• 1952年,尔弗雷德·赫尔希玛莎·混合实验证实了DNA遗传物质

    In 1952, the "Waring blender experiments" of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase confirmed DNA as the genetic material.


  • 著有《保持联系克服害羞指南》一书心理学家·沃斯默说:“害羞发出冷漠退缩信号,并且常常意识不到。”

    "Shy people send out signals of coolness or withdrawal, often without realizing it," says psychologist Arthur Wassmer, author of Making Contact: a Guide to Overcoming Shyness.


  • 唯一可以相信事实如果看到听到一消息,即是·莱霍帮助尔瓦罗·科罗姆桑德拉·科罗姆杀害了

    But the only reality that counts is this: if you saw and heard this message, it is because I was killed by alvaro Colom and Sandra DE Colom, with the help of Gustavo Alejos.


  • 每日镜报《每日邮报》创刊人尔弗雷德·哈姆沃斯认为新闻某地某人掩盖其他人正在宣传的事情。”

    According to Alfred Harmsworth, founder of both the Daily Mirror and Daily Mail, news is "what somebody somewhere wants to suppress; the rest is advertising".


  • 从历史上看美联储减息之后的下一次利率会议一般会跟进进一步降低利率,

    Historically, the Fed had normally followed up an intermeeting cut with a further reduction at the next scheduled meeting, Mr Ashworth said.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了正式比赛,随着梅克塔伊到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term, and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo, space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 上赛季仅仅踢了场正式比赛,而随着梅克塔伊到来,赛季格里留给这位边后卫的空间进一步压缩。

    He started just three games last term and with the arrivals of Philippe Mexes and Taye Taiwo space in Massimiliano Allegri's side had become further limited this season.


  • 的是心理框架很多心理学家研究这个问题,最著名的是丹尼尔·卡内曼·特沃斯

    By that I mean psychological framing, and there are many psychologists who talk about this, but notably Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.


  • 安妮·汀,密尔基市康星大学老年人社区中心主管了一出剧本取材于茨海默氏症患者所创作诗歌。她的口号是:“忘掉记忆。”

    Anne Basting, director of the Center on Age and Community at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who wrote a play from poems created by people with Alzheimer's, has a slogan: "Forget Memory."


  • 还是不要警报系统?吉号船长巴特船员已经谙熟船的性能。

    Alarms or no, Mr. Butterworth, Alinghi's skipper, said the crew had become accustomed to what it could and could not do.


  • 罗姆正在开会,这时私人秘书·莱霍进来打断了会议。

    Colom was in a meeting when he was interrupted by Gustavo Alejos, his private secretary.


  • 塞隆纳庞培法布拉大学的雅克波·彭蒂塞利·约希姆·沃斯最近份文件指出可能是有道理的。

    A recent paper by Jacopo Ponticelli and Hans-Joachim Voth of Barcelona's UniversitatPompeuFabra suggests he may have a point.


  • 不管贝利到哪里尚博每年都会在圣诞节赶去和团聚。她上月:“的佩涅罗珀,他尤利西。”

    Archambault, who flew to join Beliveau wherever he was once a year so they could spend together, said last month: "I'm his Penelope and he is my Ulysses."


  • 不管贝利到哪里尚博每年都会在圣诞节赶去和团聚。她上月:“的佩涅罗珀,他是尤利西。”

    Archambault, who flew to join Beliveau wherever he was once a year so they could spend Christmas together, said last month: "I'm his Penelope and he is my Ulysses."


  • 根廷-中国商会(Argentine-Chinese Chamberof Commerce)执行董事•费尔南德•塔达(Ernesto Fernández Taboada)表示:“中国我们最大客户,我们最大供应商之一。”

    China is the biggest client we have and we are one of its biggest suppliers,” said Ernesto Fernández Taboada, executive director of the Argentine-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.


  • 早期研究者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)已故·特沃斯(amos Tversky),进行的是人类赌博行为理论研究

    Early researchers, such as Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky, were working on theories of human behaviour using gambling.


  • 经验,这帕洛·尔托研究中心(PARC)所发掘数字又如出一辙,即使态度未必大家共识

    Swartz's experience certainly correlates with the figures unearthed by Parc, even if his attitude is not Shared by everyone.


  • 傍晚时分,生物学家弗朗西尔瓦雷(Francisco Álvares)走进葡萄牙北部村庄皮特沃斯-达-朱尼奥(Pitõesdas Júnias),与老朋友们打着招呼

    At nightfall, biologist Francisco álvares walks through the village of Pit?es das Júnias, in northern Portugal, greeting old friends.


  • 1991年,史蒂夫乔布结婚不久便妻子搬到帕洛尔托(美国加利福尼亚州西部城市,靠近旧金山),住进一幢建于20世纪30年代,科茨尔德式的房子里。

    Not long after Steve Jobs got married, in 1991, he moved with his wife to nineteen-thirties, Cotswold’s-style house in old Palo Alto.


  • 的前辈尔弗雷德·哈姆沃斯一样桑奇深知公众关注就象是氧气一样,没有了它,再猛的料也会因为无人阅读而沉寂。

    Like Alfred Harmsworth before him, Assange understands that without the oxygen of publicity, data dies unread.


  • 迪亚高中我们提供机会使我们能够把我们品牌扩展我们富沃斯地区以外的地方。

    Arcadia High School offered us the opportunity, which allows us to extend our brand and our products outside of our four walls.


  • 纳接受诱惑,坠入黑洞尔多愤怒爆发迸裂气态外壳毁灭了瓦尔所有的姊妹行星。

    Evona was lured into a black hole, and Ardos erupted in anger, expelling its gaseous shell, destroying all of Varl's sister-planets.


  • 心理学第一次这种现象有所著述:丹尼尔·卡内以及·思吉预计某些情况下,损失带来的痛苦收获带来的喜悦两倍

    The psychologists who first wrote about this phenomenon, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, estimated that in some Settings losses can be twice as painful as gains are joyous.


  • 荷兰足协已经表示,将在转会问题上与贾克采取合作的态度。显然意大利足协罗马俱乐部相同承诺

    The Royal Dutch Football Association KNVB has promised Ajax to cooperate with Chivu's transfer. Apparently the Italian FA has made the same promise to as Roma.


  • 乔布加州尔托市的车库起步,他合伙人史蒂夫·尼亚克发布轻巧第二代苹果机,当时布开克还是科技中心

    Jobs operated from in his garage in Los Altos, California, and with partner Steve Wozniak released the compact Apple II at the time Albuquerque was a technology hub.


  • 到达研究所不久街上(普林小城主要商业街),达成一个地方进晚餐的一致意见。

    Shortly after arriving at the Institute, Aspinwall and I were walking down Nassau street (the main commercial street in the town of Princeton) trying to agree on a place to have dinner.


  • 到达研究所不久街上(普林小城主要商业街),达成一个地方进晚餐的一致意见。

    Shortly after arriving at the Institute, Aspinwall and I were walking down Nassau street (the main commercial street in the town of Princeton) trying to agree on a place to have dinner.


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