• 他们猜测迪拜邻居阿布扎比这个拥有阿联酋90%石油阿拉伯联合酋长国富有的成员不会自己麻烦缠身兄弟见死不救

    They guessed that Dubai's neighbour, Abu Dhabi, the wealthiest member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with over 90% of its oil, could not let its troubled cousin fail.


  • 阿联酋全球最大石油出口国之一阿布扎比的石油出口量了该国石油总出口量很大一部分比例。

    The UAE is one of the world’s largest oil exporters, with Abu Dhabi accounting for the bulk of exports.


  • Masdar组织召开未来能源峰会,并且Masdar背后想法非常彻底的:使阿布扎比阿联酋超越化石能源的局限。

    The idea behind Masdar - which organized the Future Energy Summit - is a radical one: prepare Abu Dhabi and the UAE to move beyond fossil fuels.


  • 始终把实现软着陆希望寄托富有邻国阿布扎比阿联酋90%以上石油储量%都阿布扎比境内。

    Its hopes for a soft landing have always rested with its wealthy neighbour, Abu Dhabi, which sits on over 90% of the UAE's oil reserves.


  • 不过最近阿联酋迪拜阿布扎比考察发现远离好莱坞世界头倒还很油水可捞。

    But there's a celebrity feeding frenzy half a world away from Hollywood, as I found out on a recent trip to Abu Dhabi and Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.


  • 阿联酋石油几乎全部集中在阿布扎比酋长国。

    Abu Dhabi has nearly all the UAE's oil.


  • 富庶的阿布扎比【1】打算建立一种不依赖于石油资源经济,由此创造出令富有阿联酋乐意接受工作

    RICH Abu Dhabi wants to build a non-oil economy and create the kinds of jobs that well-off Emiratis are prepared to take.


  • 阿联酋首都)阿布扎比本周具有“沙漠之”之称骆驼举行选美大赛。 届时,来自海湾各国一万多头骆驼将参加选美大赛的奖金总额数百万美元

    More than 10, 000 camels from across the Gulf will be competing for millions of dollars in prize money at a beauty pageant for the "ship of the desert" in Abu Dhabi this week.


  • 本周阿联酋阿布扎比豪华游艇揭示了这种简称WHY58x38游艇的精妙设计

    Designs for the WHY 58x38 were unveiled at the Abu Dhabi yacht show this week.


  • 5月13日阿联酋首都阿布扎比台“黄金ATM”的在阿布扎比酋长国大酒店启用。ATM机根据世界黄金市场金价出售黄金。

    On May 13, the "Gold to Go" vending machine, an ATM machine that dispenses gold in exchangefor cash based on the latest prices, was unveiled inside Abu Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi.


  • 银行家们一直观望阿布扎比是否出手干预这个富裕首都阿联酋央行的资金提供者,同时也是保障迪拜金融健康关键因素

    Bankers have been waiting to see if Abu Dhabi, the wealthy capital that bankrolls the central bank and is key to Dubai's financial well-being, will intervene.


  • 迪拜七个阿拉伯联合酋长国中的面积第二大酋长国(次于阿布扎比),是阿联酋经济中心

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates are in the area of seven second-largest emirate (after Abu Dhabi), United Arab Emirates are the economic center.


  • 阿布扎比阿联酋首都阿布扎比酋长国是阿联酋七个酋长国最大的酋长国,这项世界上受欢迎运动提供一个梦幻的场地

    Abu Dhabi, the capital, and largest of the seven Emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates, will provide an idyllic location for one the world's most popular sport.


  • 酋长国宫殿酒店一家豪华酒店阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)位于阿布扎比城市

    The Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) city of Abu Dhabi.


  • 阿布扎比阿联酋首都是个非常干净整洁城市,到处是高楼大厦

    Abu Dhabi is the Capital of U. A. E. it's a clean and tidy city with lots of tall buildings.


  • 富产石油阿布扎比阿联酋七个酋长国之一,它曾成功培育出世界首例试管骆驼开始赛骆驼比赛中使用遥控机器人骑手

    Oil-rich Abu Dhabi, one of seven emirates that makes up the UAE federation, produced the world's first test-tube purebred camel and has begun using remote-controlled robot riders in its camel races.


  • 富产石油阿布扎比阿联酋七个酋长国之一,曾成功培育出世界首例试管骆驼使用遥控机器人骑手

    Oil-rich Abu Dhabi, one of seven emirates that makes up the UAE federation, produced the world's first test-tube purebred camel and has begun using remote-controlled robot riders in its camel races.


  • 富产石油阿布扎比阿联酋七个酋长国之一,曾成功培育出世界首例试管骆驼使用遥控机器人骑手

    Oil-rich Abu Dhabi, one of seven emirates that makes up the UAE federation, produced the world's first test-tube purebred camel and has begun using remote-controlled robot riders in its camel races.


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