasian plate with the Pacific plate and Tethys plate.


  • 这些转换断层系统对中国、南缘含油气盆地边缘构造形成和地质演化重要作用

    These transform fault series play an important role in the formation and the geological evolution of the Southeastern China continental margin basins and the tectonic-structural zones.


  • 虽然大多数大型飓风没有经过美国而是拐海洋,但飓风热带风暴墨西哥和中美地区造成了很大破坏

    Although most of the major storms missed the continental United States, curving back out to sea instead, hurricanes and tropical storms did major damage to Haiti, eastern Mexico, and Central America.


  • 离开亚洲年之后买了价格不贵自行车借了筐,就开始了由西穿越美洲的自行车之旅。

    One year away from Asia, I bought an inexpensive bicycle, borrowed some panniers, and rode across the American continent, west to east.


  • 图为1923年,在第一次不着飞越北美过程中,T-2飞机西飞越美国农村

    The Fokker T-2 airplane is seen flying east to west over the U.S. countryside during the first nonstop flight across North America in 1923.


  • 白俄罗斯一个国家,位于平原,、北与俄罗斯联邦为邻,南与乌克兰接壤,西同波兰立陶宛拉脱维亚毗邻

    Belarus is a landlocked nation-state in Eastern Europe that borders Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia.


  • 这些庞大动物走出水面后,他们确实要损毁庄稼晚上它们地上西走,植物

    These large animals do destroy crops when they come out of the water. At night they walk about and eat vegetation on land.


  • 读完的书后维维安计划辞掉这个曾经视为铁饭碗如今变化万千劳动力市场面临着更大挑战工作

    Inspired after reading Sun's book, Lu plans to resign from her jobonce seen as an "iron bowl" ( a stable lifelong occupation) but which now faces bigger challenges amid the changing labor market.


  • 关于中国广广州市白云区街大街邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Tang Xia Dong Yi Jie Da Jie , Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 地区遭受季风不过亚洲带干燥气候

    Eastern and Southern regions are subject to Monsoons, but inner Asia has a dry, continental climate.


  • 这些断层形成条巨长的转换断层系列,也是中国板块菲律宾洋块一条边界

    These NNE and ne faults become a long transform fault system and formed a boundary between the eastern margin of China Continental Plate and Philippine Sea Plate.


  • 所驾驶学校2003年47岁士兵海德创立现在已经不存在了,一辈子坦克

    It was founded in 2003 by a former soldier in the now defunct East German army, Axel Heyde, 47, who said he has been obsessed with tanks all his life.


  • 关于中国河南省郑州市上街区上汜路邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Shang Si Lu Dong Bai She Cun , Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 本市河北省西西北区陕西省处于我国沿海经济发达地区西北经济欠发达地区之间。

    Hebei province, the city east, west and north-western Shaanxi province, in China's economically developed eastern coastal areas and economically underdeveloped inland northwest region.


  • 耀教授从1950年代开始从事中国现代文学研究领域尤其是新诗研究方面取得了显著成就

    Professor Lu Yaodong started his studies on modern Chinese literature in the 1950s, and has made remarkable achievements, especially in the field of modern Chinese poetry.


  • 位于河西走廊前盆地张掖盆地盆地之间横向隆起山地

    The Yumu mountain is a transverse highland between the Zhangye basin and Jiudong basin in the system.


  • 关于中国安徽省亳州城区谯行政村邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Qiao Dong Zhen Wang Zhang Xing Zheng Cun , Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 中国盆地天然气资源分布广泛,、中、西部及海域大中型气田发现

    Natural gas resources are widespread in terrestrial basins of China. Large or middle size gas fields have been found in southeast sea areas.


  • 扬子区在加里运动过程形成盆地主要经历挤压挠曲沉降松驰抬升过程

    The tectonic subsidence is the main controlling factor in the foreland basin, which went through three periods, namely press, flexure subsidence to laxitas, uplift.


  • 会审法庭最先创设上海外国租界扩展鼓浪屿汉口外国租界铁路

    Consultation trial court first emerged in the foreign concession in Shanghai and then extended to foreign concessions of Gulangyu and Hankou and Dongqing Railway.


  • 区内下古生界烃源岩经历两次成油过程,第一发生加里运动盆地沉降阶段第二次发生在加里运动晚古生代沉积阶段。

    The first was in the basin subsidence stage that was prior to the Caledonian movement. The second took place in the marginal sea deposition stage after the Caledonian movement.


  • 加里秦岭大别山带南侧江汉平原地区存在一个继承性古隆起,前人所称“鄂中古”是其具体表现。

    There is a inherited paleouplift in the Jianghan Plain area of the southern margin of East Qinling and Dabie Orogenic Belt during Caledonian period.


  • 提出SPCZ反映西太海气耦合系统以及暖池大气同相邻区大气间相互作用重要特征。

    It can be said that the SPCZ represents the air-sea system interaction of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and the eastern Pacific cold tongue, as well as the interaction of.


  • 提出SPCZ反映西太海气耦合系统以及暖池大气同相邻区大气间相互作用重要特征。

    It can be said that the SPCZ represents the air-sea system interaction of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and the eastern Pacific cold tongue, as well as the interaction of.


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