• 特达艾利塔温都一个农场,位于衣索比亚首都阿地斯贝巴南边350公里处。

    Tadesse Futa has a small farm in the village of Aleta Wondo, nearly 350 kilometres south of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.


  • 收到的琥珀化石拿给论文指导教授阿地斯看,阿地斯建议他到欧洲几个博物馆里,去找还没鉴定出种属昆虫标本,看看其中有没有这种昆虫。

    He showed the new amber fossil to his thesis adviser (Adis), who suggested that he sift through the collections of several European museums for other unidentified bugs of this sort.


  • 860年代,拜占庭帝国开始拉伯人入侵中恢复因此872年,王朝军事平衡永久成为帝国的优势。

    In the 860's the Byzantine Empire began to recover from Arab incursions so that by 872 the military balance with the Abbasid Caliphate had been permanently altered in the empire's favor.


  • 加德托尔攀岩者梦想目的

    Mount Asgard and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.


  • 周五,39岁的教师玛格丽特·特金准备骑自行车去学校时,她震惊发现自行车被偷了。

    When teacher Margret Atkins, 39, went to ride her bike to school last Friday, she was shocked to discover it was stolen.


  • 尽管连德随意借鉴了加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克作品仍然在魔幻现实主义架构拥有强有力的原创表达

    While Allende borrows a bit too freely from Gabriel Garcia Marquez's work, she nevertheless has a powerful and original voice within the construct of magical realism.


  • 餐桌上,迪比和森泽一边吃着梅维煎的鸡肉,一边兴奋谈论着今天的比赛。

    At the dinner table, Adibe and Senze were excitedly talking about today's game, while eating the chicken Mavis had fried.


  • 拥有正宗英格兰血统,盖尔史密1744年马萨诸塞州韦茅出生,她母亲是昆西的后裔,那是殖民具有很高威望的家族。

    Inheriting New England's strongest traditions, Abigail Smith was born in 1744 at Weymouth, Massachusetts.


  • 它们文明来访时间旅行者或者遗失文明特兰蒂证据——又或许某些我们想象还要先进史前人类展示给我们的东西。

    They're evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, time travelers or lost civilizations like Atlantis - or perhaps they're here to show us that some ancient peoples were far more advanced than we think.


  • 一直能陪他们身边,我希望他们明白原因,希望他们理解所做的一切”,加州帕洛尔托家中,乔布令人心酸补充道

    "I wasn't always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did", he added poignantly at his home in Palo Alto, California.


  • 人类历史古迹也是男子球上最后一个隐居

    Athos is a relic of human history. It is the last male retreat on earth.


  • 这不公平嘛,会解释因为严格说拉克圭亚那人,尔玛听你那一套。

    Which really is unfair, you try to say, since Laxmi is technically from Guyana, but Alma isn’t listening.


  • 泰尔来说舞蹈首要的,是主要内容,所以他相应拍摄下来

    To Astaire, the dance was primary-his main story-and he had it filmed accordingly.


  • 由于一些原因离婚顺利得到允许,丽亚祖母重新获得自由不久她又给了罕默德·成为另外四个孩子母亲

    For some reason, the divorce was easily given and my Grandmother Allia was free, soon remarried to Muhammad al-Attas and becoming the mother of four more children.


  • 亲属:“摩押回来拿俄米,现在要我们兄以利米勒。”

    Then he said to the kinsman-redeemer, "Naomi, who has come back from Moab, is selling the piece of land that belonged to our brother Elimelech."


  • 终场哨响起时,明确特金森竖起根手指,当看过比赛最后阶段录像后,心情坏了。

    At the final whistle he pointedly held out four fingers to Atkinson and, having watched the game's final stages on video, his mood was even worse.


  • 对于他自己来说威廉姆学会了尔冈琴代表罗德其他殖民甘塞特和其他部落进行协调而建立了声望。

    For his part, Williams learned the Algonquian language and became renowned for his role as a peacemaker with the Narragansett and other tribes on behalf of Rhode Island and other colonies.


  • 仙境,杰西·莉·巴克的友情很好映照两个平凡人的特殊关系

    This special connection between two people who consider themselves outsiders is mirrored in Jesse and Leslie's friendship in Bridge to Terebithia.


  • 我们首先看到是喧嚣繁忙市区,一排排大型游船停泊岸边,戴着太阳帽游客们早早河畔餐馆享用午餐了。

    First we watched the bustle of downtown Aswan, where giant cruise ships lined the Banks, and tourists in sun hats enjoyed early lunches at riverside restaurants.


  • 城里很多没有大块可以种植城市园艺组织那卡提亚园艺活”的丹尼·切塔特其实人们并不需要大块的种东西。

    And for those who don't have access to a large space, Dennis Chestnut of the urban gardening group, Groundwork Anacostia, says you don't really need one.


  • 协议上签字的人西蒙·佩雷马哈茂德·——广为人知的名字是马齐恩这两人都密切参与了在秘密谈判

    The agreement would be signed by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas, better known as Abu Mazen, both of whom had been intimately involved in the Oslo negotiations.


  • 马吕打倒时,让如老虎敏捷一蹦,向扑过去,象擒住一个猎物那样,把他带走了

    When a shot laid Marius low, jean Valjean leaped forward with the agility of a tiger, fell upon him as on his prey, and bore him off.


  • 看到大卫·布莱恩勇敢箱子里一个要是我,历克·霍恩宣布尝试成为世界上长寿事情会很有趣

    Having watched David Blaine audaciously sit in a box for a month, I thought it would be funny to announce that I, Alex Horne, was attempting to live longer than anybody else in the entire world.


  • 让在这儿止了步,马吕轻轻放在靠着并用目光四面扫视。

    There Jean Valjean halted, let Marius slide to the ground, placed his back against the wall, and cast his eyes about him.


  • 彼得亚雷惊讶发现自己关心太太关心卡要

    Piotr was shocked to find himself more worried about his wife than about Agnieszka.


  • 巴多为指挥细微的——眨眼间便会错失——但是却极其精准菲欧娜-马多克在其观察者》所撰写的评论中,敏锐指出了这种简约主义

    In the case of Abbado, his directions were slight - blink and you'd miss them - but exquisitely precise; Fiona Maddocks highlights this minimalism in her perceptive review for the Observer.


  • 提到,出去气候变化,栖息遭到破坏物种入侵特拉的使用时导致两栖动物数量减少的另一元凶。

    The results indicate atrazine could contribute to amphibian population declines, along with climate change, habitat loss and invasive species, Hayes said.


  • 格涅拧开口红,不慌不忙涂上杏黄色唇彩,镇静得令人吃惊,竖起雨衣领,走过去开门

    Agnieszka wound up her lipstick, applied its apricot shimmer with a surprisingly steady hand, turned up the collar of her raincoat, and went to open the door.


  • 童年生活充满了沉重的精神压力,后来生活中,·泰尔轻描淡写谈及此事。

    It was a gruelling childhood and, later in life, Astaire would just say that he didn't want to talk about it.


  • 但是今天,亚皮先生懊恼墨西哥人和奇卡诺(墨西哥美国公民)以及其他拉丁美洲人例如他自己(出生于秘鲁),要求查看证件。

    But today, Mr Yapias says ruefully, it is the Mexicans and Chicanos (American citizens of Mexican ancestry), as well as other Latinos such as himself (born in Peru), who tend to be asked for papers.


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