• ·塔图姆这样的可以起来留心倾听,有些音乐,像说唱,不是有音乐性不能从中感悟出任何东西

    Somebody like Art Tatum can make me sit up and take notice, but some music, like rap, isn't very musical and I can't learn anything from it.


  • 不过忘了它们因为世界赚钱用户自创内容“提供者”,早50年前就在瑞典阿姆·胡开张了第一间超市

    Well, you can forget them, because easily the world's most profitable enabler of user-generated content opened the doors of its first superstore 50 years ago, in Almhult, Sweden.


  • 比如说,克里姆黄金时期的《阿尔•布洛赫-鲍尔》(真正金叶银饰来点缀的)中有一肖像已售价值连城的绘画之一。

    For example, a portrait from his golden period of Adele Bloch-Bauer, which is literally decorated with gold leaf and silver, is one of the costliest paintings ever sold.


  • 1932年歌手阿德莱德·霍尔来到纽约

    In 1932, Tatum traveled to New York with vocalist Adelaide Hall.


  • 女士2000年代中期制造商琼斯·阿派罗零售商德斯进行了试验

    Ms. Lee did tests in the mid-2000s with manufacturers like Jones Apparel and retailers like Nordstrom.


  • 对于他自己来说威廉姆斯学会了阿尔冈琴代表罗德其他殖民地甘塞和其他部落进行协调而建立了声望。

    For his part, Williams learned the Algonquian language and became renowned for his role as a peacemaker with the Narragansett and other tribes on behalf of Rhode Island and other colonies.


  • 姆阿他们这两个身体放在圣坛石的根系之上。

    Mo'at directs them to lay both bodies among the roots on the altar-rock.


  • 阿卡姆·伯注意伊朗科学出版物重点放在无机化学、核和粒子物理以及核工程

    Archambaut notes that Iran's publications have emphasised inorganic and nuclear chemistry, nuclear and particle physics and nuclear engineering.


  • 然而,马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯分校细胞生物学家劳伦斯·施瓦兹认为这项研究可能惹恼其他一些研究人员

    The study is likely to provoke strong reaction from some researchers, says Lawrence Schwartz, a cell biologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


  • 去年相比略有变化当时威廉姆斯学院阿默斯学院并列文理学院第一名。

    That reflected a slight change from last year, when Williams and Amherst tied for the top of the liberal-arts list.


  • 探寻这种差异马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯区的伊丽莎白·都蒙研究了鸣啮齿动物蝙蝠的骨架四肢骨头

    To sort out this seeming discrepancy, Elizabeth Dumont of the University of Massachusetts Amherst studied the skulls and limb bones of song birds, rodents and bats.


  • 报道海姆发现的艺术新闻,最近采访了维也纳阿尔贝蒂博物馆馆长克劳斯·亚伯雷西·施罗德。

    ARTnews, which has reported on Wertheim’s findings, recently interviewed Klaus Albrecht Schr?der, the director of the Albertina Museum, in Vienna.


  • 登山老将皮。阿注视着一副人类遗骸副遗骸是2008年8月尼泊尔古代姆斯唐王国香格里拉洞窟探险时发现的。

    Veteran mountaineer Pete Athans looks at human remains found during an August 2008 expedition to the "Shangri-La" caves of Upper Mustang in Nepal.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉》中,麦克唐纳先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 人类如何正确错误地管理以自然为本的资产包括传粉的昆虫部分地显示我们21世纪集体未来。”联合国环境署行政主管齐姆•斯

    "The way humanity manages or mismanages its nature-based assets, including pollinators, will in part define our collective future in the 21st century," said UNEP executive director Achim Steiner.


  • 其他的竞争者—埃德·鲍尔斯(右边那位),安迪·纳姆(照片中无),女士,争夺第三

    The other contenders-ed Balls (right), Andy Burnham (not pictured) and Ms abbott-are vying for third place.


  • 烟雾出现了姆阿身影。

    Out of the smoke, MO’AT appears in front of Jake.


  • 美国马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯分校研究人员对918名双薪家庭女性进行研究结果发现薪水越高的女性做的家务活越比如做饭打扫卫生。

    A researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst found that big paychecks equal less cooking and cleaning in a study of 918 women in double-income families.


  • 但女族长姆阿直觉信任这个

    Mo 'at's instinct is to trust this one.


  • 马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯分校教授Brian Schaffner指出,即便掌握这些情况,他们投票偏好还是与众不同

    But even controlling for these factors, they still had distinctive voting preferences, says Brian Schaffner, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


  • 肯·阿尔姆·奎斯时候正在ash不过尚未发布,另有一个shell第七复制品最后变成PDKsh没有想要

    Ken Almquist was writing ASH, but that had not been released, and there was a clone of the 7th edition shell, which eventually became PDksh, but that did not have the features I wanted either.


  • 阿克兰·阿萨夏(Akram al-Shaar)医生,声称自己负责哈姆萨斯尹验尸,没有虐待迹象,哈姆萨身上伤痕是由于自然腐烂.

    Dr. Akram al-Shaar, who claimed to have supervised the autopsy of Hamza in Tishreen, said he found no signs of torture, claiming the marks on Hamza's body had been caused by natural decomposition.


  • 阿克兰·阿萨夏(Akram al-Shaar)医生,声称自己负责哈姆萨斯尹验尸,没有虐待迹象,哈姆萨身上伤痕是由于自然腐烂.

    Dr. Akram al-Shaar, who claimed to have supervised the autopsy of Hamza in Tishreen, said he found no signs of torture, claiming the marks on Hamza's body had been caused by natural decomposition.


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