• 860年代,拜占庭帝国开始阿拉伯入侵中恢复因此872年,拔斯王朝军事平衡永久成为帝国的优势。

    In the 860's the Byzantine Empire began to recover from Arab incursions so that by 872 the military balance with the Abbasid Caliphate had been permanently altered in the empire's favor.


  • 阿拉伯没有偶尔眨眼而是慢慢懒洋洋垂下眼睑确信他们已经睡着了。

    Instead of the occasional blink, Arabs lowered their lids so slowly and languorously that she was convinced they were falling asleep.


  • 如果问到他们欣赏哪些领导人,一代代的阿拉伯人都会那些旗帜鲜明反对美国及其盟友以色列的人喝彩。

    And when asked which leaders they admire, Arabs continue to cheer those who stand up to America and to its ally Israel.


  • 最后又精力充沛开始展示穿梭外交”之绚烂,日内瓦以色列及其阿拉伯敌国拉到了一起

    Finally he swung into the pyrotechnics of his "shuttle diplomacy" to bring Israel and its Arab enemies together at Geneva.


  • 大约一千,鸦片可能阿拉伯商人引入中国印度很快药物特性而引起广泛重视

    It was probably introduced to both China and India by Arab traders about a thousand years ago, and soon came to be widely valued for its medicinal properties.


  • 这会在大选前恰逢其时增加的挺资历增强阿拉伯世界的关系所做的不懈努力受到削弱。

    That would give his pro-Israel credentials a needed pre-election boost, but might shatter all his strenuous efforts to improve America's standing with the Arabs.


  • 巴基斯坦而言,它阴谋家聚集很多牵强附合谣言充斥巴基斯坦大街小巷阿拉伯人的博客里。

    Pakistan, for one, is a land of conspiracy theorists, and far-fetched rumors abound on the streets and in blogs throughout the Arab world.


  • 虽然凶手成功的完成了他们任务他们拙劣逃跑过程已经震惊了整个阿拉伯世界,而摩萨德在这一区一直是以超人类技术保密技术而闻名。

    Although the killers succeeded in their mission, the botched getaway has stunned many across the Arab world, where the Mossad is widely credited with almost superhuman skill and secrecy.


  • 阿拉伯人流行的观点认为美国人热烈贪求他们到家了;方面而言,他们渴望可以费什么力得到伊拉克

    The popular Arab belief that Americans fervently covet their land could not be more wrong; on all sides, they long to be shot of Iraq.


  • 叙利亚内战一触即发阿拉伯联盟愚蠢准备推动战事爆发。

    Syria is on the verge of civil war and the Arab League foolishly appears to have decided to egg it on.


  • 罗根有力论证了他观点,他认为一事件是阿拉伯民族走出中古时代标志

    This, Mr Rogan argues persuasively, marked the end of the medieval age for the Arabs.


  • 阿拉伯语进行了回答通俗翻译过来就是,“!”

    She replied with the Arabic word that, idiomatically translated, means “Let’s go.”


  • 国民报》记者悲哀写道,真正阿拉伯中不存在某个词汇时候,人们可能会zip ”这样的英语词汇来代替

    In the absence of an authentic Arabic word, people may instead use an English word like "zip", as the writer in the National laments.


  • 巴勒斯坦犹太人阿拉伯已经断断续续斗争了100年之久

    The Jews and Arabs of Palestine have been fighting off and on for 100 years.


  • 值得注意的我们第一能够一个阿拉伯国家首都公开自由讲话

    And more notably, it was the first time we were able to speak publicly and freely in an Arab capital.


  • 尽管以色列多年,但伊朗核武器野心阿拉伯国家忧虑日增,看来已使其对核武器兴趣异乎寻常迅速上升。

    Although they had lived with Israel's bomb for years, Arab governments' interest in nuclear power seemed to go critical suspiciously quickly as concerns mounted about Iran's nuclear ambitions.


  • 亨廷顿准确预测阿拉伯强人政权脆弱的,受到大量失业年轻人的威胁。

    Huntington correctly foresaw that the Arab strongman regimes were fragile and were threatened by the masses of unemployed young men.


  • 一名海军军官虔诚发表了演说,再翻译阿拉伯

    A Navy officer made religious remarks that were translated into Arabic by a native speaker.


  • 我们积极鼓励英语学习同时我们鼓励学习其他语言比如阿拉伯西班牙语汉语普通话乌尔都语等

    We actively promote English learning, but we also promote other languages as well, such as Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, and Urdu to name just a few.


  • 过去几周里我们看到阿拉伯人民强烈依附自己民族共识

    Over the past weeks, we've seen Arab people ferociously attached to their national identities.


  • 过去20年里吡喹酮成功用于巴西柬埔寨中国埃及摩洛哥沙特阿拉伯控制血吸虫病

    Praziquantel has been used successfully over the past 20 years to control schistosomiasis in Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.


  • 明显不过的阿拉伯世界情绪无可挽回改变

    But what is crystal clear is that the mood in the Arab world has changed irrevocably.


  • 西方国家2003年入侵以拉克后小心谨慎起来它们不愿没有获得类似利比亚接受北约军事行动阿拉伯世界支持的情况下,干涉

    Western states, wary after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, are loth to intervene in the region without Arab backing similar to that received for the NATO mission in Libya.


  • 哈德利沙特阿拉伯官员认为石油价格上涨更多由于人们对全球市场走向不确定以及缺少提炼容易获得的那种质量石油的能力

    Hadley says Saudi officials argue that higher prices are driven more by uncertainty in the global market and the lack of refining capacity for the quality of oil most readily available.


  • 比如他们老是会说你们怎么阿拉伯花钱呢,怎么不能大多数伊朗人一样土耳其呢?

    For example, they always ask why they would go and spend their money in Arab countries, while they never do the same with Turkey, where huge Numbers of Iranians go.


  • 因此,可以阿拉伯加入辩论这场辩论同时也西班牙语俄语中文语的版本。

    So you can enter a debate in Arabic, which is happening simultaneously in Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Hindi.


  • 边缘阿拉伯字母图案,可以明显看出那个时期中亚伊朗文化迹象。

    It shows the heavy Central Asian and Iranian influence of the time, emphasized in the rug's Kufic border and patterning.


  • 我们本来也不该谈论上次的事:老爸穿上阿拉伯式的长袍老妈手持机关枪个人站镜子面前咯咯

    We're also not really meant to talk about the time Daddy dressed up in that kaftan, and Mom got that machinegun, and they stood in front of the mirror, giggling.


  • 我们本来也不该谈论上次的事:老爸穿上阿拉伯式的长袍老妈手持机关枪个人站镜子面前咯咯

    We're also not really meant to talk about the time Daddy dressed up in that kaftan, and Mom got that machinegun, and they stood in front of the mirror, giggling.


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