• 妖媚诡谲:阿拉伯背景魔幻电影集合

    Strange and seductive: the background of the Arab Film Large collection of magic!


  • 沙特阿拉伯那里并没有农业基础的经a济,而且人均收入最高国家之一

    Saudi Arabia, for example, does not have an agriculture-based economy, and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.


  • 古老阿拉伯故事阿里巴巴四十大盗》中,年轻英雄阿里巴巴“芝麻开门”,通往隐藏宝藏的门打开

    In the ancient Arabic story called Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the young hero Ali Baba said "Open Sesame" and a door to hidden treasures was opened to him.


  • 过去几年里,一队阿拉伯研究对象海洋学家已经注意东北季风(冬季)产生期间出现浮游植物水华已经发生了改变

    In the past few years, a team of oceanographers studying the Arabian Sea has noticed that kinds of phytoplankton present during the Northeast (winter) Monsoon seem to be changing.


  • 中国包括突尼斯在内阿拉伯国家保持密切沟通磋商继续推动中东问题早日解决做出努力。

    China is ready to maintain close contacts and consultations with Arab nations, including Tunisia, to continue to contribute to an early settlement of the Middle East issue.


  • 结果表明那些当时使用阿拉伯字体阅读被试们回答平均正确率72.8%。

    The upshot was that those reading the Arial font got the answers right 72.8% of the time, on average.


  • 中国包括利比亚在内阿拉伯国家保持经常性沟通磋商,继续推动中东问题早日解决作出贡献

    China is ready to maintain frequent communication and consultations with the Arab nations, including Libya, so as to work to promote the early settlement of the Middle East issue.


  • 老城由多桅帆船附近古老大巴扎就是集市组成。那些港口,今天依然那些传统阿拉伯帆船所用

    The old city comprises the ancient bazaar, or Souq, near the dhow harbor, which is still used today for traditional Arab sailing vessels.


  • 生活美国(译注:指更多支持共和党的州,共和党标志色红色)到生活在阿拉伯世界的中心,在之中面对身份转换经历,好几次让我吃不消

    The transition between life in red-state America and life in the Arab capital was at times overwhelming because of the traditional segregation of men and women in many public and private settings.


  • 然而阿拉伯联盟如今全力支持NTC或许他们会带领更多国家利比亚提供资金援助

    The Arab League, however, has now given its full backing to the NTC, which may lead to more countries offering aid.


  • 大国一直控制位于俄罗斯阿拉伯海湾之间片区域竞争而且巴基斯坦在自从1947年建国以来印度紧张对立中一直坚强不屈。

    Big powers have long competed for control of the area between Russia and the Arabian Gulf, and the unresolved tensions with India have dogged the country since its birth in 1947.


  • 这会在大选前恰逢其时增加的挺资历增强阿拉伯世界的关系所做的不懈努力受到削弱。

    That would give his pro-Israel credentials a needed pre-election boost, but might shatter all his strenuous efforts to improve America's standing with the Arabs.


  • 这些杂志在东欧俄罗斯富有非洲阿拉伯男人物色新看点。

    Most of them advertise East European and Russian women to rich African and Arab men.


  • 周日会议上阿拉伯联盟针对叙利亚强制经济制裁方案举行投票

    At a conference on Sunday, the Arab League voted to impose economic sanctions against Syria.


  • 阿拉伯板块高压作用升温沉积物下方岩石岩浆

    Beneath the sediment, along the accretionary front, the sinking Arabian plate heats up under extreme pressure and rock melts into magma.


  • 以色列无视这些条款1982年入侵了黎巴嫩埃及间的关系也持续恶化似乎阿拉伯埃及独自与以色列达成和平的强烈批评提供了最好的佐证

    Israel ignored those clauses and invaded Lebanon in 1982, permanently souring relations with Egypt and seemingly vindicating bitter Arab criticism of Egypt's separate peace.


  • 利比亚石油供应减少可能波斯湾阿拉伯国家而加了一这些国家之间每天的石油备用400万桶。

    The loss of supply could be made up twice over by the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, which between them have 4 million barrels of spare capacity per day.


  • 11个国外城市部署纽约侦探而且国内分科语言学家(包括母语阿拉伯普什图语孟加拉语的语言学家)留心注意留心听着这些令人担心喋喋不休的声音。

    New York detectives are deployed in 11 foreign cities, and departmental linguists at home (including native speakers of Arabic, Pushtu and Bengali) look and listen out for worrying chatter.


  • 邀请吃饭,他们会说,'阿拉伯工作管理这个酒店美国人吗?

    When I was invited to dinner, theywouldsay, 'You work for Arabs and who is going to manage the hotel: Americans?


  • 有些或许阿拉伯以色列北部地区转移约旦河西岸而进行一次彩排。

    Some people say it could be a dry run for transferring Arabs in northern Israel to the West Bank.


  • 骆驼阿拉伯引入非洲使人们能够恶劣环境中生活旅行饮食提供肉类奶类蛋白

    The introduction of the camel to Africa from Arabia allowed people to live and travel in more extreme environments and contributed protein from meat and milk to diets.


  • 也门阿拉伯国家赞赏中国中东问题所持的公正立场促进中东和平发挥的重要作用

    Yemen and other Arab nations appreciate China for its fair position on the Middle East issue and its important role in promoting peace in the Middle East.


  • 2010年上海世博会下面上海世博会上阿拉伯酋长国图片,设计单位福斯特事务所。

    Shanghai Expo 2010: here are some photos of the United Arab Emirates Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo 2010, designed by Foster + Partners.


  • 尽管AQAP国际袭击而著称,但其主要也门沙特阿拉伯(从范围上来看)攻击目标。

    Although its international attacks get most publicity, AQAP's main effort has been in Yemen and, to a lesser extent, in Saudi Arabia.


  • 2009年海外汇款最大的输出国美国沙特阿拉伯瑞士俄罗斯德国

    The top remittance sending countries in 2009 were the United States, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Russia, and Germany.


  • 2009年海外汇款最大的输出国美国沙特阿拉伯瑞士俄罗斯德国

    The top remittance sending countries in 2009 were the United States, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Russia, and Germany.


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