• 顺着公路往远一点走另一个脏兮兮的地方叫作阿萨亚尔(Wadi al-Saial)的,据说包括孩子才只有50个人

    Farther down the road, another scruffy settlement called Wadi al-Saial was said to have only about 50 people, children included.


  • 带着血腥味的切尔西森纳几乎都损失了半壁江山,他们至少名主力球员(切尔西方面米克尔德罗巴、埃和希拉里奥;森纳也有马赫、威尔希尔以及)因伤缺席,不能出场。

    Rivals Chelsea and Arsenal are missing barely more than half that amount with four players out each (Mikel, Drogba, Essien and Hilario; and Chamakh, Wilshere, Diaby and Sagna).


  • 发表了停火声明几个小时后,在贾达30英里外就可以听到爆炸声

    Several hours after Mr. Moussa had declared a cease-fire, explosions could be heard about 30 miles away from Ajdabiya.


  • 法拉利车队带着27结束了澳大利大奖赛,这感谢菲利普取得的第三费尔南多隆索取得的第四名的成绩。

    Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro comes away from the Australian Grand Prix with 27 points to its name, thanks to a third place for Felipe Massa and a fourth for Fernando Alonso.


  • 如果这个剧本成功了,那么卡·什维利勇气进攻·哈兹,并且完成统一格鲁吉诺言

    Had this scenario been successful, it would have emboldened President Saakashvili to push into Abkhazia, and fulfill his campaign promise of uniting all of Georgia.


  • 诺贝尔奖委员会声明在过去20年里赫蒂解决纳米比印度尼西科索沃伊拉克旷日持久的严重冲突发挥了无与伦比的作用

    Over the past 20 years, the Nobel statement said, Ahtisaari has played a prominent role in resolving serious and long-lasting conflicts in Namibia, Indonesia, Kosovo and Iraq - among other areas.


  • 哥伦比明星罗约(Joe Arroyo)因肾脏问题医院就医接近一个之后去世,享年55岁。

    The Colombian salsa star Joe Arroyo has died at the age of 55 after being in hospital for nearly a month with lung and kidney problems.


  • (诗,交与长,调用为证的百合花。)领约瑟领羊群以色列牧者,求留心

    Hear us, o Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock; you who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth.


  • 比如西撒哈拉,摩洛哥尔·吉利支持下的波利·里奥(Polisario)会不会放下持续了三十多年冲突,最终达成和解

    Will a settlement, for example, at last be reached for the conflict, now more than three decades long, between Morocco and the Algeria-backed Polisario in the Western Sahara?


  • 玛利·德尔·罗里奥·卡耶塔娜·尔冯·维多利·尤金妮·弗朗西斯卡·菲茨-詹姆斯 ·斯图尔特··席尔瓦西班牙最有女人之一

    Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva is one of the richest women in Spain. Photograph: Carlos Alvarez/Getty


  • 圣地居民62退休老人冈·尔玛戈尔(Gonzalo Almaguer)他们(指居民们)现在很少外出尤其是晚上

    Residents like Gonzalo Almaguer, a 62-year-old retiree, say they hardly go out anymore, especially at night.


  • 的诗歌,交与伶长,调用休要毁坏)我们称谢,我们称谢因为你的相近,人都述说你奇妙的作为。

    Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.


  • 邻国厄尔特里边境冲突意味着埃塞俄比不能使用阿萨瓦港口

    The border conflict with neighboring Eritrea means Ethiopia's unable to use the natural ports of Asab and Massawa.


  • 坎大哈市警长赛德·哈·布称,袭击导致15死亡

    Kandahar's police chief, Sayed Agha Saqib, said 15 people had been killed in the attack.


  • 这位法国人,建议森纳董事会签下欧塞尔球员他对于节礼比赛表达自己看法

    The Frenchman, who advised Arsenal's board of directors to sign former Auxerre players Abou Diaby and Bacary Sagna, has expressed his view on the Boxing Day games.


  • 来自墨西哥小伙成名2005年U-17世青赛,被森纳一月份达拉拉队签来这个赛季他被租借到了西班牙的奥纳队。

    The Mexican, who starred in the Under-17s World Cup in 2005, signed from Guadalajara in January and is spending this season on loan at Spanish side Osasuna.


  • 雷斯被罚下场罪行后来被证明高兴了起来加纳前锋阿萨·吉安错过由此产生罚款,游戏的最后

    Suarez was sent off for the offence and was then shown leaping for joy when Ghana striker Asamoah Gyan missed the resulting penalty, the final kick of the game.


  • 西班牙斗牛士何塞码丽雷斯执行一通牛市期间,2011年8月26日西班牙东南部尔梅,的斗牛

    Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria, southeastern Spain, August 26, 2011.


  • 西班牙斗牛士何塞码丽雷斯执行一通牛市期间,2011年8月26日西班牙东南部尔梅,的斗牛

    Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria, southeastern Spain, August 26, 2011.


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