• 阿联酋石油几乎全部集中在阿布扎比酋长国

    Abu Dhabi has nearly all the UAE's oil.


  • 一棵世界天价圣诞树阿布扎比酋长国宫殿酒店亮相

    The Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi has unveiled the world's "most expensive Christmas trees ever".


  • 很高兴能听到有关阿布扎比酋长国沙漠的零碳项目

    Glad to know about zero-carbon project in Abu Dhabi's desert.


  • 因此阿布扎比酋长国成为能可员工之外,公司最大股东。格拉森·伯格目前该公司最大股东。

    As such, the emirate is set to become Glencore's largest shareholder, after the company's employees. Mr Glasenberg is the trading house's largest shareholder.


  • 报告还显示由于下降酒店落成阿布扎比酋长国的酒店房价下跌达 25%,跌幅全球最大。

    Room rates in Abu Dhabi showed the highest average rate reduction falling 25% due to a drop in occupancy and new hotel developments.


  • 阿布扎比是阿联酋首都阿布扎比酋长国阿联酋七个酋长国最大酋长国这项世界上受欢迎运动提供一个梦幻的场地

    Abu Dhabi, the capital, and largest of the seven Emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates, will provide an idyllic location for one the world's most popular sport.


  • 5月13日阿联酋首都阿布扎比台“黄金ATM”的在阿布扎比酋长国大酒店启用。ATM机根据世界黄金市场金价出售黄金。

    On May 13, the "Gold to Go" vending machine, an ATM machine that dispenses gold in exchangefor cash based on the latest prices, was unveiled inside Abu Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi.


  • 布什在阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比演说宣称为是此次七国之行的基调

    A speech in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, was touted as the keynote of his seven-country tour.


  • 几个阿拉伯联合酋长国防御大臣,阿布扎比MohammedbinZayed亲王告诉Abizaid美国需要今年明年采取行动

    Some months later the Emirates' defense chief, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed of Abu Dhabi, told Abizaid that the United States needed to take action against Iran "this year or next."


  • 这次注资令众人确信阿布扎比不会对阿拉伯联合酋长国第二大成员滑铁卢坐视不理

    The bail-out confirmed everyone's assumption that Abu Dhabi would not let the second-biggest member of the UAE fail.


  • 阿布扎比市(阿拉伯联合酋长国首都)一个健康会议上许多代表们所关心问题

    That was one of the questions on the minds of delegates at a health conference this week in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


  • 星期三令人震惊声明结束了这样的设想迪拜支持迪拜世界,其他阿拉伯国家,特别是阿布扎比【注:阿拉伯联合酋长国首都】会支持迪拜。

    The shocking announcement on Wednesday upended the assumption that Dubai would stand behind Dubai World and that other emirates, especially Abu Dhabi, would stand behind Dubai.


  • 严格来说以内布拉斯加州林肯市给高中老师的演讲开始阿布扎比(阿拉伯联合酋长国之一)的大学讨论会结束,其间走访了9个亚洲城市

    Literally: I started with high school teachers in Lincoln, Nebraska, ended with a university conference in Abu Dhabi, and hit 9 Asian cities in between.


  • 正当法拉利筹建阿布扎比主题公园时,与其相邻的酋长国迪拜加速筹备第一座F 1 - X主题公园盛大开张

    While Ferrari prepares its theme park in Abu Dhabi, in neighboring emirate Dubai they're gearing up for the grand opening of the first F1-X theme park.


  • 富产石油阿布扎比阿联酋七个酋长国之一,它曾成功培育出世界首例试管骆驼开始赛骆驼比赛中使用遥控机器人骑手

    Oil-rich Abu Dhabi, one of seven emirates that makes up the UAE federation, produced the world's first test-tube purebred camel and has begun using remote-controlled robot riders in its camel races.


  • 迪拜七个阿拉伯联合酋长国中的面积第二大酋长国(次于阿布扎比),是阿联酋经济中心

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates are in the area of seven second-largest emirate (after Abu Dhabi), United Arab Emirates are the economic center.


  • 富产石油阿布扎比阿联酋七个酋长国之一,曾成功培育出世界首例试管骆驼使用遥控机器人骑手

    Oil-rich Abu Dhabi, one of seven emirates that makes up the UAE federation, produced the world's first test-tube purebred camel and has begun using remote-controlled robot riders in its camel races.


  • 然而阿拉伯联合酋长国情况截然不同。迪拜阿布扎比主要股指开市不久后下跌

    However, it was a different story back in the United Arab Emirates, where the main indexes in Dubai and Abu Dhabi fell shortly after opening.


  • 阿布扎比的《国民报道根据阿拉伯联合酋长国国家烟草控制小组一项提议卷烟价格可能上涨倍以上。

    The price of cigarettes could more than quadruple under a proposal from the National Tobacco Control Team in the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi's the National newspaper has reported.


  • 位于阿布扎比阿拉伯联合酋长国首都皇家玫瑰酒店繁忙商业区

    Located in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Royal Rose Hotel is in the middle of the busy business district.


  • 炼铝厂设在Al Taweelah,靠近阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比

    The new smelter will be located in Al Taweelah, close to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.


  • 酋长国宫殿酒店一家豪华酒店阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)位于阿布扎比城市

    The Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) city of Abu Dhabi.


  • 酋长国宫殿酒店一家豪华酒店阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)位于阿布扎比城市

    The Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) city of Abu Dhabi.


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