• 两位社会学家理查德·阿鲁和约西帕·罗卡萨研究明确说明了一点。

    This was made clear by the work of two sociologists, Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa.


  • 例如两个守护神——天空,是所有其他主宰;伊娜娜,是战争女神还有其他不同城市守护神。

    Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and Inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities.


  • 阿鲁洛克萨将学生缺乏学习能力的原因归咎于大学课程的缩水和本科工作标准降低

    Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students' lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards.


  • 然而其他领域出版了好几本书其中包括关于现存以及灭绝藤壶详尽研究)之后,在那年的六月,达尔文收了一个名叫尔弗莱德.塞尔.华莱士的年轻人的包裹。

    He had, however, published books on several other subjects, including an exhaustive study of barnacles, both living and extinct.


  • 表示通过新闻媒体得知自己开除的消息,但还没有收到正式通知

    Arruda said she learned of her expulsion through the news media and had not received official notification.


  • 一种点球方式相信能命中,全队成员给了信心,我也相信那是最好的方式,”这样说

    "It's a way of kicking (penalties). I believe in it, and the team has given me confidence to believe it's the right way," Abreu said.


  • 内尔大学工程设计学院的马克·博士表示使病人依然牙医的声音始终贯穿整个项目主题

    Dr Mark Atherton of Brunel University's School of Engineering and Design said allowing the patient to still hear the dentist was a key theme throughout the project.


  • 今年上诉法院院长奥马卜杜拉希要求申诉人 “提前提交”他们案件,在开庭询问证人提供证据

    This time the president of the Court of Appeal, Umaru Abdullahi, asked petitioners to “frontload” their cases, revealing their witnesses and evidence before the hearings start.


  • 乔普拉是印度电影海外拍摄先锋公司业界最大明星合作包括塔布巴克·克

    A pioneer in shooting Indian films abroad, Chopra and his company have worked with the industry's biggest stars, including Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan.


  • 许多科考发现都得益于墨西哥考古学家尔贝托·兹·里耶。1952年推开了碑铭宫中块石头找到了帕卡尔圣王陵寝

    Much scientific debt is owned to Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier, who in 1952 rolled away a stone inside the Temple of Inscriptions and found the burial tomb of Pakal the Great.


  • 一般平衡理论似乎是在毫无约束市场盖上科学证明的印章

    Arrow and Debreu's "general equilibrium theory" seemed to give the stamp of scientific approval to unfettered markets.


  • 出版商:亨利·美国世纪·布林·克里

    The Publisher: Henry Luce and His American Century. By Alan Brinkley.


  • 达拉维,孟买城郊的贫民区名叫阿鲁妠的不识字母亲坐在那住个人却只有一个房间的小平房前,当问到富人有什么看法时,她说“富人努力工作。”

    In Dharavi, a slum outside Mumbai, an illiterate mother called Aruna sits in her tiny one-room flat, which is home to ten people. Asked how she feels about the rich, she says: "They have worked hard."


  • 拍摄到的大量现金用于给穷人食物玩具的。

    Mr Arruda says the piles of cash that he was filmed receiving were for food and toys for the poor.


  • 布萨南边人们总是说起海盗们如何招摇掷万金。

    People in Garoowe, a town south of Boosaaso, describe a certain high-rolling pirate swagger.


  • 看来它们根本演示设计

    To Rubin's eyes, they looked nothing like the designs Jha had presented.


  • 埃弗顿比利时中场·内-费莱尼在昨天刚刚俱乐部续约,表示他的东家肯定留住队内科尔曼以及杰克·罗德维尔这样的年轻天才

    Everton's Belgian midfielder Marouane Fellaini signed a New Deal with the club yesterday, and urged his employers to make sure they keep hold of young talent like Coleman and Jack Rodwell.


  • 翻译1Q84村上春树其他作品时有没有感觉和杰·尔弗雷德·伯恩鲍姆译文语气和语感保持一致?

    When translating 1Q84 and other Murakami works, do you feel any obligation to be respectful of the voice and feel of Jay Rubin's and Alfred Birnbaum's translations?


  • 建造戴克市为了拦截来自北海须德泛滥,结果产生了爱塞美尔湖巨大淡水湖

    The Afsluitdijk was constructed in part to dam off the Zuiderzee inlet of the North Sea, turning it into the massive freshwater lake of the IJsselmeer.


  • 布里底群岛上,间农舍,巴恩·希尔,离英里远,偏远北端。

    There was a house, Barnhill, seven miles outside Ardlussa at the remote northern tip of this rocky finger of heather in the Inner Hebrides.


  • 最佳地点20英里长的戴克河道。

    The optimal location would be the 20-mile-long causeway of Afsluitdijk.


  • 为卢库勒斯,梅特·斯,西庇时运前途冥思苦想胜过为我的同胞。

    I have meditated more on the conditions and fortunes of Lucullus, Metellus, and Scipio than I have about many of our own men.


  • 我们高兴它完全我们计划建成的”建筑师尔坎·泽缇诺格说道

    "We are glad that is was erected precisely according to our plans", says architect Arkan Zeytinoglu.


  • 当然,英国外交大臣米利班德直布罗陀首席部长彼得•纳的会谈中,不堪提及的话题就是主权

    Yet sovereignty was the great unmentionable at his meeting with the British foreign secretary, David Miliband, and Gibraltar's chief minister, Peter Caruana.


  • 哈佛大学的理论化学家艾伦.斯普.古济克正在开发一种方法期望能够在有朝一日摆脱所有对于近似需求由此生产出更好的药物太阳能电池

    Alán Aspuru-Guzik, a theoretical chemist at Harvard, is developing methods that could one day do away with the need for approximations altogether--and lead to better drugs or solar cells.


  • 国际货币基金组织现任职位退出,卡四月接管位于巴塞尔中央银行家俱乐部

    He will take over the Basel-based central bankers' club in April, after leaving his current post at the IMF.


  • 地区真枪实弹的枪战,紧密特写镜头卡司上的其他演员这些元素都我们暗示了,并不是一部普通的杀手电影

    Stark shots of the mountainous Abruzzo region and intense close- ups of Clooney and the supporting cast give the film an intimate feel not normally associated with assassin stories.


  • 地区真枪实弹的枪战,紧密特写镜头卡司上的其他演员这些元素都我们暗示了,并不是一部普通的杀手电影

    Stark shots of the mountainous Abruzzo region and intense close- ups of Clooney and the supporting cast give the film an intimate feel not normally associated with assassin stories.


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