• 不幸是,很多——或者说大多数——美国人摄取量不足,这个结论是根据丹佛科罗拉多大学医学博士流行病学家阿迪特·金德(AditGinde)的一项研究得出的。

    But manyperhaps mostAmericans fall short, according to research by epidemiologist Adit Ginde, MD, at the University of Colorado, Denver.


  • 帕克阿尔迪塞认为,法律顾问应当参与执行官博客

    Both Parker and Aldisert say legal counsel should be involved in any CEO's blog.


  • 1976年的地震阿尔卑斯地区北部省份伦蒂诺上阿迪杰造成了严重破坏作为回应意大利于当年通过一部现代地震

    Italy's first modern law on antiseismic norms was passed in 1976, as a response to the temblor that devastated the Trentino Alto Adige, a northern province in the Alps.


  • 营造良好氛围,克雷莫纳市政厅里陈列着杰出先辈大师们的小提琴作品,其中包括著名的斯拉·瓦阿玛蒂。

    To help create the right atmosphere, Cremona has been adding to its collection of superb old-master violins on view in the town hall, including famous Strads and Amatis.


  • 说出调查员的名字,他们是枪械证据专家-迪阿克·祖克,杰出法医病理专家丹尼尔·施皮茨以及法医视频分析专家杰夫·斯皮瓦克。

    He named the three investigators as Peter Diaczuk, an expert in firearms evidence, Daniel Spitz, a prominent forensic pathologist, and Jeff Spivack, an expert in forensic video analysis.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉》中,麦克唐纳先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 沃尔玛塔吉进军行业(比如基本医疗)和新领域(比如内地城市),德国的廉价商店阿尔迪美国的表现惊人的

    Walmart and Target are marching into new markets (such as basic medical care) and new places (such as inner cities). Aldi, a German discounter, has been doing surprisingly well in America, too.


  • 看看当年共和党初选就知道绝非无稽之谈。当时有两位财力雄厚的候选人- - -米罗尼鲁迪·久利·阿尼。

    Consider the evidence from the Republican primaries, where the two best-funded campaigns were those of Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.


  • 菲德尔·卡斯是个阿迪

    Fidel Castro is an Adidas man.


  • 昨天进行资格赛尤文图斯4比0的比分横扫阿·梅迪亚,4粒进球全部来自于意大利球员。

    Last night Juventus thrashed Artmedia 4-0 in the Champions League, and all four goalscorers were Italian.


  • 美国从事研发医疗设备阿迪安(Ardian公司首席医疗主管保罗•索博卡(PaulSobotka:“我们第一知道高血压可以治愈。”

    Dr Paul Sobotka, chief medical officer of Ardian, an American company which has developed the equipment, said: "For the first time we can think of a cure for hypertension."


  • 昨晚进行资格赛第三轮同阿·梅迪亚的比赛中,斑马军团的首发阵容中7名意大利球员。

    Last night the Bianconeri played most of the first leg of their Champions League third qualifying round against Artmedia with seven Italians.


  • 海洋生物学家阿利斯·哈迪(AlisterHardy1931年发明的连续浮游生物记录器(ContinuousPlankton Recorder)是个名字奇模样也奇钢制盒子,盒子里有丝绸网筛

    Designed in 1931 by marine biologist Alister Hardy, the Continuous Plankton Recorder is a biopunk-named, nondescript-looking steel box containing two skeins of silk mesh.


  • 到目前为止投射星体层、意识层、布克层存在层次。

    I have, so far, projected into the Astral, Mental, Buddhic and Atmic levels of existence.


  • 不要把阿尔达·比多那个比多的罗迪亚人搞混了,后者出现在贾巴宫殿里

    Aldar Beedo should not be confused with the Rodian named Beedo, who frequented Jabba the Hutt's palace.


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:阿德里安·布坎南,吉约姆-黑格儿,查尔斯·皮戈,瓦列里娅-雅库托·维奇,阿尔佩托-贝拉尔迪德维尔潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 感谢为此做出贡献阿尔瓦罗贝亚艾玛莉迪·凯若琳,非常感谢他们慷慨的帮助

    My thanks for these contributions go to Alvaro, Beata, Emma and Lydie-Caroline for their generous help. Thanks a lot!


  • 流行音乐领域,法国歌手查尔·斯雷,查尔斯阿森纳沃尔伊迪丝琵雅芙声音传遍世界各地。

    In popular music, French chanteurs and chanteuses such as Charles Trenet, Charles Aznavour and Edith Piaf were once heard the world over.


  • 还有提奥·沃尔阿博·迪亚可以往前顶。

    I still have Theo Walcott and Abou Diaby can play through the middle.


  • 周一接受阿森纳官方网的独家采访中这位德国人表达了对在周末严重受伤的彼·切赫罗·库迪奇尼关心

    In an exclusive interview with Arsenal. com on Monday, the German voiced his concerns in the wake of the serious injuries to Petr Cech and Carlo Cudicini over the weekend.


  • 虽然水晶能量设在所有岛屿上以及大多数的“殖民地”上,但只有属于“法则拉- Ra”的波塞·迪亚人拥有系统运行知识和技术。

    While crystalline energy stations were located on all of the islands as well as most 'colonies', the Poseidans of the Law of One and Atla-Ra held the expertise to run the system.


  • 因为阿森纳俱乐部想要获得更多有价值的一线经验,于是这名后卫队员在过去四个赛季里租借在外,租借球队名单包括卡迪索森德、莱切斯彼得·伯勒。

    The full-back enjoyed spells out on loan at Cardiff, Southend, Leicester and Peterborough over the last four seasons as Arsenal looked for him to gain some valuable first-team experience.


  • 尤文图斯冠资格赛对手很有可能斯洛伐克的阿·梅迪亚队,在回合比赛他们3 - 1战胜了芬兰的坦佩雷队。

    Juventus are likely to begin their Champions League adventure against Artmedia Petrzalka, who lead Finns Tampere United 3-1 from the first leg.


  • 祖父崔迪公爵,阿柔斯家族后代,祖先一直追溯到古希腊起源

    My paternal grandfather was the Atreides, descendant of the House of Atreus and tracing his ancestry directly back to the Greek original.


  • 阿瑟·温格有望一月迪米洛夫身上作出决定。

    Arsene Wenger is expected to make a decision on Dimitrov in early January.


  • 新概念公司执行总裁阿迪•齐塔亚说:“这会引起顾客‘冲动消费’。如果顾客看到巧克力蛋糕图片,很有可能。”

    "It's about impulse-buying, " said Adi Chitayat, Conceptic's chief executive. "If a person starts looking at pictures of chocolate cake, the chances are he'll order it. "


  • 一个名叫阿加提诺·迪杜奇奥当时著名雕刻大师唐纳·罗的副手,雕刻大卫的任务正是首先委派他的。

    It was a man named Agustino Deduchio, an assistant to the 11 renowned master sculptor Donetello, who was first commissions to make this David.


  • 一个名叫阿加提诺·迪杜奇奥当时著名雕刻大师唐纳·罗的副手,雕刻大卫的任务正是首先委派他的。

    It was a man named Agustino Deduchio, an assistant to the 11 renowned master sculptor Donetello, who was first commissions to make this David.


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